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WGR postgame listening thread


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I love people who take the time to post on a Bills board about how they didn't watch the game. You're so cool. :thumbsup:




You slept through half the game, then watched the second half, then went on-line to tell us all about it.


Thank god, I was worried about you..... douche. :thumbsup:

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I've never heard anyone ever say that they like Mike Schopp. He's a condescending douche bag and he doesn't know all that much about sports. I will never listen to him or WGR when he is on.


Let me be the first to say I like Schopp. I did used to hate him, but now I like their show. I think they along with Greg Bauch are entertaining..........However, I do think today's postgame was absolutely horrible. They should not be doing the postgame. They don't want to be there, so why are they?

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I feel the same exact way you do. The essence of the sad state of the Bills was what my wife said yesterday "It's so quiet in this house" during the Bills game game. I said it was never like that even a few years ago. I can't stand it anymore. I actually have been rooting for them to lose to get a better draft pick. They are stuck in bad mediocrity. They need very good players and the only way that happens is with high draft picks assuming we get someone who knows what he is doing as GM. The team stinks, especially at QB, and if a whole new regime is not brought in, I am done. I will cancel my Sunday Ticket and enjoy doing other things.

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I feel the same exact way you do. The essence of the sad state of the Bills was what my wife said yesterday "It's so quiet in this house" during the Bills game game. I said it was never like that even a few years ago. I can't stand it anymore. I actually have been rooting for them to lose to get a better draft pick. They are stuck in bad mediocrity. They need very good players and the only way that happens is with high draft picks assuming we get someone who knows what he is doing as GM. The team stinks, especially at QB, and if a whole new regime is not brought in, I am done. I will cancel my Sunday Ticket and enjoy doing other things.


Please no. This is absolutely devasting and will affect my life greatly. :wallbash:

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I really hate it when sports announcers complain about anything. They have the dream job. I'd give my left nut to have a job like that.


Same when baseball announcers complain about how long the game is. Go grab a shovel for 8 hours butthole, then complain about having to watch a 3 hour ball game.

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Let me say I listen every week after the game.

Nothing is better than listening them trashing the Bills, mocking callers with sarcasm.

Best line so far...

Bulldog: "I didn't want to watch the game, but my job makes me."


"I'm not mad I am here or anything. I just want the season to end."

Keep it classy Buffalo :wallbash:

Bullfrog is a stuttering, Schlop-noot licking little b#@ch, and Schlop is a vagina....flat out. This guy isn't married, doesn't have kids...it's kind of like Colin Coward....they act like they are some kind of cool, free spirited guys, and the truth is they are negative, pencil-d#$k, pricks.


I don't know when sports radio jumped the shark, but we're there. I feel Rome may be responsible...don't misunderstand that I am blaming Rome, or don't like him. Rome is amazing, unfortunately all of these guys want to be like him, and they can't hold his Bombay Saphire.


Listen to Mike & Mike, Coward, Sclop and Bullcock, and you notice they all sound the same? Whiny little nerd voices, stuttering, exaggerated stuttering, saying crap like "Don't give me that," or "I get it." Hanging up on callers that disagree with them.


Is there a good sports talk show out there, aside from Rome? Being a Bills and Sabres fan I would prefer local Buffalo talk. I am a Red Sox fan, but I refuse to listen to Pats* ball-lickers all day. Just good normal guys talking about sports would be good.


Oh, and all the people that keep saying you're going to quit watching the Bills...we are gonna miss you, but you're only making this harder on both of us by staying. Please...just go. Don't go away mad....just go away. The weekly threats and hearing about how you have nothing to live for anymore takes away from the momentum of a good topic. When we're back on top, you can come running back telling everybody how you are such a die-hard fan...we won't tell, but we'll always know.

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Bullfrog is a stuttering, Schlop-noot licking little b#@ch, and Schlop is a vagina....flat out. This guy isn't married, doesn't have kids...it's kind of like Colin Coward....they act like they are some kind of cool, free spirited guys, and the truth is they are negative, pencil-d#$k, pricks.


I don't know when sports radio jumped the shark, but we're there. I feel Rome may be responsible...don't misunderstand that I am blaming Rome, or don't like him. Rome is amazing, unfortunately all of these guys want to be like him, and they can't hold his Bombay Saphire.


