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1.) How do the Redskins lose/fire Cerrato and immediately hire Bruce Allen and not have the Rooney Rule be an issue? (I thought that was our biggest problem with moving before the end of the year).


2.) Why would Holmgren basically not even take the Bills phone call, yet go into intensive talks with the Browns. They have an even worse Super Bowl era history than we have and are pretty much the same city.


Isn't the Rooney rule for head coaches only? Not sure, just asking.

I hate Cleveland so I don't know why he wouldn't take the phone call from the Bills. That's ok tho. I think he is very overrated anyway.


Actually, starting this year the Rooney Rule applies for front office positions, as well, at least GM level jobs.


Danny Sneeder has a lot of money. Rules don't apply to nasty men with lots of money. Well, they do actually. But he'll just pay the fine and get on with building his fantasy team.

Danny Sneeder has a lot of money. Rules don't apply to nasty men with lots of money. Well, they do actually. But he'll just pay the fine and get on with building his fantasy team.


Clayton reported that Snyder met the rules anyway. I think you basically just have to say that you interviewed a minority candidate, and the league's policy is that if it is in question whether or not you actually did, they will confront the person(s) you've said, and verify that way as to the legitimacy of the interview. In other words, and especially considering we currently have a black head coach, the rooney rule is not even a concern at all.

1.) How do the Redskins lose/fire Cerrato and immediately hire Bruce Allen and not have the Rooney Rule be an issue? (I thought that was our biggest problem with moving before the end of the year).


2.) Why would Holmgren basically not even take the Bills phone call, yet go into intensive talks with the Browns. They have an even worse Super Bowl era history than we have and are pretty much the same city.


AS I have been starting alot of my posts in recent weeks, I live in the Metro DC area. Thus, I am often subject to all things Redskins. There are a few answers to your questions.


1.) Cerrato and Snyder are reportedly very close friends. I saw a news broadcast calling them best friends. My understanding is that it came down to a conversation and conclusion between 2 good friends that the direction Cerrato had taken the team is not the direction Snyder wants it to go down. To save face, Cerrato resigned and was not fired (as he deserved to be).


The other thing to consider, is that in Redskin land, besides Joe Gibbs the next greatest name (or greater?) name is George Allen. Bruce Allen is related- as in comes from the same family as George Allen. I think a great portion of the speed of the hiring has alot to do with the familial relation, as you have to admit, there was not a grooming period as so many teams seem to have (see Buffalo Bills and Cleveland Browns). It was a mutual desire to be together from ownership and Bruce Allen.


Rumors are now swirling that Allen will start working on getting Gruden out of the broadcast booth because of their shared success in Oakland and Tampa.


I will tell you, that Allen topped my list of candidates for GM of the Bills. I too, recognized his relationship with Gruden and hoped that such a move would have been in favor of the Bills, and allowed us to get them both.


So, while I am happy for the Redskins (as this will probably be the move that puts them back in the playoffs and Super Bowl in the next few seasons), I was equally disappointed that the Bills, once again, missed out.


2.) Holmgren is a "free agent". He can do what he wants. News reports about him being contacted by the Bills (which surprised me) had him flat out saying "NO" to any talk with Buffalo. The sureness of that answer, really ticked me off. Cowher atleast had some class by saying that he would prefer to wait until the end of the year. But Holmgren's response has me scratching my head with the proverbial WNY inferiority complex. What is wrong with Buffalo? Is Holmgren stating that CLEVELAND is a better destination? Really? I mean, they did beat the Bills the past 2 seasons in games we should never have lost, but REALLY!??!?


That is when I was cured of the big name coach desire.


I realized that with Tom Modrak and John Guy and some of our bum scouts still in place next season, and with a marketing guy in charge of football decisions, we will never reach the playoffs regardless of the coaching staff.


I realized that a proven, "big" name GM and talent evaluators in the front office are much smarter, and have a more lasting effect on a franchise than any coach will ever have. The time is now to staff our front office with competent football MEN (note: not singular), starting with a GM. We need to get back to the front office structure of our Super Bowl years, where we arguably had atleast 4 GM's in the front office in Polian, Butler, Smith, and Nix.


