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$10 Million dollars on the table and no one wants it?


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How do you know 10 mill WASN'T on the table? You can't even spell. What else do you NOT know? (Dis-credit where due)


Your last line is succinct, pertinent & correct. (Credit where due)

So because I really don't care about proper spelling on an internet message board, I have to be wrong that $10 million was on the table? Unless you were there at Shanahans place with him and Russ talking deal, how do you know it was there?

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I don't want Shannahan's less than stellar finish coming to town for 10 million dollars. He's making one final money grab before turning things over to junior. I would rather they bring in an actual GM with a track record of knowing how to build a team and then he can select his coach. Shanny's grab a player mentality landed him a 24-24 record his last three years and one playoff win the last ten years. He's shown no ability to build a team

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And how many teams have paid big money to multiple FA's and actually made it to the Super Bowl. Snyder's been buying most every big money player for years and what has that gotten him? So how is spending all this money on FA's going to be any different? Now you have Allen saying sign all the high-priced guys as opposed to some nobody?

Again, if a good personnel man hits the jackpot with Snyder's money, the Skins will turn around in a hurry.


Many teams draft well, and then put up big money to one or two big time free agents AND sign their own. A good football person will easilty be able to do this in Washington. Not Snyder's close friend, Cerrato. Not 90 yr old Bruce Smith and 82 year old Deion Sanders.


A good football man will have every opportunity to succeed in Washington. He'll have cash, freedom, and will be able to choose the cream of the coaching crop. Everyone hates Daniel Snyder cuz he's a dickhead. No one argues that. He's learning and is turning over the reigns to football people. It's a dream job for someone like Shanahan and Allen. They'll be back in a hurry if they add Shanny to the mix. Thier only drawback is that there may not be a big time QB available.

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This front office didn't want to pay Jason Peters, Derrick Dockery or Langston Walker and got rid of them all to save money. Anyone or two of those three would have helped this team win games this season


Stating that, I'd say that the front office talking to Mike Shanahan was all a bunch of fluff to make the fans think that they had a real interest in him, or him, in the Buffalo Bills.

There is no way this franchise will pay another head coach 10 million a year while paying Dick Jauron 3.5 million for the next three years, 13.5 million...no way.

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There aren't a whole lot of guys who'll command 10M per, and if it's true Shanahan is going to Washington or elsewhere, only Cowher remains.


The bigger issue is the unattractiveness of the franchise and both HC and GM jobs. The roster is nearly bereft of talent, the owner is 91 and his team's future is very uncertain, not to mention they've sold a home game to a non-NFL market that may or may not support the team.


Established types who may command 10M per aren't attracted to complete rebuilding projects. This is why Buffalo will struggle to find someone, anyone. The Bills are only a half-step above the Raiders as a dysfunctional NFL franchise.



"Established types who may command 10M per aren't attracted to complete rebuilding projects. "

- quoted from an idiot


"The challenge of rebuilding is kind of in my blood." - Super Bowl winning head coach Mike Holmgren


please stop posting negative BS and start supporting your team and having some faith..

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I don't believe the Bills have ever committed to paying a coach any amount.


The $10million and the partial ownership for a coach story is pure speculation put out by Vic Carucci which have turned into urban legends.


The Bills will not hire a caoch any better than Perry Fewell and will keep the Inner Circle jerk intact --and the lemmings will set still more season ticket sales records





A league source said they offered Cowher $10 million, according to Allen Wilson, and he's not the only media source who has heard this. Ralph is willing to pay the money this year.

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So because I really don't care about proper spelling on an internet message board, I have to be wrong that $10 million was on the table? Unless you were there at Shanahans place with him and Russ talking deal, how do you know it was there?



See the post above.

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Again, if a good personnel man hits the jackpot with Snyder's money, the Skins will turn around in a hurry.


Many teams draft well, and then put up big money to one or two big time free agents AND sign their own. A good football person will easilty be able to do this in Washington. Not Snyder's close friend, Cerrato. Not 90 yr old Bruce Smith and 82 year old Deion Sanders.


A good football man will have every opportunity to succeed in Washington. He'll have cash, freedom, and will be able to choose the cream of the coaching crop. Everyone hates Daniel Snyder cuz he's a dickhead. No one argues that. He's learning and is turning over the reigns to football people. It's a dream job for someone like Shanahan and Allen. They'll be back in a hurry if they add Shanny to the mix. Thier only drawback is that there may not be a big time QB available.



I agree.


But it's "reins."

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I agree with most of your post. However, this is what I just don't get. Most everyone says the Redskins are so much better than the Bills and closer to the playoffs. Yet... they currently sit at 4-9 and are getting their :oops: es handed to them by the Giants. The Bills, as bad as they are, have a 5-9 record.


IMO, both teams have several big holes to fill - most notably a QB plus help on the Oline. They need a RB, we need a LB; and so forth and so on.

So how is it that the Redskins are so much closer to the playoffs than we are?


For the reasons you mentioned above they aren't closer to the playoffs than we are, add to that, they are in a more competitive division. Eagles, Cowboys and Giants have solid teams, now and for the next couple of years. Even with Allen on board it will be difficult for the Redskins to compete with them.


If the Bills could land a good offensive minded coach and if he surrounds himself with good assistants this team could make the playoffs next year. Granted there are a couple of pieces missing but it's something that it can be done. This team has some talent.


Go Bills!

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I thought our GM was a sales person.

He is and you got sold.


What an interesting coincidence that Jauron was fired right before the Christmas shopping season got fired up and not the week before (or any other myriad of times) when the team was actually much much worse. How odd that it leaked that RW was willing to pony up 10 mil and they were meeting with Shanahan etc.


