UConn James Posted May 1, 2010 Posted May 1, 2010 Just a few notes: - The last day of filming, apparently, was 23 April according to DarkUFO... Yet, a leaked call sheet said that the 26th was the final day. Either way, by this writing, it's a series wrap on the raw filming side and it's in the editors' hands. - The mystery of Adam & Eve will be resolved in ep. 6.15 "Across the Sea." - Allison Janney (who, most notably, played C.J. in "The West Wing") will appear in that same episode. "We will confirm that she will be a woman," sez Damon Lindelof.
Andrew in CA Posted May 1, 2010 Posted May 1, 2010 Just a few notes: - The mystery of Adam & Eve will be resolved in ep. 6.15 "Across the Sea." I might be alone in this, but I think this is the worst "mystery" everyone wants solved. I don't care who they are, I never thought it was significant, yet, for as long as I've been watching the show people demand to know the identity of the skeletons in the cave. I just don't care. ...unless it's awesome.
YOOOOOO Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 I might be alone in this, but I think this is the worst "mystery" everyone wants solved. I don't care who they are, I never thought it was significant, yet, for as long as I've been watching the show people demand to know the identity of the skeletons in the cave. I just don't care. ...unless it's awesome. I didnt really care either....until i rewatch the episode that the bodies were discovered.... Jack picks up a bag, and in it, are two stones, one black and one white.... at the time most of us were like WTF is that about......now we know
outsidethebox Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 Does anyone know if it another repeat this week? I hope not.
UConn James Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 Does anyone know if it another repeat this week? I hope not. It's back on track this week. Evidently, they needed a little catch-up time and filled it with a refresher of the big island mythology episode (well, the biggest one so far).
outsidethebox Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 It's back on track this week. Evidently, they needed a little catch-up time and filled it with a refresher of the big island mythology episode (well, the biggest one so far). Thanks James, looking foreword to it.
duey Posted May 3, 2010 Author Posted May 3, 2010 This is it...the stretch run for this amazing show. I'm going to savor these next for weeks like I've never savored a show before. I'm dying inside...I don't want it to end while at the same time I do.
Andrew in CA Posted May 3, 2010 Posted May 3, 2010 This is it...the stretch run for this amazing show. I'm going to savor these next for weeks like I've never savored a show before. I'm dying inside...I don't want it to end while at the same time I do. I know what you mean, I'm also feeling conflicted. However, I think it's good the show is going out while I'm still involved and it's still a must-watch. At least they're going out strong and not fading away. Plus, you know they're gonna come out with a 20-disc, special super deluxe blu-ray boxset. And when they do, I'm clearing my schedule for a month.
Andrew in CA Posted May 3, 2010 Posted May 3, 2010 I didnt really care either....until i rewatch the episode that the bodies were discovered.... Jack picks up a bag, and in it, are two stones, one black and one white.... at the time most of us were like WTF is that about......now we know Wow, great catch. OK, now I care.
UConn James Posted May 3, 2010 Posted May 3, 2010 It's not totally in the can yet. They have some things to do on the soundstages in LA. But for most of the cast it is done. I did get to see some dailies last week though ... it's going to be AWESOME. Not that we didn't already know that. And Across the Sea is Suuuhweet. And answers some big questions. What with it being the series finale and all.... have they done extra shooting to deflect even the actors from knowing for sure what's going to happen? E.g. They filmed Sawyer, Hurley(?), Desmond and Locke in Jeremy Bentham's casket at the end of S4.
NoSaint Posted May 3, 2010 Posted May 3, 2010 Bump. Where is Vincent??? haha the burning questions. its far to random to keep him around just for fun.
Cugalabanza Posted May 3, 2010 Posted May 3, 2010 haha the burning questions. its far to random to keep him around just for fun. I remember a while ago (a couple seasons ago maybe) the producers made a point of mentioning that, although not all the main characters will be left standing at the end, they will guarantee one character makes it through... Vincent.
