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I guess Congress has nothing better to do.....


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Personally, I don't have a problem with it. Sure, there are far more important issues facing our elected officials, but keeping sports on the up and up by occasionally 'stopping in for a peek' is OK with me. I think much good came from the baseball hearings as PED's became absolutely rampant in the sport. Now, it's practically unheard of. The NFL's anti-trust legislation, IMO, requires occasional oversight, as greed begets greed. As for college football, is there anybody in the country -not affiliated with the BCS- that thinks it's an effective way to determine who gets to play in big bowl games? I think the current setup is a travesty, but with the untold millions in the kitty, I don't see change coming for a very long time.


Not saying a congressional inquiry will change, but at this point, I'll take any attempt to right this mess.



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We got 2 wars going on,an economy that's in the crapper and a national debate about the future of health care going on. And these guys wanna investigate the BCS. What a bunch of DUMBASSES! What the hell is wrong with these people?



Well, if the congresscritters cut the football games down to 6 games just think of how much smaller the carbon footprint would be??

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Well, if the congresscritters cut the football games down to 6 games just think of how much smaller the carbon footprint would be??

yeah,great. This stuff just pisses me off. The steroids investigation was a joke too. These assclowns need to keep their eyes on the IMPORTANT issues.

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