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Is This Virginia or Buffalo?


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We've rarely gotten snow over the last 10 years or so, but we are in the midst of a semi-blizzard here right now and it's not even Christmas. I knew this current wet weather pattern would bring us some eventually if it continued, but I surely didn't expect it this early. Tis the Christmas season and we are actually walking in a winter wonderland for once. :thumbsup:

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Getting LOTS of snow here in Southern WV.

The road going up to my house was a skating rink/parking lot.


I ended up parking the car at the bottom of the hill in the

church's parking lot. Then walked home...approx a mile.

Did my good deed for the day and helped push

two cars so they could get traction and get going.

Too close to my house to go back and get my car.

Besides Mrs. Lew was already home and her car has the

newer snow tires. We are not going anywhere until Sunday anyways.

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As an Erie, PA native I would like to see some snow in December for Christmas

As somebody who has lived in Virginia, I know that even a dusting will cause a panic


A scenic Buffalo/Western PA Christmas looks pretty

But for somebody who hasn't experienced a Buffalo/Western/PA Christmas - It's panic time :thumbsup:

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Just south of Richmond, and we already have 5 inches in the first three hours of snowfall. AND the heavy stuff isn't supposed to fall until tomorrow. This is awesome. I may tailgate in my driveway before the Bills game Sunday, just to feel like I'm there.



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This Blows! if we had the plowing capabilities it would be a cake walk, but without them, it is brutal...that said...an inch + per hour is a decent storm even for CNY/WNY


We've rarely gotten snow over the last 10 years or so, but we are in the midst of a semi-blizzard here right now and it's not even Christmas. I knew this current wet weather pattern would bring us some eventually if it continued, but I surely didn't expect it this early. Tis the Christmas season and we are actually walking in a winter wonderland for once. :thumbsup:
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Getting LOTS of snow here in Southern WV.

The road going up to my house was a skating rink/parking lot.


I ended up parking the car at the bottom of the hill in the

church's parking lot. Then walked home...approx a mile.

Did my good deed for the day and helped push

two cars so they could get traction and get going.

Too close to my house to go back and get my car.

Besides Mrs. Lew was already home and her car has the

newer snow tires. We are not going anywhere until Sunday anyways.

lewp--i have heard that WV is a great place to live...cheap housing etc. You concur??

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In Alexandria we got more than a foot of snow overnight.

Last night I was playing Axis & Allies which stopped at 10 PM.

I went to take my usual route home and saw three cars on

side of road or partially on road abandoned and decided to

take an alternate longer route with 2 lanes each direction

most of the way home. It took me a lot longer but I got

home safely.

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and milk.....


and eggs..


After all blizzards mean it is French Toast time....geesh.

Although I am glad I bought groceries on Wed.

Somewhere I read that PopTarts are the number one consumed 'food'

during storms/power outages

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lewp--i have heard that WV is a great place to live...cheap housing etc. You concur??



Tcali...yes WV has several positive living aspects to it.

Low taxes, low cost of housing, low crime rate.

The weather is mild, well except for last night and today.

Lots of sports and outdoor activities are available.

Health care is OK from my experiences.


Transportation is a negative issue as is the education system.

If you have kids of school age, look for a private school.

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Calling for 2 feet around me in NOVA. We've already got about 15. This blows, I was hoping based on early week forecats to go out golfing today. I guess that isn't happening.


You can get a really good price right now playing golf although the golf carts might not be available since they do not have snow tires. At the golf range nearby they were playing with yellow balls on Friday night. Water traps are real different when there is snow on the ground.

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Calling for 2 feet around me in NOVA. We've already got about 15. This blows, I was hoping based on early week forecats to go out golfing today. I guess that isn't happening.


You could always use the orange balls.


Still awaiting the first flakes here --- should be any minute. I did my 'stocking up' this morning. Chestnuts, Dogfish Head, and a sled to take my little on once the storm gets here. :thumbsup:

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mmmmmm....dogfish head...the 90 minute makes a nice winter warmer :thumbsup:


if u ever get the chance, visit one of dogfish head's locales. I have been to the one in NOVA/MD(gaithersburg i think)....very nice place


You could always use the orange balls.


Still awaiting the first flakes here --- should be any minute. I did my 'stocking up' this morning. Chestnuts, Dogfish Head, and a sled to take my little on once the storm gets here. :flirt:

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