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J.P. Losman

Guest dog14787

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My only comment about JP's 2006 season was that he was named starting QB that year after competing for the job...some people obviously didn't pay attention

There was no "QB competiton" in 2006.


Who, exactly, was he competing against? Holcomb and Nall?



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Just derailed momentarily, but JP is back on the track with the Locomotives.


The UFL is also back next year with a couple more teams in two new Cities and next season everyone is gunning for the UFL Champion Loco's and J.P. Losman, especially Bollinger and the Florida Tuskers,


as a new league and rivalry is born...




I'm sorry, did you say something?

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Guest dog14787


It Did NOT matter.


I know it was preseason, but when was the last time we seen the football gunned into our WR's the way JP Losman can. Not since Jim kelly have we had an arm in Buffalo as strong as JP Losman's and we need a strong arm when the cold wind blows. We also need someone as tough as JP, did anyone see the hit he took in the UFL championship game. The hit looked like it knocked JP out cold and he was down for awhile, but still finished the game. Plus JP was playing with a taped up broken pinky with multiple fractures awaiting on an operation.


The long balls to Lee Evans were a thing of beauty...

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Not going to get into your guys debate about how good Leech is or isnt at grooming QB's, mainly because I dont really know his track record here. But, is Tim Couch your only argument in favor of him being able to groom QB's? I hope not, as Couch wasnt very good before or after his injury history and got beat out by a certain QB who also stunk it up for the Bills...He was pretty much considered a bust his entire career, even pre injury.


There has to be a better example than this...

Well, you acknowledge that you're unfamiliar with Leach's record of grooming QBs, which is more than I can say for my stubbornly ignorant adversary from P-Town. :thumbsup:


Mike Leach was OC at Kentucky in 1997-1998 - he gave us Tim Couch who, depsite WEO's nonsensical ramblings, was a #1 overall pick thrust into the starting role on an expansion team as a rookie, and did lead the expansion Cleveland Browns team to the playoffs - throwing for 3000 yards in '02 before a shoulder injury, a broken leg, and steroid/HGH use ended his career. WEO seems to think that's 'cause Leach didn't groom him well.


Leach spent one year as OC at Oklahoma (1999) grooming Josh Heupel, who became an All-American and Heisman runner-up in 2000, leading the Sooners to an undefeated season and a national championship. Heupel was drafted by the Dolphins, but shoulder tendinitis ended his NFL career after one season - again, per WEO, apparently Leach's fault even though Leach was already at Texas Tech in 2000.


Now at Texas Tech, Leach does not attract QB talent that the 'big' schools attract - like Brady Quinn, Jimmy Clausen, Matt Leinert, Mark Sanchez, etc., etc. - a fact apparently lost on WEO. Leach has taken a series of unlikely, unknown, unwanted QBs who were not 'scholarshipped' by any other major programs and turned every single one of them into NCAA leading QBs...


CBS Sports: Texas Tech quarterbacks under Mike Leach


Smart Football: How Mike Leach keeps producing prolific passers


B.J. Symons and Kliff Kingsbury had brief stints in the NFL, Sonny Cumbie was signed briefly by both the Colts and the Ravens, but never played. I don't really see that as a knock on Leach, but rather an amazing accomplishment that these guys even got a shot at the pros! That Graham Harrell lingers in the CFL is a shock, when you look a shmoes like Trent Edwards, who's finished one complete season w/out injury since H.S. (his junior year at Stanford).


Leach accomplished similar miracles in his early career at Iowa Wesleyan and Valdosta State, his QBs setting school and conderence records. Fact is, Mike Leach could probably make a half-decent QB out of anyone - even a cross-dressing Patriettes* fan like...



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I know it was preseason, but when was the last time we seen the football gunned into our WR's the way JP Losman can. Not since Jim kelly have we had an arm in Buffalo as strong as JP Losman's and we need a strong arm when the cold wind blows in Buffalo. We also need someone as tough as JP, did anyone see the hit he took in the UFL championship game. The hit looked like it knocked JP out cold and he was down for awhile, but still finished the game. Plus JP was playing with a taped up broken pinky with multiple fractures awaiting on an operation.


