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Grow Gov. some more....YEAH!!!!!!!


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When the recession started, the Transportation Department had only one person earning a salary of $170,000 or more. Eighteen months later, 1,690 employees had salaries above $170,000.


More change we can believe in. :rolleyes:


Hope all you Obama voters earning $50k per year are happy to be contributing to this trend.

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Really nothing new... The party on the inside will do whatever it takes to stay in power; the party on the outside will do whatever it takes to throw out the "in's" and claim power for itself.


As long as we are willing to elect/re-elect them [read - let them do it] they will. The best predictor of tomorrow's politics is yesterday, so....



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More change we can believe in. :lol:


Hope all you Obama voters earning $50k per year are happy to be contributing to this trend.


Pay hikes. Then-president Bush recommended — and Congress approved — across-the-board raises of 3% in January 2008 and 3.9% in January 2009. President Obama has recommended 2% pay raises in January 2010, the smallest since 1975. Most federal workers also get longevity pay hikes — called steps — that average 1.5% per year.



Yeah, all his fault.

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3% and 2% pay raises do not bring the number of federal employees making over 100K to 170K go up by 2000%. Are your math skills really that poor?


You forgot to factor 3.5 into your equation


*Edit - I propose that the universal constant 3.5 be assigned the symbol AH. Pronounced A of H, as in Arm of Holcomb

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The only folks making that much are not standard govies (GSers). They are SES's and polical appointees. So basically it's the administration thanking those that helped get them elected.


Exactly. Those are the golden tier executives making that kind of money. I wonder how many working stiff jobs like mine (I am not a GS, I am a WY or wage grade) working swing-shift they are creating??


Speaking of "steps"... Being a WY, I have been stepped out for almost 10 years now. The only thing I get is a COLA and being a wage grade employee (WY) that is based on the area and scale I am in... The last couple of years that amount hasn't even been keeping up with the % I pay towards my health insurance.


A 100 grand is a ton of money... I can't think of anyone in our district making that kind of money out side the executive service... And then there is gotta be probably just few top engineers or executives??

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