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Has Bob Matthews of the D&C lost his mind or is he just lazy?


Title of today's column is Buffalo Bills Should Hire Martz, I open expecting a whole column explaining why. All I get is a paragraph saying Martz is known as an offensive genius, and the Bills have a bad offense, then some stats saying how bad the Bills offense is.



I wonder if maybe this is a follow up to a previous column, I mean, this can't be it?


I look at previous columns and there's one Martz-Fewell column. Again, one paragraph that says Martz is offensive minded and Matthews wants to hire an offensive minded coach. That's it.



I know he just writes blurbs, but that's the most empty journalistic opinion writing I've ever seen, I would expect better from the D&C.

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Bob Mathews is to journalism what Rich Kotite is to coaching.


There's a reason that Bob Mathews writes for the D&C. There's a reason that's all he'll ever write for. I wouldn't get to upset over anything he says. He's a bit of a hack

Hack is putting it kindly. The guy seems to be less informed than your average part-time fan.

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Bob Matthews loves Zippy Chippy. Yes, that Zippy Chippy -

. All other sports are second rate.

In December 2004, he retired to become an outrider pony at his hometown track, Finger Lakes racetrack in Farmington, New York, where he'd also been banned from racing on September 8, 1998
after failing to leave the gate with the rest of the field
for the third consecutive time
As an outrider pony, he will escort horses in the post parade and lead them to the gate

Dare I say, Bob identifies very much with the Zipster.

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When questioned about why he did not devote MORE of his sports columns to the Buffalo Bills, Matthews pointed out that the Demagogue and Comical already had a couple staff writers devoted to the Bills (Sal Maiorana and until recently Scott Pitoniak come to mind), and a whole page of editorial copy on the team. His job was to cover a wider spectrum and he intentionally did not write a lot about the Bills unless he had something he wanted to say.


I agree the choice of headlines was to grab readers, but who is to say that Matthews controls that part of the editorial content? Perhaps since the Bills are off today someone wanted draw readers.


As far as his opinion about Martz is no worse than MANY other opinions offered to take over for the Bills.I do see your point.


Depending on your POV, Martz is an offensive genius or a QB killer. Tim Graham's take: Graham on Matz



Has Bob Matthews of the D&C lost his mind or is he just lazy?


Title of today's column is Buffalo Bills Should Hire Martz, I open expecting a whole column explaining why. All I get is a paragraph saying Martz is known as an offensive genius, and the Bills have a bad offense, then some stats saying how bad the Bills offense is.



I wonder if maybe this is a follow up to a previous column, I mean, this can't be it?


I look at previous columns and there's one Martz-Fewell column. Again, one paragraph that says Martz is offensive minded and Matthews wants to hire an offensive minded coach. That's it.



I know he just writes blurbs, but that's the most empty journalistic opinion writing I've ever seen, I would expect better from the D&C.

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Matthews radio show on WHAM is even worse. If you love horse racing, soccer, or golf...he's your guy! He has his job because he's a Rochester guy. The locals like him. But my dog knows more about sports than he does.



I'm a local and I don't like him, how he keeps his job is beyond me. He used to make erroneous statements in his columns all the time when he first started, either he knows someone or married someone to get that job.

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Matthews really knows nothing about football. He writes his football articles whilst sitting on the toilet.


Has Bob Matthews of the D&C lost his mind or is he just lazy?


Title of today's column is Buffalo Bills Should Hire Martz, I open expecting a whole column explaining why. All I get is a paragraph saying Martz is known as an offensive genius, and the Bills have a bad offense, then some stats saying how bad the Bills offense is.



I wonder if maybe this is a follow up to a previous column, I mean, this can't be it?


I look at previous columns and there's one Martz-Fewell column. Again, one paragraph that says Martz is offensive minded and Matthews wants to hire an offensive minded coach. That's it.



I know he just writes blurbs, but that's the most empty journalistic opinion writing I've ever seen, I would expect better from the D&C.

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When questioned about why he did not devote MORE of his sports columns to the Buffalo Bills, Matthews pointed out that the Demagogue and Comical already had a couple staff writers devoted to the Bills (Sal Maiorana and until recently Scott Pitoniak come to mind), and a whole page of editorial copy on the team. His job was to cover a wider spectrum and he intentionally did not write a lot about the Bills unless he had something he wanted to say.


I agree the choice of headlines was to grab readers, but who is to say that Matthews controls that part of the editorial content? Perhaps since the Bills are off today someone wanted draw readers.


As far as his opinion about Martz is no worse than MANY other opinions offered to take over for the Bills.I do see your point.


Depending on your POV, Martz is an offensive genius or a QB killer. Tim Graham's take: Graham on Matz


Its not the headlines that bother me, its that he makes a statement that Martz should be the next head coach, but makes no argument to back it up.


I would like to know WHY he thinks that...whether I agree or disagree, us readers deserve at least that. Either back up your statement or don't write it.

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Its not the headlines that bother me, its that he makes a statement that Martz should be the next head coach, but makes no argument to back it up.


I would like to know WHY he thinks that...whether I agree or disagree, us readers deserve at least that. Either back up your statement or don't write it.

Matthews is lamer than some of the worst internet posters. He remembers Martz was a big deal...once. That's good enough for him.



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Has Bob Matthews of the D&C lost his mind or is he just lazy?


Title of today's column is Buffalo Bills Should Hire Martz, I open expecting a whole column explaining why. All I get is a paragraph saying Martz is known as an offensive genius, and the Bills have a bad offense, then some stats saying how bad the Bills offense is.



I wonder if maybe this is a follow up to a previous column, I mean, this can't be it?


I look at previous columns and there's one Martz-Fewell column. Again, one paragraph that says Martz is offensive minded and Matthews wants to hire an offensive minded coach. That's it.



I know he just writes blurbs, but that's the most empty journalistic opinion writing I've ever seen, I would expect better from the D&C.


I whole-heartedly agree...I JUST read that and thought the SAME EXACT THING!


He is a fat turd.

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Its not the headlines that bother me, its that he makes a statement that Martz should be the next head coach, but makes no argument to back it up.


I would like to know WHY he thinks that...whether I agree or disagree, us readers deserve at least that. Either back up your statement or don't write it.


Point taken. He basically says "The main reason I'm touting Mike Martz for the head coach of the Buffalo Bills is his reputation as an offensive genius." He does not expand on that claim.

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Has Bob Matthews of the D&C lost his mind or is he just lazy?


Title of today's column is Buffalo Bills Should Hire Martz, I open expecting a whole column explaining why. All I get is a paragraph saying Martz is known as an offensive genius, and the Bills have a bad offense, then some stats saying how bad the Bills offense is.



I wonder if maybe this is a follow up to a previous column, I mean, this can't be it?


I look at previous columns and there's one Martz-Fewell column. Again, one paragraph that says Martz is offensive minded and Matthews wants to hire an offensive minded coach. That's it.



I know he just writes blurbs, but that's the most empty journalistic opinion writing I've ever seen, I would expect better from the D&C.


For future reference, if you write for the DC there is an excellent chance you are not particularly good at your job. That whole rag is nothing but ads, misspelled words and incoherent ramblings. For a good time listen to his show on WHAM--it's all about horse racing. Regardless of the big sports story all horse racing.

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Sorry, however crappy this article is, it can't compare to the one in the Buffalo news about how successful this Toronto/Bills venture appears after that awesome Jets game turnout. Total pandering hogwash. I wrote the offender personally it was so bad.

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