When those 4 left, so did our winning ways.


Now, Nix is back. There are up-and-coming, future GM's available for hiring and grooming. And there are proven, NFL GM's still available (Bruce Allen hurt) in Floyd Reese, Charley Casserly, Mike Lombardi, and Ron Wolf. Call it dreaming, and it is a reach, but if Ralph is serious I would approach Parcells. He is not bound to the Dolphins and is free to go at any time. We need to have one of the proven guys leading the charge, Nix taking over Modrak's post as Director of Scouting, and getting a proven up-and-comer run our Pro Personnel Department.


There are 3 weeks left in the season. Buffalo needs to strike while the iron is hot. Allen hurts (IMO), and having Shanahan as both GM and coach is too much for anyone to do both jobs well.


I like firing Guy and Modrak, promoting Nix, hiring an outsider with a proven eye for talent for Pro Personnel, and hire a proven NFL GM.


Then I don't care who the coach is- well, as long as it's NOT Billick or Martz.

Guest dog14787
Allen is after Shanahan not Gruden. Gruden is not coaching next year. Allen & Shanahan are buds.



Great :lol:

AS I have been starting alot of my posts in recent weeks, I live in the Metro DC area. Thus, I am often subject to all things Redskins. There are a few answers to your questions.


1.) Cerrato and Snyder are reportedly very close friends. I saw a news broadcast calling them best friends. My understanding is that it came down to a conversation and conclusion between 2 good friends that the direction Cerrato had taken the team is not the direction Snyder wants it to go down. To save face, Cerrato resigned and was not fired (as he deserved to be).


The other thing to consider, is that in Redskin land, besides Joe Gibbs the next greatest name (or greater?) name is George Allen. Bruce Allen is related- as in comes from the same family as George Allen. I think a great portion of the speed of the hiring has alot to do with the familial relation, as you have to admit, there was not a grooming period as so many teams seem to have (see Buffalo Bills and Cleveland Browns). It was a mutual desire to be together from ownership and Bruce Allen.


Rumors are now swirling that Allen will start working on getting Gruden out of the broadcast booth because of their shared success in Oakland and Tampa.


I will tell you, that Allen topped my list of candidates for GM of the Bills. I too, recognized his relationship with Gruden and hoped that such a move would have been in favor of the Bills, and allowed us to get them both.


So, while I am happy for the Redskins (as this will probably be the move that puts them back in the playoffs and Super Bowl in the next few seasons), I was equally disappointed that the Bills, once again, missed out.


2.) Holmgren is a "free agent". He can do what he wants. News reports about him being contacted by the Bills (which surprised me) had him flat out saying "NO" to any talk with Buffalo. The sureness of that answer, really ticked me off. Cowher atleast had some class by saying that he would prefer to wait until the end of the year. But Holmgren's response has me scratching my head with the proverbial WNY inferiority complex. What is wrong with Buffalo? Is Holmgren stating that CLEVELAND is a better destination? Really? I mean, they did beat the Bills the past 2 seasons in games we should never have lost, but REALLY!??!?


That is when I was cured of the big name coach desire.


I realized that with Tom Modrak and John Guy and some of our bum scouts still in place next season, and with a marketing guy in charge of football decisions, we will never reach the playoffs regardless of the coaching staff.


I realized that a proven, "big" name GM and talent evaluators in the front office are much smarter, and have a more lasting effect on a franchise than any coach will ever have. The time is now to staff our front office with competent football MEN (note: not singular), starting with a GM. We need to get back to the front office structure of our Super Bowl years, where we arguably had atleast 4 GM's in the front office in Polian, Butler, Smith, and Nix.


When those 4 left, so did our winning ways.


