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Where Have All the Lefties Gone?

Chef Jim

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You must be joking, right?


Whether or not they have a preordained agenda or not, you cannot seriously think that NPR is devoid of partisanship to a particular side which blatantly slants their reporting.



I'm speechless. How could you possibly be that naive?


There's simply no research to suggest NPR or its listenership is predominately liberal.

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Regarding your reply to my #10...you're a !@#$ing idiot for saying that. There is a single group in power that has been in power for decades that has turned a large part of a city that could be one of if not the best in the world into a cesspool and your response is "eh, if you don't like it, move"? Sorry that's not how I operate. I know it's been like this for a long time so what can I do? Not sure but what I do here will allow me to get in front of people that can actually do something about it. This is a city of misdirected priorities. Can a homeless guy **** and piss in the street? I guees so. Can I buy foie gras in a restaurant? Apparently not. This is a city of unenforced laws, rules and regulations and all it would take is to enforce these rules and laws and the city would be much better. No, sorry I'm not leaving. I'm going to do what I can to make it better. Cover me....I'm going in.

Yeah, I don't really care too much about SF. Just trying to get your blood boiling - did it work?

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There's simply no research to suggest NPR or its listenership is predominately liberal.


We're not talking about listenership. We're talking about their reporting. If you don't think that it's delivered well left of center, then you still have a lot of learning to do. Maybe the very calm and soothing voices put you in a trance that you don't actually hear what's being reported.


NPR has a lot of very good programs on the air, but only true believers would claim they're not politically biased.

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We're not talking about listenership. We're talking about their reporting. If you don't think that it's delivered well left of center, then you still have a lot of learning to do. Maybe the very calm and soothing voices put you in a trance that you don't actually hear what's being reported.


NPR has a lot of very good programs on the air, but only true believers would claim they're not politically biased.

NPR is far, far better than most. Which might not be saying much...

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We're not talking about listenership. We're talking about their reporting. If you don't think that it's delivered well left of center, then you still have a lot of learning to do. Maybe the very calm and soothing voices put you in a trance that you don't actually hear what's being reported.


NPR has a lot of very good programs on the air, but only true believers would claim they're not politically biased.



He has his hands over his ears with his eye's closed yelling..."I'm not listening, I'm not listening" over and over and over.............



My 6 year old does that sometimes :ph34r:

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Don't disagree with that. Just the ridiculous assertion that they're not biased. Nice vocal tones, though.


Well, if you consider allegations of too often pulling from conservative think tanks bias, then yes they are.


On the other hand, if you consider their reporting on the Gaza Strip to be anti-Israel, thereby rendering them liberal, then yes, they are.

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Make a stupid request, get a stupid response. To say Obama has done nothing good, is like saying Bush did nothing good, both statements originate from a voluntary blind spot.


As my comrade Gump says, "Stupid is as stupid does".


You sure that list isn't something that Robert Gibbs' 6 year old son originally sribbled on a napkin during lunch hour?

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He has his hands over his ears with his eye's closed yelling..."I'm not listening, I'm not listening" over and over and over.............



My 6 year old does that sometimes :ph34r:


About the only difference between a six year old and a college student is tuition.

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