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But, Richard said something key last season... that he saw all of the O6 + Sawyer, Jin and Miles die in '77. Now, he wasn't there at the Incident. That tells us that there isn't a nuclear blast as such. Something else happens to that group. Now, the Swan construction was a violation of the Truce, which would allow the '77 Others to kill the offenders and then the war with Dharma would be back on. But, even if they are killed in '77 (this will likely be a shocker of a episode for the uninitiated), but the Swan is never built, 815 never crashes. They die, but in another, alternate timeline. Still, the island has it in for these people, and through Jacob's touch, they will be back.

Hmm - either I didn't catch Richard saying that or forgot during the hiatus. That is an interesting tidbit.


Anyhow, I signed in to post <this article> proposing a Lost ride at Disneyland

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Hmm - either I didn't catch Richard saying that or forgot during the hiatus. That is an interesting tidbit.


Anyhow, I signed in to post <this article> proposing a Lost ride at Disneyland


Until watching the DVDs, I didn't remember catching that either. I think I may have chalked it up to 'Oh. They'll probably just disappear like they did on the Ajira flight.' But Richard says, "They all died." If they had disappeared, Richard would've said they disappeared. (He had just recently seen time-traveling Locke disappear after taking the bullet out of his leg, so one would assume Richard should know the difference.)


Also, if you're waiting for any sneak peek in the previews as it gets closer to 2 Feb... Darlton are intentionally not showing a single scene of the new season in the previews. They say that showing even a second of material will give up what they are doing in S6.


Another very random thought that just came back to me and that I never posted: while watching the Rankin Bass original Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer I thought that the sound they played when showing the Abominable Snowman was eerily similar to the sound Lost plays for the smoke monster.

:worthy: Did a WH reporter actually ask that, specifically?


Wonder if there's a lot of LOST fans in the West Wing....

I'm not sure about that, but there are plenty of lost souls! :thumbsup:

Conjuring a Roland Hedley tweet:


Obama and LOST smoke monster never seen in same room, now won't appear on same night or time. Think about it; some see it as white, some see it as black.... Hmm.


hahaha well played


But seriously, I want to reiterate my S5-thread theory that Jacob = Adam Rutherford.


Just in case I'm right, I want this on the record and my credit due!


can you expand on that a little more? IIRC, Rutherford was the guy that Jack didn't save? how else is he tied into the story?


I saw a preview with Charlie in it and pretty sure he was with Kate and he asked "where are we?" a few days ago and was looking at my calender wishing it was February 2nd. I'm in the belief that they did change things and the plane never crashed and this season will focus on the LOSTaways lives had the crash never happened of course that preview might dismiss everything because if the crash didn't happen then Kate should be in prison and likely would have never met Charlie either way I can't wait.

hahaha well played


can you expand on that a little more? IIRC, Rutherford was the guy that Jack didn't save? how else is he tied into the story?


It was a theory of mine toward the end of the S5 thread (it was after we first saw Jacob, and I had rewatched S1). Adam Rutherford was Shannon's father, Boone's step-father. And yes, he was the guy who Jack didn't save in the ER, instead concentrating solely on Sarah. It was something about the nose, tuft of hair and the purposeful camera angle of the coffin scene during that episode, combined with the purposeful covering of his face in the ER scene that makes me think there's more to Adam Rutherford.


Jacob left the island to touch certain of the Lostaways.... Why is it implausible for him to have had a family off-island?


It's like how we saw Locke's coffin a year before we found out it was Locke in there.


I saw a preview with Charlie in it and pretty sure he was with Kate and he asked "where are we?" a few days ago and was looking at my calender wishing it was February 2nd. I'm in the belief that they did change things and the plane never crashed and this season will focus on the LOSTaways lives had the crash never happened of course that preview might dismiss everything because if the crash didn't happen then Kate should be in prison and likely would have never met Charlie either way I can't wait.


Huh. I read Cuse and Lindelof say there were going to be no footage preview scenes in the promos, b/c even a second's glimpse would give away what they're doing for S6. Are you sure it wasn't just a compendium of previous seasons' footage? i.e. when Charlie said, "Where are we?" after learning the content of Rousseau's broadcast and that it had been playing for 16 years.


As to your belief.... [yellow-fonted for spoiler]. The premise of the Swan apparently not being built and 815 never crashing is at least the initial direction of S6. I think that's where Jacob's touch comes in, tho.

Huh. I read Cuse and Lindelof say there were going to be no footage preview scenes in the promos, b/c even a second's glimpse would give away what they're doing for S6. Are you sure it wasn't just a compendium of previous seasons' footage? i.e. when Charlie said, "Where are we?" after learning the content of Rousseau's broadcast and that it had been playing for 16 years.

Yes, in looking back it was said scene.


Can someone please help me? Correct me where I'm wrong?


The plane crashes on the island because of some magnetic field.

The survivors travel in back time.

After going back in time they "destroy the magnetic field".


Wouldn't this stop the plane from crashing? If it stops the plane from crashing then they never make it to the island and don't get sent back in time.


As I write this I'm wondering, maybe all the survivors did was accelerate/start the war between the others and dharma?



Can someone please help me? Correct me where I'm wrong?


The plane crashes on the island because of some magnetic field.

The survivors travel in back time.

After going back in time they "destroy the magnetic field".


Wouldn't this stop the plane from crashing? If it stops the plane from crashing then they never make it to the island and don't get sent back in time.


As I write this I'm wondering, maybe all the survivors did was accelerate/start the war between the others and dharma?




this is exactly what the producers want us asking. that is the question we were left with at the end of last season and the reason why we have to watch Season 6. Not sure that anyone here can actually answer the questions yet.

this is exactly what the producers want us asking. that is the question we were left with at the end of last season and the reason why we have to watch Season 6. Not sure that anyone here can actually answer the questions yet.


I could. But most people here wouldn't want me to.


I read the other day that someone saw Ray (Jack's grandfather who gave him the shoes for FLocke) in the background during the Jack-Hurley exchange at Ajira boarding. I rewatched, but no, it wasn't him.


The official



Some find the guy's voice irritating. I find it hilarious (especially the "Whhhaaaaaaaaaattt?!!!?!?s that were all too common given the givens of S5).

  • 2 weeks later...

Started re-watching Season 5 last night so the gf could catch up. We were up until 3am, and are planning our Saturday night around finishing it. LOL




although, the first 4 minutes of the Season 6 premier has been sent out by the producers. I'm not going to watch it though. I'm also guessing that it is mostly what we've seen already.


But if you are interested...


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