Now, Nix is back. There are up-and-coming, future GM's available for hiring and grooming. And there are proven, NFL GM's still available (Bruce Allen hurt) in Floyd Reese, Charley Casserly, Mike Lombardi, and Ron Wolf. Call it dreaming, and it is a reach, but if Ralph is serious I would approach Parcells. He is not bound to the Dolphins and is free to go at any time. We need to have one of the proven guys leading the charge, Nix taking over Modrak's post as Director of Scouting, and getting a proven up-and-comer run our Pro Personnel Department.


There are 3 weeks left in the season. Buffalo needs to strike while the iron is hot. Allen hurts (IMO), and having Shanahan as both GM and coach is too much for anyone to do both jobs well.


I like firing Guy and Modrak, promoting Nix, hiring an outsider with a proven eye for talent for Pro Personnel, and hire a proven NFL GM.


Then I don't care who the coach is- well, as long as it's NOT Billick or Martz.


I agree with everything you said in number 2......As for number 1, I listen to Tony Kornheiser every day, and I now know way more about the Redskins than I ever thought I would. Your answer nails it and it is the way it should be, but it doesn't answer how they could fire/hire on the same day and supposedly comply with the Rooney Rule......I thought that was going to hang us up until after the season was over, when I want to pull the trigger now as the Skins did.

We need to get back to the front office structure of our Super Bowl years, where we arguably had atleast 4 GM's in the front office in Polian, Butler, Smith, and Nix.


not meaning to be too much of a pedant, but don't forget the first to fly the coup (and the only one to come back to father Bill) -- Bob Ferguson.


Why would anyone want Holmgren as their GM? When he was coach/GM in Seattle his drafts were pretty weak. On top of that, he drafted a bunch of thugs including a 1st round TE Jerramy Stevens who skated on a rape. Then the team woke up & stripped him of the GM duties. I'm glad Holmgren wants to be a GM or Czar & wants nothing to do with the Bills, because I want nothing to do with him. Good coach, horrible GM.


From listening to John Clayton, I thought they approached him about either, but he wasn't really clear on that other than saying Holmgren really wouldn't have any of it.


Now, the Skins are negotiating with Shanhan - how are they getting totally around the Rooney Rule in both cases?

2.) Holmgren is a "free agent". He can do what he wants. News reports about him being contacted by the Bills (which surprised me) had him flat out saying "NO" to any talk with Buffalo. The sureness of that answer, really ticked me off. Cowher atleast had some class by saying that he would prefer to wait until the end of the year. But Holmgren's response has me scratching my head with the proverbial WNY inferiority complex. What is wrong with Buffalo? Is Holmgren stating that CLEVELAND is a better destination? Really? I mean, they did beat the Bills the past 2 seasons in games we should never have lost, but REALLY!??!?


I can remember a story about a HC candidate who was thinking of interviewing for the HC job in Buffalo. He met with Bill Walsh who, "told me a few things about Buffalo" and he decided to say, "No thanks". This happened in the 70s. Holmgren is a Walsh disciple, so there you have it - he'd never come here. Never. I think Walsh heard what he heard from Chuck Knox.

I can remember a story about a HC candidate who was thinking of interviewing for the HC job in Buffalo. He met with Bill Walsh who, "told me a few things about Buffalo" and he decided to say, "No thanks". This happened in the 70s. Holmgren is a Walsh disciple, so there you have it - he'd never come here. Never. I think Walsh heard what he heard from Chuck Knox.


The word has spread about this franchise, which is something that would never be reported. Wilson's ways have caught up to him, and I'm sure the uncertain future of the franchise combined with giving away a home game don't help in the recruitment process either.


You've got Polian and Smith working for other organizations, and I'm sure in league circles RW's management style aren't conducive or attractive to top candidates. And so we'll end up with no change or third rate options. JMO.

AS I have been starting alot of my posts in recent weeks, I live in the Metro DC area. Thus, I am often subject to all things Redskins. There are a few answers to your questions.


1.) Cerrato and Snyder are reportedly very close friends. I saw a news broadcast calling them best friends. My understanding is that it came down to a conversation and conclusion between 2 good friends that the direction Cerrato had taken the team is not the direction Snyder wants it to go down. To save face, Cerrato resigned and was not fired (as he deserved to be).


