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I wonder if our QB woes will get resolved this offseason.


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Not sure. Bills probably end up in L.A. or Toronto within the next 3-4 years, so not the Winds will be much of a factor...


Does it never end with you?


You never stop bitching. Obviously you're not a Bills' fan, so why are you on this board?


Please at least pretend to like something about the team, or just find a hole to crawl into, and stop infesting the board with your constant belly-aching.


There's no way one person could be this miserable.

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I am not happy with Tebow, Clausen or McCoy. If Bradford is still around in the 2nd then I take a flyer on him. Other than that, I dont' see anyone that will come in and be that savior we need.


I think this draft we need to take a stud LT or DE or DT and start rebuilding these ****ty lines we have. If a guy like Bradford or Pike is there in the 2nd, take them but lets not put all our eggs in one basket as for as they are concerned.


Typical Bills luck huh? Maybe a top 5-7 pick and no real QB worth a damn to pick. :thumbsup:

Its been so long since we had a real qb here I doubt any of us know what one looks like coming out of college..Hell I thought Todd Collins, Rob Johnson, Trent Edwards were gonna be good.. I hated Flutie and Losman. The only one I got excited for was Bledsoe.. I am all for just signing an average Qb who has performed at some NFL level with positive results at this point.. None of us Bills fans have a clue when it comes to qbs cuz its been a lifetime since we had one!!!! Flip a coin at this point... We argue over Edwards or Losman..LOL..Are we kidding ourselves or what..They have all sucked xcept for 6 games by Bledsoe..Really the only thing we should care about at this point is bringing in a REAL GM who can build this team from the foundation up..Anything else is a waste of all our time...

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Oh! When I first read your post title, I thought our QBs were depressed. Then again, maybe they are. Crap, the whole team probably is down. Now that I think about it, I don't feel very good either. We may be surprised to find out who feels good right now. What if Jauron is saying to himself, "I'm glad that's over?" What if he's smiling right now? I never actually saw him smile. Did anyone? Is he creepy looking when he smiles? Does he have all of his teeth? But I digress.


I talked to my doc about this today. I said 'I am really depressed' She asked 'are you taking your meds'? I said 'yeah every day, but they don't seem to be working'. She says 'humm....what pro team do you root for'? I said 'the Buffalo Bills'. she says 'Uh huh....now I understand...'


She set me up an appointment with a shrink next week...

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I like Tebow, he reminds me of Jim Kelly a little, same strong frame and build, big arm, gutsy as hell, there's allot to like about the young fella in my opinion and we have to be looking at this closely, this could be our QB of the future.


Its also possible Losman or Bollinger may be a good choice for a football team looking for a starting QB. They are both ready to step in and take over the starting role after a preseason of preparation.

If you love JP so much, seek him out and manlove him all night but stop saying how he can be a starter in the NFL. He had multiple shots and sucked.....PERIOD

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