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Dislike the Incognito signing?

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When I saw that Incognito had been released, my first thought was that this Bills HAVE to pick up this guy. To cut someone outright like that was clearly based on frustration and by a team that is clearly far worse off than the Bills.


When we picked him up off waivers, I immediately thought of one man- Conrad Dobler. When you have the opportunity to pick up a player like this when there is no continuity or much talent on the O-line, to do it is just awesome.


If you don't know who Conrad Dobler is, ask around... read this article about what he's doing now, and what others said about him.


A Dirty Shame

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When I saw that Incognito had been released, my first thought was that this Bills HAVE to pick up this guy. To cut someone outright like that was clearly based on frustration and by a team that is clearly far worse off than the Bills.


When we picked him up off waivers, I immediately thought of one man- Conrad Dobler. When you have the opportunity to pick up a player like this when there is no continuity or much talent on the O-line, to do it is just awesome.


If you don't know who Conrad Dobler is, ask around... read this article about what he's doing now, and what others said about him.


A Dirty Shame



Thanks! Very informative.

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I will LOVE this signing if the following occur:


1.) He finds a way to manage his "temper" so as to not do something stupid which costs a penalty, has him ejected, etc.


2.) He plays up to his potential


3.) the Bills sign him to a long term contract, thus keeping him in Bills land for many moons to come




4.) He looks for the officials, sees none watching, and punches Wilfork in the gut after every play.

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That was a very good article. Well worth the read.


Not enough people know what these players go through after retirement. More of these types of articles need to be written to show that the NFLPA needs to do more to take care of their own after retirement.

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I've often said that Wilfork is the dirtiest player in the league, the difference is he is considered a superstar, for the all american team. I would love to see RI give him a little of his own. If he pans out in Buffalo, it could be the best signing we have seen in years. I recall reading he was a top 5 guard not to long ago. at 26, he has a long time left. If wood returns healthy, and is placed at center we are 4/5 good or better. I just hope that Buffalo can find a LT, hopefully from FA not the draft.

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When I saw that Incognito had been released, my first thought was that this Bills HAVE to pick up this guy. To cut someone outright like that was clearly based on frustration and by a team that is clearly far worse off than the Bills.


When we picked him up off waivers, I immediately thought of one man- Conrad Dobler. When you have the opportunity to pick up a player like this when there is no continuity or much talent on the O-line, to do it is just awesome.


If you don't know who Conrad Dobler is, ask around... read this article about what he's doing now, and what others said about him.


A Dirty Shame

I clearly remember Dobler with both the Bills and Cardinals, actually met him when he played in Buffalo. The biggest difference between Conrad and Incognito, was they are both dirty players, but Dobler never costs his teams games with frequent mental lapses and not being able to control your emotions.

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I clearly remember Dobler with both the Bills and Cardinals, actually met him when he played in Buffalo. The biggest difference between Conrad and Incognito, was they are both dirty players, but Dobler never costs his teams games with frequent mental lapses and not being able to control your emotions.


Different game with different rules... I'll take a couple of personal fouls over 10+ false starts and holding penalties that we get from other linemen.

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I clearly remember Dobler with both the Bills and Cardinals, actually met him when he played in Buffalo. The biggest difference between Conrad and Incognito, was they are both dirty players, but Dobler never costs his teams games with frequent mental lapses and not being able to control your emotions.

Dobler deliberately broke a Buffalo defensive teammate's arm in training camp after a running play, and took pride in it afterward. It was discussed in a 1990s feature story long after Dobler retired by Larry Felser (I think). The guy was a complete scumbag, and nearly impossible to root for.

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Dobler deliberately broke a Buffalo defensive teammate's arm in training camp after a running play, and took pride in it afterward. It was discussed in a 1990s feature story long after Dobler retired by Larry Felser (I think). The guy was a complete scumbag, and nearly impossible to root for.


I just read the ESPN article, and frankly I'm not feeling any sympathy for him. Seems like a guy who would do anything to keep playing. Not to help the team win, he didn't seem to care too much about that. It seemed more about keeping his job. And this is the same guy who trashes the "me" generation. Sounds like a hypocrite to me. I remember reading that story about Dobler in training camp. I don't remember the author either, but I got the distinct impression that Dobler probably didn't belong on any NFL team.

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Dobler deliberately broke a Buffalo defensive teammate's arm in training camp after a running play, and took pride in it afterward. It was discussed in a 1990s feature story long after Dobler retired by Larry Felser (I think). The guy was a complete scumbag, and nearly impossible to root for.

Troy Vincent broke rookie JP Losman's leg in an attempt to teach him a lesson. Did it really matter if it was intentional or just a consequence that his lesson went further than intended?

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That was a very good article. Well worth the read.


Not enough people know what these players go through after retirement. More of these types of articles need to be written to show that the NFLPA needs to do more to take care of their own after retirement.



Yeah, yeah. What would you possibly know 'bout it?

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If he can keep his **** together on the field then I love th epick up


If he costs us games with stupid penalties it was a waste of time



We do need more nasty players though

We need players who can make it through the season without going on IR.

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