The long balls to Lee Evans were a thing of beauty...


Bledsoe had a better arm then both Losman & Kelly & it was not even close. Please stop with the legend of Losman.

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Well....turns out Harrell couldn't "make all the throws"---not to professional football receivers.

Didn't he get dumped by the CFL?

Not at all - he's still up in Saskatchewan, on a 2-year plus option contract, being groomed for the #1 spot and biding his time 'til he gets another shot at the NFL.


But by all means feel free to keep making crap up.

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This is by far the dumbest post I have ever read. Excuse me for stating things that may have already been talked about in the last 5 pages. I couldnt bring myself to ready everyones responses.

Nobody in this world should owe anything to JP Losman. The guy flat out sucked. He played on a better team and a better line that your 2nd love in Trance Checkwards and he sucked. He was able to put up yards and that was about it. Just like Trance, he threw more interceptions and made bad plays then touchdowns or converted anything worth a spit.

I do agree that both JP and Trance would have, should have, could have been better if they would have been on a better team, with a better coaching staff, and better organizaion. But the fact is they werent given that opportunity. They tried their best and it wasnt good enough. They are both young enough to actually make something of themselves but it will not happen here and it shouldnt even if it is a possibility. This team needs a full rebuild from all the way up at the top to all the way down to the towel boys.

JP might actually make something of himself now that he is away from this franchise. I actually have hope for him. Truth is I always liked JP and was a believer that he could turn things around. But it speaks volumes that no NFL team picked him up in the offseason and its not like teams are breaking down his door after the season he had in the UFL.

Trance Checkwards on the other hand is just about done as Thanksgiving turkey dinner, except his brains are more smashed then the mashed potatoes and gravy my aunt makes that I love so much. Mentally he is done, running scared and it shows. He has lost all his confidence and never had the physical attributes to overcome it. His biggest advantage is that he was a smart quarterback, reacted quickly and its all over now.


Im officially done with any Trent or JP losman threads moving forward. Everyone needs to get over it. The Bills have.

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Watching Aaron Rodgers playing against the Ravens last night reminded me of how well Losman was able to throw with decent accuracy while on the run. I'm not going to go into anything JP accomplished in the UFL because to most folks it doesn't mean much anyways , but Jim Fassel has done an amazing job with JP Losman. UFL or not its still the same game and maybe the defenses aren't near as good, but it goes hand in hand with the protection and it still boils down to keeping your composure, keeping the play alive and delivering a strike.


JP has great wheels, cannon of an arm and a great work ethic. Losman's arm is probably stronger then 90% of the starting QB's in the NFL. I still see big potential in JP Losman and myself personally, I want that cannon of an arm, athleticism and great work ethic on my team. If we could pick JP up at a reasonable salary, why not bring him in for a hard look through the preseason and see if Loman beats out what we have in camp.


We owe it to JP in my opinion and its very possible we owe it to ourselves...







this will never, ever, ever happen for various reasons.



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Guest dog14787
this will never, ever, ever happen for various reasons.





With all due respect jw,


From our current coaching and FO's perspective I agree, but that's not to say what a new regime may or may not do, what if Fassel ends up in Buffalo's as OC or HC, then all of the sudden Losman's chances for a return increase 100 fold.

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With all due respect jw,


From our current coaching and FO's perspective I agree, but that's not to say what a new regime may or may not do, what if Fassel ends up in Buffalo's as OC or HC, then all of the sudden Losman's chances for a return increase ten fold.

point taken, but that's a lot of what-ifs. and i'm not entirely sure how much support he has in the locker room, so they might have to change that, too.



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With all due respect jw,


From our current coaching and FO's perspective I agree, but that's not to say what a new regime may or may not do, what if Fassel ends up in Buffalo's as OC or HC, then all of the sudden Losman's chances for a return increase ten fold.

