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Obama's fisting czar.

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Which causes me to wonder if Gene's indignant moral outrage at your indignant moral outrage satisfied by the previous disclaimer is satisfied by this disclaimer.



Disclaimer: not that I'm indignantly morally outraged at Gene's indignant moral outrage.

I was not even aware of how indignantly morally outraged I was until I read this.

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So for all the self-processed conservatives in the crowd who are always preaching personal accountability and self-reliance, what's wrong with the above disclaimer telling people to be in charge of their actions and children? Or is there a fear that if my son without my knowldge sees a book about fisting, that he'll think that it's a fun thing to do?


Nothing wrong with the disclaimer at all. But that doesn't mean the government should be appointing a morally perverse, agenda-promoting extremist to be in charge of promoting what the government thinks is appropriate for school-children to read.


I don't have an issue with gay tolerance. I have an issue with promoting a hyper-sexual culture for children. Just because the celebrity machine churns out barely-pubescent tramps on a regular basis doesn't mean regular kids need to be pushed into that world before they are ready.


Pretty soon it'll be like picking a major in college; 10 year-olds will have to check the 'gay' or 'straight' box on the first day of school. Oh wait, this scumbag has already suggested that.

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Okay, let's put it to a vote. What's worse, "this" or Rick Santorum sharing a bed with his dead baby.


Frito Bandito PM'd me to ask if "Rick Santorum fisting a dead baby" was an appropriate answer?


I wasn't going to ask, but I was curious to find out if Hedd was going to report me to Nancy Pelosi if I did...

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Okay, let's put it to a vote. What's worse, "this" or Rick Santorum sharing a bed with his dead baby.



Frito Bandito PM'd me to ask if "Rick Santorum fisting a dead baby" was an appropriate answer?


I wasn't going to ask, but I was curious to find out if Hedd was going to report me to Nancy Pelosi if I did...



That's just wrong :ph34r:



I felt very dirty posting it...but hey, Frito asks you to post something, you !@#$ing do it.


:death: Now that's the funniest sequence of posts I've read in a long time! :(

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