Listen to Mike & Mike, Coward, Sclop and Bullcock, and you notice they all sound the same? Whiny little nerd voices, stuttering, exaggerated stuttering, saying crap like "Don't give me that," or "I get it." Hanging up on callers that disagree with them.


Is there a good sports talk show out there, aside from Rome? Being a Bills and Sabres fan I would prefer local Buffalo talk. I am a Red Sox fan, but I refuse to listen to Pats* ball-lickers all day. Just good normal guys talking about sports would be good.


Oh, and all the people that keep saying you're going to quit watching the Bills...we are gonna miss you, but you're only making this harder on both of us by staying. Please...just go. Don't go away mad....just go away. The weekly threats and hearing about how you have nothing to live for anymore takes away from the momentum of a good topic. When we're back on top, you can come running back telling everybody how you are such a die-hard fan...we won't tell, but we'll always know.


Not sure what that has to do with anything, but he is married and now also has a kid. I like S&B, mostly when they're not talking about sports, though. And, Brad Riter is great on WECK.........Another great one is Tony Kornheiser - his show is just sublime....I still like Rome for the most part, but since Alvin started and it became all about the drops, it's so annoying. I do think he's moved away from that a little bit lately in the last 6 months or so.

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So many guys want to show how smart they are by being "realistic" and "strategic" by rooting for draft position rather than wins. All they are demonstrating is what self-important fools they are.


The Steelers won their last game in 1968, thus missing out on OJ Simpson. The contemporary versions of these pseudo-Machiavellis whined and complained that the Steelers made a huge mistake.... Instead, they drafted some guy from North Texas State named Joe Greene. Too bad that did not work out for them, since as we all know, the team that drafted OJ went on to win four super bowls in the 1970s...


Oh wait......


We would have taken Leroy Keys who was touted by many as superior toOJ and not Mean Joe Greene.

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sometimes they seem to be pretty off base with the fan base in Buffalo, get worked up about all the wrong things, and seem to have no real knowledge of football to give to any of the listeners. They are annoying and whiny.


I got upset the other day when Schop didnt watch the Sabres game, and Bulldog left the game early. It is your JOB to watch and have insight on the game and its entirety, and just to announce it on the air is rediculous.


I dont know why I listen, I really hate just about everbody on 550. I guess its like those crazy moms who kept listening to Howard Stern just to complain and get all heated is. The only difference is I enjoy I like Howards Stern and he doesnt suck like these a-holes

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Unfortunately the economy and the radio biz in general will prevent WGR from ever having any meaningful competition. Apologies to Brad and WECK, but you guys lack the signal and wherewithal to go toe-to-toe with 'GR. But there is one thing WECK does better than WGR; the Ruben Brown show.


Mind you both Ruben and Brad can get sidetracked and that's when the show kinda sucks. But when Ruben is talking Bills he really brings you inside the Bills locker room, and Brad knows when to step aside and let him tell his stories. Even better is when Ruben brings in former Bills as guests. Not superstars, but role players like Gabe Northern. That is some of the best sports radio I've ever heard on Buffalo radio. Real players talking knowledgeably. Not whiny negative nerdy beyotches crying about how they hate the local teams.


The formula for good sports talk:


>Combine former team members with show hosts.

>Bring in local reporters.

>Be critical but be specific with criticism.

>Never diss the home teams, the fans, or the city.

>Never root for your teams to lose.

>Never complain about your job.



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Please no. This is absolutely devasting and will affect my life greatly. :wallbash:


I've been reading your posts for a while and i have come to the conclusion that you are a douchebag. While I don't disagree with your posts, You seem to feel that you are king sh*t around these parts. If someone posts their opinion you feel that it is your duty to slam, belittle of just make fun of them.



Good luck with your complex.

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I've been reading your posts for a while and i have come to the conclusion that you are a douchebag. While I don't disagree with your posts, You seem to feel that you are king sh*t around these parts. If someone posts their opinion you feel that it is your duty to slam, belittle of just make fun of them.



Good luck with your complex.



Haha. This makes me sad because your opinion met so much to me. :wallbash: But if you honestly think that other people give a crap that you didn't watch a game or you're going to quit being a Bills fan, you need to get over yourself. No one cares just like I don't care about your opinion. ;)


And it's not a complex. I'm awesome.

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