UConn James Posted May 4, 2010 Posted May 4, 2010 I remember a while ago (a couple seasons ago maybe) the producers made a point of mentioning that, although not all the main characters will be left standing at the end, they will guarantee one character makes it through... Vincent. I think most people would be upset if anything happened to the dog... moreso than anything happening to the human characters on the show. Outside of whispy dog-buddy movies like "Marley & Me," a dog dying just isn't very good drama. It can have the power of stopping cold any involvement / emotional attachment the viewer has. Also, Jack Bender, who has directed a majority of eps on the show (and isn't he an assoc. producer?) explained toward the end of S1 that he is a total softie for dogs. I join him in that regard. It wasn't scripted for Vincent to follow the raft, yelping after Walt, but Mr. Bender wanted it. And... it was a great touch. Tgreg, that's interesting to hear about JJ's involvement. All word I'd seen said he'd been very hands-off basically since the pilot. Nice that he's now a part of the conclusion as well, tho DL and CC have done most of the heavy lifting.
ajzepp Posted May 4, 2010 Posted May 4, 2010 I think most people would be upset if anything happened to the dog... moreso than anything happening to the human characters on the show. Outside of whispy dog-buddy movies like "Marley & Me," a dog dying just isn't very good drama. It can have the power of stopping cold any involvement / emotional attachment the viewer has. Also, Jack Bender, who has directed a majority of eps on the show (and isn't he an assoc. producer?) explained toward the end of S1 that he is a total softie for dogs. I join him in that regard. It wasn't scripted for Vincent to follow the raft, yelping after Walt, but Mr. Bender wanted it. And... it was a great touch. Tgreg, that's interesting to hear about JJ's involvement. All word I'd seen said he'd been very hands-off basically since the pilot. Nice that he's now a part of the conclusion as well, tho DL and CC have done most of the heavy lifting. That makes me respect the show all the more....I don't know what was going on, but I swear it felt like every siingle movie I watched over a period of about a year had a scene where a dog was getting killed. The point you made about how it can take a viewer's attachment and involvement in the story and just ruin it is absolutely true in my case. Just leave the doggies alone, dammit!!! lol
UConn James Posted May 4, 2010 Posted May 4, 2010 All right.... Gird your loins, everyone! People in the know tell us to have Kleenexes handy for tonight's episode.... I wonder, in what sense? / or ? LOST 6.14 | "The Candidate" | 9 p.m. ABC Jack questions Locke's motives after he's asked to perform a tough task. Got a new laptop yesterday, so I'm now able to watch past eps online. I think I'll wait until before the finale and re-watch all of S6 in one go. It's just awesome to be in/on the cusp of Web 3.0, upgraded from a computer yesterday that wasn't good enough to handle Web 1.0. I know they said the Dharma Initiative wouldn't really be re-visited this season, but we still haven't really mined its purpose. Along these lines, I think it just goes back to what Locke said in S2... "All roads lead here." It goes in with the Numbers, the seeming abutment of DI/Others (e.g. how I wrote upthread about the basement blocks in Ben's house being so close to the Others' tunnels). Dharma was created only as a means to get these Candidates to where they need to go. Let me explain a bit in terms of a puzzle I do almost daily in the newspaper --- Sudoku. In this game, for those who haven't ever heard of it, the object is, that given a certain amount of various already-filled-in numbers, you need to put the numbers 1-9 in horizontal and vertical lines in a 9x9 template, and you also have to make sure that 1-9 appear in sub-templates within that larger template... Oh, hell. Here's the wikipedia page if you don't know what it is. But, you get to situations where you have to guess and do trial-and-error. he '4' can only possibly go in 2 remaining spots. You pick one and draw it out to its conclusion until you either run into a conflict --- at which point you need to erase erase erase, and then you now know for certain where the '4' goes, and you must then work from there --- or you solve the puzzle. It can get more complicated than that on harder puzzles, where sometimes you need to do two or three layers of guessing and filling in based on that guess. "What's your point, Vanessa?" you're all asking right now. Well, there comes the observation that sometimes, whatever combination of guesswork you sometimes need to try --- whether you get it on the first guess or you're on your fourth --- some numbers go in certain spots no matter what. All roads lead there. And, my thought (and I could be totally out of my gourd here and if so, tell me) is that perhaps the DI experience was like a guess in sudoku, only a guess that had physical repercussions. Perhaps the time-travel was like erasing, only you've still gained a bit of knowledge to move forward from. There comes a point where all the 2s, 5s and 9s are filled in. And you've only got a few wild cards left who have yet to find their proper place. I dunno. Probably, I have too much time on my hands to think about ---- like this.
