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The Definitive Evisceration of The Phantom Menace


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This review (in 7 ten minute clips) is more entertaining than the movie was 10 years ago


Very good review. I remember seeing the Phantom Menace when it first came out and even though I was a kid (10 years old) and I loved star wars I was disappointed. I also remember that someone did a edit of the film where they cut 28 minutes from the film and it was a lot better but still had a ton of flaws.

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It's funny, cause when I ask people what they feel Phantom Menace was about, most of them can't tell me. People complain about the script or the plot or whatever, but unless they actually UNDERSTOOD it to begin with, it's hard for me to take their criticisms seriously. I'm not saying the prequels were great films, but they certainly weren't aimless and without a plot, and they weren't as bad as people make them out to be.

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It's funny, cause when I ask people what they feel Phantom Menace was about, most of them can't tell me. People complain about the script or the plot or whatever, but unless they actually UNDERSTOOD it to begin with, it's hard for me to take their criticisms seriously. I'm not saying the prequels were great films, but they certainly weren't aimless and without a plot, and they weren't as bad as people make them out to be.


Phantom menace = the suck.


When compared to the storylines of ep. IV and V, it just IS non-existent. That and George Lucas should be skinned alive for the abomination that is Jar Jar Binks.

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It's funny, cause when I ask people what they feel Phantom Menace was about, most of them can't tell me. People complain about the script or the plot or whatever, but unless they actually UNDERSTOOD it to begin with, it's hard for me to take their criticisms seriously. I'm not saying the prequels were great films, but they certainly weren't aimless and without a plot, and they weren't as bad as people make them out to be.


If you watch a movie (I have seen it multiple times) and you can't tell what really tell whats going on with the plot then its a bad movie. I saw the Phantom edit (Some dude took 28 minutes out of the movie to make it flow better and be tighter) and while it was better there was a ton of key flaws with the movie as explained by the youtube video in the original post. You shouldn't have to watch a movie a bunch of times and have to pay serious attention to get the plot.

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If you watch a movie (I have seen it multiple times) and you can't tell what really tell whats going on with the plot then its a bad movie. I saw the Phantom edit (Some dude took 28 minutes out of the movie to make it flow better and be tighter) and while it was better there was a ton of key flaws with the movie as explained by the youtube video in the original post. You shouldn't have to watch a movie a bunch of times and have to pay serious attention to get the plot.



I got the plot the first time I saw it and liked it, lol. Did I LOVE it? Nah...but I loved elements of it, and it definitely was one I wanted to see again. I wasn't meaning to say the plot was difficult to follow, but that people spend so much time hacking on the film that they miss the greater story arc.

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I got the plot the first time I saw it and liked it, lol. Did I LOVE it? Nah...but I loved elements of it, and it definitely was one I wanted to see again. I wasn't meaning to say the plot was difficult to follow, but that people spend so much time hacking on the film that they miss the greater story arc.


BUT thats the point it was difficult to follow for a lot of people. AND if you look at whats actually happening in the movie it makes no sense at all and it ruined Star Wars. They jammed in a ton of stupid plot devices that made no sense. Lucas tried to make this movie for kids and instead he insulted everyone in the process.


Lucas should have thought to himself I didn't really make the first 2 two for kids and kids and adults seemed to like it so I should just do what I did in the first two again and everyone will like it. NO I am just going to make a movie that bastardizes my franchise in order to sell toys to kids.

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Anyone actually do all 70 minutes of this?


I intend to and I have watched part 1, 2, and part of 3 while the humor of it I wasn't too fond of I really liked the analysis of the horrible nature of the movie. I think the best part of it was when he said describe the characters of episode 4 without giving a physical description or what they do as a profession. They were able to give a very good description of Han Solo and other, but when asked to describe Qui Gon Jin they just couldn't do it at all. Which goes to show how well the characters were developed in Episodes 4-6 and how they weren't developed very well in 1-3.

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BUT thats the point it was difficult to follow for a lot of people. AND if you look at whats actually happening in the movie it makes no sense at all and it ruined Star Wars. They jammed in a ton of stupid plot devices that made no sense. Lucas tried to make this movie for kids and instead he insulted everyone in the process.


