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the goal should be to spread the constitution and bill of rights to everyone no matter what race or creed. bottom line, the larger we make the american dream , the less enemies we have....


Tell that to the Islamic Extremists. See what happens.

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Some how I easily picture you assembling postal bombs in a basement. OK what value would a SS# have if it was automatically given to any person physically present on US soil?[Oh thats right the US thing needs to go away] Go let them buy that "burger" with monopoly money if we are making everything valueless.

1 did we trust italians to leave?

2 our nation allowing has nothing to with why it is right or wrong. why would our nation not want someone to come here and start a life???

3 again if u make it legal then its not illegal...lol

4 our economy would grow with more people working and opening businesses.... goes both ways. not a suffiecient reason to keep people from coming here.

5 again if it became legal then what is ur point?

6 so where do good mexicans go? u should have the same problem with black people and also italians...lol horrible arguement

7 more people means a bigger tax base and more business....


Do our country a favor and stay home on each election day.

1 did we trust italians to leave?

2 our nation allowing has nothing to with why it is right or wrong. why would our nation not want someone to come here and start a life???

3 again if u make it legal then its not illegal...lol

4 our economy would grow with more people working and opening businesses.... goes both ways. not a suffiecient reason to keep people from coming here.

5 again if it became legal then what is ur point?

6 so where do good mexicans go? u should have the same problem with black people and also italians...lol horrible arguement

7 more people means a bigger tax base and more business....

Hard to argue with that. :doh: Honestly are you even old enough to drive? I hope not.

DUMBASS, there is more freedom when people can freely go from country to country. it is u who is not the libertarian here.



I'm all for free trade. I'm NOT for open borders.


I don't toe completely to ANY party line.

Everytime a person reads a Delladouche post, a moron gets his wings.


I don't think there's anyone on this board that I want to punch in the head more than him. And that's just for making three one-line posts where one three-line post would do.

more insults no argument. you people are the enemy of freedom and peace!!!


Please explain how having more people automatically creates more jobs/work. If that's the case unemployment would always be zero right? I'll wait for your explanation.

more insults no argument. you people are the enemy of freedom and peace!!!


Yes, I want to enslave everyone and make them fight gladiator-style, all because you're an idiot.

Yes, I want to enslave everyone and make them fight gladiator-style, all because you're an idiot.

You don't like gladiator movies do you? Just askin...... :wallbash:

More insults no argument!


What argument are we supposed to make? You made a statement so self-evidently ridiculious and polyanna that any reasonable person would dismiss it out-of-hand. Ergo, you are not a reasonable person. Ergo, there's no point in arguing with you.

if more people come here they will use there money.... dumbass, was that so hard to think of?


more insults no argument. man tom i feel bad for u!!!!


So everyone that comes here has money or gets a job as soon as they cross the border and then when they make all that money from these plentiful jobs they spend all that money here and send nothing back to Mexico. Wow, I didn't know that, you're a fricken genius. And you wonder why no one argues with you and you call me a dumbass.

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