The other thing to consider, is that in Redskin land, besides Joe Gibbs the next greatest name (or greater?) name is George Allen. Bruce Allen is related- as in comes from the same family as George Allen. I think a great portion of the speed of the hiring has alot to do with the familial relation, as you have to admit, there was not a grooming period as so many teams seem to have (see Buffalo Bills and Cleveland Browns). It was a mutual desire to be together from ownership and Bruce Allen.


Rumors are now swirling that Allen will start working on getting Gruden out of the broadcast booth because of their shared success in Oakland and Tampa.


I will tell you, that Allen topped my list of candidates for GM of the Bills. I too, recognized his relationship with Gruden and hoped that such a move would have been in favor of the Bills, and allowed us to get them both.


So, while I am happy for the Redskins (as this will probably be the move that puts them back in the playoffs and Super Bowl in the next few seasons), I was equally disappointed that the Bills, once again, missed out.


2.) Holmgren is a "free agent". He can do what he wants. News reports about him being contacted by the Bills (which surprised me) had him flat out saying "NO" to any talk with Buffalo. The sureness of that answer, really ticked me off. Cowher atleast had some class by saying that he would prefer to wait until the end of the year. But Holmgren's response has me scratching my head with the proverbial WNY inferiority complex. What is wrong with Buffalo? Is Holmgren stating that CLEVELAND is a better destination? Really? I mean, they did beat the Bills the past 2 seasons in games we should never have lost, but REALLY!??!?


That is when I was cured of the big name coach desire.


I realized that with Tom Modrak and John Guy and some of our bum scouts still in place next season, and with a marketing guy in charge of football decisions, we will never reach the playoffs regardless of the coaching staff.


I realized that a proven, "big" name GM and talent evaluators in the front office are much smarter, and have a more lasting effect on a franchise than any coach will ever have. The time is now to staff our front office with competent football MEN (note: not singular), starting with a GM. We need to get back to the front office structure of our Super Bowl years, where we arguably had atleast 4 GM's in the front office in Polian, Butler, Smith, and Nix.


When those 4 left, so did our winning ways.


Now, Nix is back. There are up-and-coming, future GM's available for hiring and grooming. And there are proven, NFL GM's still available (Bruce Allen hurt) in Floyd Reese, Charley Casserly, Mike Lombardi, and Ron Wolf. Call it dreaming, and it is a reach, but if Ralph is serious I would approach Parcells. He is not bound to the Dolphins and is free to go at any time. We need to have one of the proven guys leading the charge, Nix taking over Modrak's post as Director of Scouting, and getting a proven up-and-comer run our Pro Personnel Department.


There are 3 weeks left in the season. Buffalo needs to strike while the iron is hot. Allen hurts (IMO), and having Shanahan as both GM and coach is too much for anyone to do both jobs well.


I like firing Guy and Modrak, promoting Nix, hiring an outsider with a proven eye for talent for Pro Personnel, and hire a proven NFL GM.


Then I don't care who the coach is- well, as long as it's NOT Billick or Martz.


Building your front office around the 70 year old Buddy Nix would be a monumental blunder.


As good a scout as he may have been, he is 70 years old.


keep him as a consultant and bring in someone not on life support

What kills me about the Red Skins is---isn't Jim ZOrn still their head coach? The Red Skins are a real class organization...Interview a coach while one is still employed (and not an interim)....

Thank you.


The report I read on PFT is that Florio inquired with the NFL as to whether the Redskins complied with the Rooney Rule prior to hiring Bruce Allen.


The NFL responded that they were totally satisfied that the Redskins were in compliance but neither the NFL or the Redskins are saying which minority candidate(s) they interviewed before hiring Allen.


Something about this transaction seems a bit slimy.


Typically names are leaked out to benefit all parties (proof the Redskins complied, proof the NFL is vigilant, and a boost in name recognition for those that interviewed).


The fact that no one involved can name names is very suspicious to say the least.

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