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Chris Henry in serious condition after car accident* (updated)


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I don't think anyone wanted him dead. It is just no one should be surprised how Chris Henry's life ended. Nothing but trouble in College, five arrests after College, dies in domestic dispute. But always the excuse when he dies, he was starting to turn his life around.


Yes - that "just starting to turn his life around" stuff is common - I see it all the time when somebody dies while perpratating yet another crime.


As to 5 arrests (somebody here referred to him as a major criminal or some such), I wish that that were the criterion for being called a major offender. Here in Cincy - the same in cities across the nation - folks commit unspeakable crimes, and have an arrest record, often violent, numbering in the 20's, 30's, 40's etc.


We here have one of those "Crimestopper" programs like many localities do - a police officer talks on the morning radio about this or that one, and chronically, they have these extensive records.


Henry's criminal record wouldn't merit a single blip on the so-called "radar".

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Yes - that "just starting to turn his life around" stuff is common - I see it all the time when somebody dies while perpratating yet another crime.


People who have "turned their life around" don't often leap into the back of their fiancee's truck to continue some stupid argument. The guy never changed.

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Either way you look at it, it's a sad day for his friends, family, and fans. Regardless of how all of this happened, the innocent children are the ones that will have to suffer without their father. The mother also could likely be jailed for involuntary manslaughter. The NFL lost an up and coming player today, but three children lost their family. It's heartbreaking.

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People who have "turned their life around" don't often leap into the back of their fiancee's truck to continue some stupid argument. The guy never changed.


I went back and looked at his four arrests and none were for domestic violence. I looked for the definition of "domestic dispute" and all it ever brought me to were domestic violence sites. If he was beating her, no evidence of that so far, and she tried to get away then I think he got what he deserved. If it was just a heated argument then I feel sorry for him. JMO

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Do you live in a gated community in Utopiaville, USA?... :unsure:


Have you been arrested 5 times in your life? I know I haven't. It is too bad the guy died but lets not make him into something that he was not.


As a society when someone famous dies, we tend to idiolize them & make them into something great. We did it with Michael Jackson, funny when he died I did not hear one mention of how he was a pedophile & such. We did it when Tiger Woods dad died, all we heard how he was such a great father & inspiration to Woods. What we did not hear is how he basically abondoned his other three kids, not even acknowledging their existence. Yeah he is a great father alright.


There are heroes in this world everyday Cincy, I do not care what they do on the field, most football players are not heroes.

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I think Ill sit here behind my computer from the comfort of my warm office and throw up some self-righteousness and judgement on somebody who died that I didnt even know.


Maybe when somebody I DO know gets a hangnail, I can lean on a LAMP post and ask for prayers...to ya know...show how "sympathetic" I am!


Or maybe when get they forget the toy in my happy meal, I can whine about the "injustice" I endured.


Yeah...thats the ticket!!!!!!!!!

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I think Ill sit here behind my computer from the comfort of my warm office and throw up some self-righteousness and judgement on somebody who died that I didnt even know.


Maybe when somebody I DO know gets a hangnail, I can lean on a LAMP post and ask for prayers...to ya know...show how "sympathetic" I am!


Or maybe when get they forget the toy in my happy meal, I can whine about the "injustice" I endured.


Yeah...thats the ticket!!!!!!!!!



So because people are wishing him well? you just called pretty much everyone in this post an idiot. Yet you sit there and compare death to a happy meal, or a hangnail.


Get real man. Godforbid something like this happened to someone you knew but we didnt. would you still feel the same way?

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either you or I missed his point...i read that post to indicate that he was ticked that so many here are passing judgement on chris henry rather than just being 'saddened' at the passing of a young life....course i could be wrong


So because people are wishing him well? you just called pretty much everyone in this post an idiot. Yet you sit there and compare death to a happy meal, or a hangnail.


Get real man. Godforbid something like this happened to someone you knew but we didnt. would you still feel the same way?

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I went back and looked at his four arrests and none were for domestic violence. I looked for the definition of "domestic dispute" and all it ever brought me to were domestic violence sites. If he was beating her, no evidence of that so far, and she tried to get away then I think he got what he deserved. If it was just a heated argument then I feel sorry for him. JMO

He didn't have to be "beating her". She could have felt threatened OR she could have just wanted to get the heck away from him and the kids to cool off. She's allowed to do that.


No-one put a gun to his head and forced him to jump in the back of a moving vehicle. It was a dumb thing to do and an unfortunate accident - sad for everyone. He leaves behind small children and other family members, plus a fiance who probably will feel the guilt and remorse forever. It's very nice for him that people all around him gave him second chances but apparently he got all the second chances that God felt he deserved. That's the way it goes. At least since he was apparently cleaning up his act he will be remembered more fondly than if he had remained a dumb punk.


If Plaxico Burress had died from shooting his dumbass self, would we debate that at all? Of course not. We'd all agree he was doing something stupid (forget legality for a minute) and he paid the price. Very sad for the people left behind. But sometimes that's the way it goes.

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either you or I missed his point...i read that post to indicate that he was ticked that so many here are passing judgement on chris henry rather than just being 'saddened' at the passing of a young life....course i could be wrong


If so i apologize for my rant. Sorry this stuff just gets me really heated. I should probably stay away from this thread.

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