Lucas should have thought to himself I didn't really make the first 2 two for kids and kids and adults seemed to like it so I should just do what I did in the first two again and everyone will like it. NO I am just going to make a movie that bastardizes my franchise in order to sell toys to kids.


This is why I don't go to movies any more. I've walked out of too many movies saying "what the hell was that?" Waste of money and time and with all the computerized special effects Hollywood feels it doesn't need to have character development or plots. First movie I saw that sent me down the path of cynicism was Jurassic Park.

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I saw the movie once (opening night 1999). I made it five minutes into the third part and decided, yep, I get it. Masterful job of conveying the movie's stupefying confusion!

Another thing I never got about the movie... it's supposed to appeal to kids (maybe that's my problem, they never wanted kids t owatch it), so why does half the movie look and sound like I'm watching C-SPAN?


Not only was it confusing it as just plain boring. Then they throw in a senseless fight scen to wake us up a little. Just bad movie makeing, story telling, etc. All I can say is it really attests to the power of the first Star Wars that they let this guy make 2 more prequels after this train wreck.


At any rate, that review was excellent. Whoever that guy is... he should have a show on TV doing weekly reviews of movies.

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Another thing I never got about the movie... it's supposed to appeal to kids (maybe that's my problem, they never wanted kids t owatch it), so why does half the movie look and sound like I'm watching C-SPAN?


Not only was it confusing it as just plain boring. Then they throw in a senseless fight scen to wake us up a little. Just bad movie makeing, story telling, etc. All I can say is it really attests to the power of the first Star Wars that they let this guy make 2 more prequels after this train wreck.


At any rate, that review was excellent. Whoever that guy is... he should have a show on TV doing weekly reviews of movies.


He would never be in want of material.

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This is why I don't go to movies any more. I've walked out of too many movies saying "what the hell was that?" Waste of money and time and with all the computerized special effects Hollywood feels it doesn't need to have character development or plots. First movie I saw that sent me down the path of cynicism was Jurassic Park.

Jurassic Park was Shakespeare compared to most of the special effects blockbuster flicks they put out. Now we get the latest, Avatar. It's supposed to change the way movies are made and viewed. We'll see. But, I'm not holding my breath.

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This is why I don't go to movies any more. I've walked out of too many movies saying "what the hell was that?" Waste of money and time and with all the computerized special effects Hollywood feels it doesn't need to have character development or plots. First movie I saw that sent me down the path of cynicism was Jurassic Park.


I am very hesitant to see mainstream big budget movies because of that. My friends recently asked me if I wanted to go see Avatar and I didn't because I felt like it was a movie that was up its own ass with typical messages and took special effects over story (George Lucas use to say without a good story special effects are boring and useless).


I actually like Jurassic Park but I get why you might feel that way about that movie. When going to see big budget action movies I either have to go in with really low expectations or I have to have a friend whose opinion I trust in movies tell me its good. I have found a lot of comedies or small budget movies that I have liked because they don't rely on the visual as a crutch.

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Jurassic Park was Shakespeare compared to most of the special effects blockbuster flicks they put out. Now we get the latest, Avatar. It's supposed to change the way movies are made and viewed. We'll see. But, I'm not holding my breath.


I am wildly skeptical about Avatar mostly because I'm so anti-CGI jerkfests.


But I keep hearing...from all the right people...what a wonderful film it is.


I will NOT see it for the first time sober. I think it has watch-me-after-eating-brownies written all over it.

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BUT thats the point it was difficult to follow for a lot of people. AND if you look at whats actually happening in the movie it makes no sense at all and it ruined Star Wars. They jammed in a ton of stupid plot devices that made no sense. Lucas tried to make this movie for kids and instead he insulted everyone in the process.


Lucas should have thought to himself I didn't really make the first 2 two for kids and kids and adults seemed to like it so I should just do what I did in the first two again and everyone will like it. NO I am just going to make a movie that bastardizes my franchise in order to sell toys to kids.


I couldn't disagree more. The choice of Naboo for the invasion....the role of the Trade Federation...the establishment of Anakin as a tragic figure...it all makes perfect sense.

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