EDinRTP Posted May 4, 2010 Posted May 4, 2010 tgreg & UConn... Really enjoy your insights and adds to my obsession with the Lost puzzle. Looking forward to a fantastic show tonight with a few more questions answered. I'm still hoping for a Mr. Eko sighting. Maybe I'll start chirping in with my brilliant theories!
duey Posted May 5, 2010 Author Posted May 5, 2010 Wow. We kind of knew it was going to happen...but now that it has...wow. Thoughts and feelings tomorrow after our west coast bretheren get their chance to watch.
ajzepp Posted May 5, 2010 Posted May 5, 2010 That was an intense episode...this waiting in a week or more in between episodes SUCKS, man....it was much better watching them on DVD so I can find out what happens next!!!
UConn James Posted May 5, 2010 Posted May 5, 2010 It's late, so I think I'll just address the meat of the episode, so to speak. From the start with Jack and Sawyer, it's been a debate about who was right, who was wrong. And when one f---ed the goose, the other stepped up and said, "I'm in charge now!" until he f---ed the goose, rinse, wash and repeat. Last season had Sawyer in control at Dharmaville, read books at night and drinking Dharma beer, until the O6 arrived and the plan fell to pieces. Then came Jack, acting out Daniel Faraday's Jughead detonation, where picking up in "LA X", Sawyer blamed Jack's independent actions for Juliet's apparent pointless death. Now, it's Sawyer's turn to foul up. He's not buying Jack's assertion that FLocke's actions can't kill the candidates --- the candidates can only die by each others' actions. I wonder why Jack didn't intone, "Two days ago, I was in the Black Rock with Richard Alpert..." but, maybe he didn't quite have time. But Sawyer's actions are maybe so vexing b/c he saw the Mysterious Boy say that Flocke couldn't "harm them." Sayid seems to have found some measure of redemption by sacrificing himself after telling Jack about Desmond... whom, as we all suspected, he didn't kill. He flat-out tells Jack that he's the candidate that must save them. I have to say that I was at the edge of a comfy sofa with my hands peaked together over my mouth for the last half hour of the ep. Kate was shot in the arm, and as she is no longer a candidate she is not invincible. In fact, as I wrote upthread, she seems to be a marked woman, in a Charlie kind of way. We got more of the reunion we longed for b/w Sun and Jin.... only to have them drown in the sub. After 3 years of being apart, Jin was not about to let go ever again, at least while he was alive. I don't know, there was a sense of sadness, but it's not like I came close to crying. I'm just very confident that the (still-forming/changing, or at least, you hope so for Sayid's part) Sideways world is going to provide some salvation for these characters, with their island memories intact. The sideways world is where our hope now lies. I'm very confident of this... but leave it to this show to take my confidence and beat it to a bloody pulp. Something about the crying on the beach... Jack got up and walked into the shore tide before he started bawling. As if he didn't want Hurley or Kate to see how much the losses affected him. Is this a little reflective of Jacob and the distance he maintained from the people he brought to the island? As much as he said that he wanted the people and candidates to make the choices for themselves w/o being told what to do, perhaps as much as wanting the trappings of free will (but hey, how much free will did Jacob allow these people to have in the first place? It was he who directed their course to the island! FLocke did have a point in what he said to Sawyer in the candidate cave), the reason for Jacob's detachment is guilt over something he did previous to Richard's arrival. Perhaps similar to how a great number of decisions that Jack/ Sawyer has made have been wrong on some end of the extreme. In the Sideways flashes, the story deepens b/w Jack and Locke. Jack finding a new fix-it obsession, and Locke seeming to reprise his "it's this way for a reason. I'm not going to change it" attitude. Most critical was the dialogue about letting go... a key phraseology in Jack's life (in the original timeline) from the start of the show. And, there was a hint of remembrance when Jack said, "I wish you would believe me" drawing language from Locke's suicide note. Wonder what he's going to take from his flashes....
UConn James Posted May 5, 2010 Posted May 5, 2010 That was an intense episode...this waiting in a week or more in between episodes SUCKS, man....it was much better watching them on DVD so I can find out what happens next!!! Welcome to our world for the past 6 years, aj!
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