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#1 Florida vs #2 Alabama


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Id rather root for Nebraska so TCU or Cinci can get in the national title game...or Boise St who is unbeaten again




I think Bama would smoke Cincy.

TCU might be allright.


If Texas can dominate tonight, should be a good National Championship. IMO

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I think Bama would smoke Cincy.

TCU might be allright.


If Texas can dominate tonight, should be a good National Championship. IMO


probably but Im tired of the same 6 or 7 teams playing for the national title every year

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This game showed exactly why Teblow is not an NFL QB. He is not a passer at all. The guy has trouble figuring out what he is looking at and is not accurate on the mid-range throws you need to make in the NFL. He will not be an NFL QB. He may be the most over-rated QB of all time. I fell bad for any team that takes him to be a QB in the NFL unless they plan on running dive plays the entire game.

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whatever your thoughts on Tebow...the guy wears his emotions on his sleeve....love the passion he has for the game and for winning


Agreed. But if he plans on playing in the NFL as a QB, he better toughen up.

Bawling his eyes out after losing a game is not going to win him a lot of supporters in the locker room.

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great point...although i would imagine the dynamics of college v pro really change the emotional factor...


Agreed. But if he plans on playing in the NFL as a QB, he better toughen up.

Bawling his eyes out after losing a game is not going to win him a lot of supporters in the locker room.

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Hopefully this will stop the Tebow love fest some people here are having. He's not an NFL QB. It's plain and simple.


If he is drafted by the Bills I'll hold my tongue and root with all my heart to be wrong. I'll hope for him to be everything the militants on here are proclaiming him to be.

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any truth that the bible verse Tebow was wearing on his eye black is translated from Hebrew to mean ""Dear God, do not let Buffalo draft me in the springtime"?



lol. My wife was curious and found a bible... something to the effect of '... I have already defeated the world' This was, of course, Jesus speaking, but I suppose in gator nation one might get easily confused.


I went to grad school at UA, graduated in 1993, saw the last national championship, this was sweet.

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Agreed. But if he plans on playing in the NFL as a QB, he better toughen up.

Bawling his eyes out after losing a game is not going to win him a lot of supporters in the locker room.


Hell he didnt break a sweat until mid-4th quarter.

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Hopefully this will stop the Tebow love fest some people here are having. He's not an NFL QB. It's plain and simple.


If he is drafted by the Bills I'll hold my tongue and root with all my heart to be wrong. I'll hope for him to be everything the militants on here are proclaiming him to be.



I'm still not sure on Tebow. He faced a pretty brutal D today, but for most of career has been a man amongst boys. Still though, he's not done it by being a classic QB. He reminds me of a tall Flutie. All unorthodox, but gets it done most of the time. I lean a little towards thinking he'll be a success in the NFL since he's a winner and has some awesome physical gifts, but someone will have to teach him how to rainbow the ball for that endzone route.

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Do all of you remember the total breakdown Adam Morrison (Gonzaga) had on the basketball court after a loss?! Now THAT was funny!

He starts at about 1:10 and tries to hold it together, but at 3:08, he hits the floor and starts bawling his eyes out. Hahaha... This video ends, but when it was happening live, I swear he was kicking, screaming, and rolling around on the court like a toddler.

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I'm still not sure on Tebow. He faced a pretty brutal D today, but for most of career has been a man amongst boys. Still though, he's not done it by being a classic QB. He reminds me of a tall Flutie. All unorthodox, but gets it done most of the time. I lean a little towards thinking he'll be a success in the NFL since he's a winner and has some awesome physical gifts, but someone will have to teach him how to rainbow the ball for that endzone route.


Wow, are you ever in denial. Tebow will not achieve ANY success at the QB position in the NFL.

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Guest dog14787
whatever your thoughts on Tebow...the guy wears his emotions on his sleeve....love the passion he has for the game and for winning



Agreed. But if he plans on playing in the NFL as a QB, he better toughen up.

Bawling his eyes out after losing a game is not going to win him a lot of supporters in the locker room.


I seen Tebow on the sidelines with one of his O-line holding Tebows head as if trying to comfort him and I don't think tears makes Tebow any less of a man, at least not in my opinion.


I like the guy and I like the passion he shows. I can see why Jim kelly likes him, he kind of resembles Kelly in ways.

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Nick Saban whipped Urban Meyer today. Florida's defense was badly confused all day by a sound Bama gameplan. Kudos to Mark Ingram too, that guy is tough as hell.


All the hatred for Tebow is kind of pathetic. I agree he probably doesn't have the skills to be a good NFL QB but he is a hell of a college player. Why all the hatred for him? It's not his fault he is overhyped. I love the hypocrites who excuse guys like Vick and Lynch but crap all over a KID like Tebow.


I wish the Buffalo Bills cared about winning just half as much as these kids. Tebow crying today is alot more respectable than our overrated, gold teethed, moron of a RB yucking it up on the sideline when his teams getting blown out.

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Nick Saban whipped Urban Meyer today. Florida's defense was badly confused all day by a sound Bama gameplan. Kudos to Mark Ingram too, that guy is tough as hell.


All the hatred for Tebow is kind of pathetic. I agree he probably doesn't have the skills to be a good NFL QB but he is a hell of a college player. Why all the hatred for him? It's not his fault he is overhyped. I love the hypocrites who excuse guys like Vick and Lynch but crap all over a KID like Tebow.


I wish the Buffalo Bills cared about winning just half as much as these kids. Tebow crying today is alot more respectable than our overrated, gold teethed, moron of a RB yucking it up on the sideline when his teams getting blown out.



I have no hate for Tebow at all, in fact I was very impressed with his post game interview. This guy really cares about football, I just don't think he will be a great NFL QB. Great Kid.

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Wow, are you ever in denial. Tebow will not achieve ANY success at the QB position in the NFL.


I'll take some of that action. Given how poorly "sure thing" QBs drafted in high rounds have done in the last decade, I'm comfortable betting against the conventional wisdom on this one.


Tebow wont be a traditional QB, more like a tall Flutie.


Not every QB is Peyton Manning.

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