Brandon sold hope AGAIN and we all bought it AGAIN. The Bills aren't getting anyone. Say hello to your new HC Johnny Retread or Bobby Second Rate Cooridinator

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Brandon sold hope AGAIN and we all bought it AGAIN. The Bills aren't getting anyone. Say hello to your new HC Johnny Retread or Bobby Second Rate Cooridinator

Those names sound made up, like Reggie Corner.

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Which 80% of NFL teams are in "horrible financial states"?

None of them are. he just made that up. When the salay cap went up a few years ago almost every team had millions to spend. The days are long one when teams had to shed numerous veterans to get under the cap. Teams know how to manage the cap and the new CBA drove the cap to much higher levels.


The only thing keeping a quality HC and or GM from coming to Buffalo is Ralph. We all know it. If it wasn't for Ralph Polian and Butler would never have left. I have no doubt Brandon can take care of the business side of things but Levy, Modrak, and Guy have proven to be incompetent and much much worse than Donahoe. Hell if Bledsoe doesn't choke in the Pittsburgh game who the hell knows if Donahoe would still be here or not. Ralph will either need a dramatic change of heart or his heart will need to stop beating for a quality HC/GM to come.

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There is no way this franchise will pay another head coach 10 million a year while paying Dick Jauron 3.5 million for the next three years, 13.5 million...no way.


This is speculation, admittedly based on historical evidence. However, I think even the most stubborn of cheapskates can be moved by the reality of the approaching grave and ten+ years of futility. These can be powerful motivators to change your ways. Time will tell.

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There aren't a whole lot of guys who'll command 10M per, and if it's true Shanahan is going to Washington or elsewhere, only Cowher remains.


The bigger issue is the unattractiveness of the franchise and both HC and GM jobs. The roster is nearly bereft of talent, the owner is 91 and his team's future is very uncertain, not to mention they've sold a home game to a non-NFL market that may or may not support the team.


Established types who may command 10M per aren't attracted to complete rebuilding projects. This is why Buffalo will struggle to find someone, anyone. The Bills are only a half-step above the Raiders as a dysfunctional NFL franchise.


the bills have been bottom feeders for most of their existence except for our little span in the early 90's. We have an owner who lives in Detroit, and nobody has to face the wrath when they don't perform. Our organization is filled with millionaires who believe its okay to continually lose.

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Why would The Chin, The Weasel, Chucky or The Purple Bill commit to Buffalo before they know what other openings there will be come February?

Chicago, Dallas and Washington are all premier venues for the highly rated former coaches and why wouldn't they want to coach there than here? Why?


Add to that Carolina, Oakland and Tampa might be looking for new HCs. Buffalo is arguably less appealing a venue than those places too.


Cleveland will also be looking for a HC in all likelihood. But they already grabbed the brass ring off the merry-go-round.


These could be the retreads left after the king seats get taken in the next round of musical chairs.

Question - just which one of this group of murder's row do you think is worthy of $10m a year - and decide for yourself why they haven't applied for/taken The Bills HC job. Could it be they're still under contract?


Lovie Smith

Wade Phillips

Jim Zorn

John Fox

Tom Cable

Raheem Morris

Eric Mangina


Or, maybe you prefer the unemployed Head Coaches in waiting?

Ted Cottrell

Jim Hasslet

Jim Fassel


Maybe you think Dan Reeves, Marty Schottenheimer or Joe Gibbs should be slathering to take the job. I don't think so. Though any one of them - especially the first two could be brought in as a consultant to get the FO in order.

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Problem is, the big names are gonna ask why should they take 10 mil and come to Buffalo when they can wait til the end of the season and have their choice of jobs. Why take 1 job when they can wait a few months and have their choice of 5 jobs?


Thats where the problem lies. They already know the money is gonna be there. It's just who do they want to take it from and what else are they going to get besides the money....


Well said. This is exactly correct. And the Bills will not be at the top of the top guys wish list. We'll get Weis or Haslett or someone like that who can bring a full staff in day one. Shanahan would be ideal as he has a staff ready to go, but he'll choose, especially in an uncapped season(s) the richest owner in the best place to live (and that will be Redskins, Snyder and Northern Virginia). Simple.

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Who says they have offered other coaches $10 million? the only coach that the Bills have actually talked to was Shanahan, and he is still out there. Also no one knows the details, like if they told him they would offer it to him after the season, or if he would be the GM/coach or just coach. Shanahan may have also decided to weigh his options. In Buffalo he is in rebuilding mode and a season or 2 from the playoffs. In Dallas, or with Dan "Moneys no Object" Snyder, they are much closer to the playoffs andbeing "built" already.


Holmgren passed cause he wanted complete control of the organisation which he would get in Clevland and tried to get in Seattle. He was asked to come in and just coach here, and he said no thanks. Cowher told everyone he is happy as an announcer now and won't talk til after the season, he is in a position where he can hold out for the position that suits his life and family better, he left coaching on his own terms, just like Dungy. Gruden is making similar money sitting in a booth for a few hours a week that he would make coaching and would be stupid to give that up


Remember, its not a race to see who can sign guys first, its getting the best choice for your team and theres still good choices out there that aren't huge names.



Perfect response.


Also consider that the people in consideration right now are financially set. While $10MM (if it is truly available) is a lot of money it is less valuable to someone who really does not need it to live on.

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None of these head coaches even came close to a $10 million dollar pay day. I can not believe they can not get someone lined up and signed to start this job.


I thought our GM was a sales person.

And what does that tell you? They might not have gotten 10 million a year before, but none of them are desperate for money. It tells you that they don't think there is much hope of winning in this organization with our HOF owner around, and his lack of willingness to produce a winner. A top notch coach puts winning ahead of everything else, unlike our owner who puts making money ahead of everything else.

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