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Chris Henry in serious condition after car accident* (updated)


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Have you been arrested 5 times in your life? I know I haven't. It is too bad the guy died but lets not make him into something that he was not.


As a society when someone famous dies, we tend to idiolize them & make them into something great. We did it with Michael Jackson, funny when he died I did not hear one mention of how he was a pedophile & such. We did it when Tiger Woods dad died, all we heard how he was such a great father & inspiration to Woods. What we did not hear is how he basically abondoned his other three kids, not even acknowledging their existence. Yeah he is a great father alright.


There are heroes in this world everyday Cincy, I do not care what they do on the field, most football players are not heroes.


Not all of his arrests are so harmless but a drunk driving incodent and another for pot is almost harmless. I would guess that 25% or more on this message board have been arrested for that. And I would guess that 90%+ have a very good friend/family member that has been arrested for that as well.


No one was idolizing Chris Henry, we are simply stating it is sad that he passed away in a tragic way. It also does not mean that we dont feel sad when war heroes, politicians, actors or your everyday average joe's pass away tragically, and untimely. Just an FYI he was getting his life back on track and many others saw that including his teamates, owners, coaches, and multiple reporters and talk show hosts. I remember hearing an interview with Chris on Jim Rome earlier in the season or before it (cant remember) and it was great to hear the good things he was doing with his life to turn things around. I understand if this was a low life drug dealer shot in a deal, or while performing an illegal act. But this was not (as far as we know). I personally think its sad, if anything for the thought he was trying to better himself for him and his family. It could have been one of the true success stories of change. None of us is w/o skeletons in our closet. And not everyone was born with a silver spoon in our mouths. He was trying to fix that.

Im done

RIP Chris Henry

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Could be - but the characterization as him being a major criminal is far-fetched...you missed my point.


I would think you of all people would have less sympathy for a someone with that kind of record. IMO, five arrests makes one a habitual criminal, at a minimum, if not a major criminal. Depends on the crimes. Innocent people might get arrested once. Maybe twice. Not 5+ times.


Those with 20+ arrests are sub-humans who should be shot in the back of the head and left in the gutter.

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I would think you of all people would have less sympathy for a someone with that kind of record. IMO, five arrests makes one a habitual criminal, at a minimum, if not a major criminal. Depends on the crimes. Innocent people might get arrested once. Maybe twice. Not 5+ times.


Those with 20+ arrests are sub-humans who should be shot in the back of the head and left in the gutter.

Someone with a personality like that puts himself in higher risk situations than most other people. Not surprised at all when something like this happens. I mean, who jumps in the back of a pickup? Something or someone was going to kill him sooner or later.

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Have you been arrested 5 times in your life? I know I haven't. It is too bad the guy died but lets not make him into something that he was not.


As a society when someone famous dies, we tend to idiolize them & make them into something great. We did it with Michael Jackson, funny when he died I did not hear one mention of how he was a pedophile & such. We did it when Tiger Woods dad died, all we heard how he was such a great father & inspiration to Woods. What we did not hear is how he basically abondoned his other three kids, not even acknowledging their existence. Yeah he is a great father alright.


There are heroes in this world everyday Cincy, I do not care what they do on the field, most football players are not heroes.


Gordio, people have flaws.


I'm not a hero worshipper by any means - certainly few in sports. I wouldn't cross the road to speak with President or Pope, decent souls as they may be. I have never bought a single piece of sports paraphernalia - I don't have a stitch of clothing with any business's logo.


But IMO, the NFL is full of decent young men - much more so than not. Here, numerous players have established substantial charities - I am sure the same exists among BUF players, and across the league. There was something in the news recently, about Charles Woodson forking over $2M for some good purpose. I have memory of the decent actions of many a CIN player, and I'm sure that folks residing in WNY could relate same.


Anyone who has graciously bothered to read my posts over time obviously has detected that I'm not exactly the world's most optimistic guy (understatement there) - but please try to see a way to find the good in these youngsters, my friend. :unsure:

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Not all of his arrests are so harmless but a drunk driving incodent and another for pot is almost harmless. I would guess that 25% or more on this message board have been arrested for that. And I would guess that 90%+ have a very good friend/family member that has been arrested for that as well.


What the hell kind of message board is this?????

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I'm sorry this is proof positive that Darwin wins here. You jump onto the bed of a fast moving truck and she still floors it, chances are that you die. I'm not saying that Henry was completely retarded but he definitely didn't use his head well and made plenty of poor decisions. Unfortunately, they caught up to him

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Oh great, a Darwin scholar. I'm glad you think C. Henry dying is proof of Eugenics.


survival of the fittest, yes. Eugenics not quite. Someone who jumps onto a moving vehicle can expect to get hurt, so most people have enough common sense to do such an action.


That said, if he possessed an education higher than 8th grade, he might have lived to see another day. Unfortunately, I would bet my savings account that he did not have to do much to pass through high school as there was some inflation to pass him along, because he was such a good athlete.


Those who do not use their head, are as useful as beheaded chickens: Entertaining to watch run around into obstacles, but will not make it far before they fall.

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And I suppose you know all of this first hand? Please, you are as clueless as the rest of us on here as to what really happened. Yet, you come on here spinning your version of sainthood for ole Chrissy Boy and divert attention by trying ot make others feel guilty for their feelings citing religious passeges. Get a grip, you're just as bad as the rest of us passing judgement and making suppositions.


I think you missed where I cited USA today as the reference. And yes

i do believe in second chances, and it appears by ALL accounts of PEOPLE WHO WERE CLOSE TO HIM, that he had made the most of it this time. Its an unfortunate turn of events, for a guy that was trying to get things right.

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survival of the fittest, yes. Eugenics not quite. Someone who jumps onto a moving vehicle can expect to get hurt, so most people have enough common sense to do such an action.


If this was truly an example of Darwinism then Henry's idiocy would have cost him his life before he was able to procreate. In modern times stupidity really isn't a hindrance to human breeding- and according to Idiocracy it's actually a bonus.

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