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Tiger Woods' Girls


Tiger Woods' Girls  

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  1. 1. Tiger Woods' Girls

    • Elin Nordegren
    • Jaimie Grubbs
    • Rachel Uchitel
    • Kalika Moquin

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Instead of having them come forward one at a time via the newspaper, Nike should hold a casting call for their new ad campaign of "I !@#$ed Tiger Woods."


But seriously, these "unidentified" ones are the worst...take #7:


The unidentified cocktail waitress, No. 7, is being repped by Florida lawyer Michael O'Quinn, who told The Post yesterday that the single gal, who met Tiger at Orlando's Roxy Nightclub, now "has a corporate job" and doesn't want to be identified -- yet.


"She had not come forward until this point out of respect for Mr. Woods and because she wanted to remain anonymous," he said.


First of all, "corporate job?"" Hahahahaha...right.


Second, out of respect she remained quiet? What changed? She saw the bus to Famous-for-Nothingville was getting full? The way these self-promoting skanks are being allowed to use the media for legal shakedowns is disgusting. The complete lack of self-respect or empathy for Tiger's family these chicks continue to display is choking.

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i heard some sports guy on the radio last week talking about this situation and claimed that there are potentially dozens of other chicks out there. he claimed that Tiger has a freaky side to him that Elin wasn't willing to give him and as a result he went elsewhere to find it.....i suspect this is merely the tip of the iceberg and that Jack Nicklaus' record is pretty safe...i think this will take a toll on Tigers game and he won't recover.....

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Exactly why should they have respect for his family when he obviously has none either.



How about because they (his family) are victims of his actions and every woman who comes forward compounds the humiliation, hurt and embarrassment they are all subjected to through no fault of their own. I shed no tears for Tiger, but you honestly don't have a problem with these vultures getting their 15-minutes by heaping extra misery onto Elin and especially the kids?

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. I shed no tears for Tiger, but you honestly don't have a problem with these vultures getting their 15-minutes by heaping extra misery onto Elin and especially the kids?

Meh, I think the humiliation is the same. If he banged two whores, he might have well banged a thousand. Not sure where I fall with Elin. If Tiger were just some balding, nerdy country club pro (which he would be minus the crazy game), she doesn't touch him with a fifty foot pole. Not saying she deserved it, but the rumors about the rewritten prenup make me a little leary about feeling for her "humiliation". I think the kids will be protected from any of the media exposure that normal kids would be subjected to.

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Meh, I think the humiliation is the same. If he banged two whores, he might have well banged a thousand. Not sure where I fall with Elin. If Tiger were just some balding, nerdy country club pro (which he would be minus the crazy game), she doesn't touch him with a fifty foot pole. Not saying she deserved it, but the rumors about the rewritten prenup make me a little leary about feeling for her "humiliation". I think the kids will be protected from any of the media exposure that normal kids would be subjected to.

I can see what you are saying, but I think it does get worse with each new girl. A. because it keeps the story in the news longer and B. because it's just worse.


I think the only saving grace is that the kids aren't old enough to appreciate what is going on. But they will suffer from this far more than the average anonymous family who doesn't have millions of strangers reading about their personal lives.


Bottom line, if I ever had an affair with a married woman, the last thing I'd want to do is expose her. Just basic empathy...why hurt someone if you don't have to? Especially one who is being piled on daily. Damaging someone's family so you can get your 15 minutes is about as shamelessly selfish as one can be...

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Last week I was joking with some of my old co-workers about the Tiger mess. One guy responded with "I doubt 'xxxx' will say anything. I wonder if I should 'out' her?"


I responded, "Who is 'xxxx'?"


Him: "You know her. She was in my wedding."


Me: "I can't for the life of me remember her. Is she hot or like one of these skanks?"


Him: "She's hot. Brunette, tan, big bre... ahhh, yeah she's sorta skanky. She met him at a party in NYC. Jeter and MJ were there, too. She ended up sleeping with Tiger."



I thought it was interesting that I was 2 degrees of separation from this story. With the way things are going, I bet we all are.



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Representing the female population on this board - I only have two comments.


1. What goes around, comes around.


I wish that were true. Sadly, even though it does sometimes, a lot of times it does not.


2. You play....you pay.


Not true regarding my ex wife. She played plenty and ended up with the house that I bought, the brand new Nissan Xterra that I bought, and alimony for life. She played, I still pay. So much for #1.


I'm not saying that in bitterness really, just to point out that #'s 1 & 2 are not set rules of the universe.

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