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Beer Drinking Baby in Drag Steals Christmas Presents....

Stl Bills

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'She said she tries to be a good mother and loves her son, but now feels like a failure.'


Ya think??


Way to put our best foot forward, Chattanooga! This really is a charming small city. I've lived here 2.5 yrs. now and there's quite a bustle around town about the Bowl game Friday night and a very rare national audience. Instead, we feature a drunk 4 yr. old cross-dresser, breaking & entering and stealing Christmas.. :unsure:



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This kid will definitely win every time he is in a situation where a group icebreaker of "Say something interesting you've done" is played out.


Oh you were a junior gymnast champion? You once met Carrot Top? You're fluent in sign language because of your deaf aunt?


Well I once got wasted, broke out of my house, broke into someone else's house, unwrapped several of their Christmas gifts, found out one gift was a dress, put it on, and then wandered down the street ringing doorbells. Oh and I was 4.



Game. Set. Match. :unsure:

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