I hate to break it to you but there is not a single NFL coaching staff that would consider signing JP Losman, as evidenced by the fact that he can be signed by any team and is still unemployed. Only certain people on TBD think JP Losman is an NFL QB.



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Guest dog14787
I hate to break it to you but there is not a single NFL coaching staff that would consider signing JP Losman, as evidenced by the fact that he can be signed by any team and is still unemployed. Only certain people on TBD think JP Losman is an NFL QB.





Hmmmm, Yet one of the best GM's in the league Bill Polian just took a look at him . Polian has seen enough film on JP to know everything we know about JP Losman, but still brought him in and to be honest we really don't know what transpired. For all we know Polian may have said, "look JP, you may never get a chance to play, are you OK with this?", and JP might have said "No, no I'm not".


I mean we can speculate all we want PTR, but that's all it is, speculation.

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If (and that's a BIG if at this point) Losman gets another shot and really does turn his career around, just be happy that the Bills were able to develop yet another player for some other team. It's what successful farm teams do.



There ex-Bills RBs and DBs Playing all over the League. But their starting lineman wouldn't start on any other team. :censored::lol::lol::worthy:

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JP coming back would be like the woman going back to the abusive man. The way he was treated here was near criminal. Mind you that I am not a JP fan, I never liked the idea. I was of the opinion we needed a plug and play QB, due to the lack of patience and ability to develop a QB. My opinion has changed in that respect. It is unfortunate that our organization's has not. I think Losman was an up and comer and would have panned out...enter TE, another up and comer....now we have two Qbs on the scrap heap. The most important quality in a QB is confidence. In himself and his teammates. We do not foster that at all. The coaches were quick with the hook, and the fans give up fast. Had JP not lost his job he would have started to make the adjustments that he was so slow to make.


It is easy for us to say he never would have gotten it, but how much difference did it make in your work performance after a couple years on the job?


I hope that he does well. He would be a huge upgrade here, especially with a qualified coach, a coach that actually coaches and cares about and develops his players would get a star out of JP.... The fans that don't want him back do not have to worry. If anybody else is interested, why would he ever come back to Buffalo? The weather? The nightlife? The warm-fuzzy feeling the fans gave him? We stand as much of a chance of seeing him back as OJ.


Two weeks ago there was some talk about Vick coming to Buffalo.


I was watching a sports show, PTI I think, and one of the guys said he would be crazing to go to Buf, that is where QBs go to get killed.



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Hmmmm, Yet Bill Polian just took a look at him, one of the best GM's in the league. Polian has seen enough film on JP to know everything we know about JP Losman, but still brought him in and to be honest we really don't know what transpired. For all we know Polian may have said, "look JP, you may never get a chance to play, are you OK with this?", and JP might have said "No, no I'm not".


I mean we can speculate all we want PTR, but that's all it is, speculation.

I was drunk once saw the "skinny girl" across the bar.. Woke up and didnt marry her...Next.....

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Watching Aaron Rodgers playing against the Ravens last night reminded me of how well Losman was able to throw with decent accuracy while on the run. I'm not going to go into anything JP accomplished in the UFL because to most folks it doesn't mean much anyways , but Jim Fassel has done an amazing job with JP Losman. UFL or not its still the same game and maybe the defenses aren't near as good, but it goes hand in hand with the protection and it still boils down to keeping your composure, keeping the play alive and delivering a strike.


JP has great wheels, cannon of an arm and a great work ethic. Losman's arm is probably stronger then 90% of the starting QB's in the NFL. I still see big potential in JP Losman and myself personally, I want that cannon of an arm, athleticism and great work ethic on my team. If we could pick JP up at a reasonable salary, why not bring him in for a hard look through the preseason and see if Loman beats out what we have in camp.


We owe it to JP in my opinion and its very possible we owe it to ourselves...






Are you f-ing kidding???? Wait, the west side could use some picking up I guess...capital idea...capital....

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