Sherman Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 Have we heard the statement, "I hope you find what your looking for" several times this year. As I was watching this week all I could think is that all these characters are doing soul searching. Reflecting on past experiences with the influence of good and evil and the conflicts of faith and science. I'm begining to think the ending will show several people with clarity of the mind and being at peace with their place in the world. The island will be at the bottom of the ocean because through all these different time lines they were able to "find what they were looking for" and therfore never really lost.
Cugalabanza Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 Take a look at the mysterious kid's face. That just has to be the young Jacob, dontha think?
Cugalabanza Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 BUMP. I read on another site that side-flash-Locke's alarm clock makes the exact same sound as the warning alarm in the hatch when there's only one minute left to punch in the numbers. Cool touch. I'll have to listen for that when I re-watch "The Substitute."
UConn James Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 Guide listing: LOST 6.05 | "Lighthouse" re-air | ABC 8 p.m. Hurley tries to persuade Jack to accompany him on an unspecified mission while Sawyer runs into an old friend. LOST 6.06 | "Sundown" | ABC 9 p.m. Sayid must make a difficult decision, while Claire has a warning for the temple inhabitants.
duey Posted March 2, 2010 Author Posted March 2, 2010 Guide listing: It makes me laugh thinking about an entire temple full of people being scared of crazy-haired Claire (though after seeing what she can do with an axe I'm beginning to get it).
Simon Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 Take a look at the mysterious kid's face. That just has to be the young Jacob, dontha think? That's what I thought when they first showed him. But then my wife said she thought he was Aaron. Now I'm just dizzy......
UConn James Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 Lots of action in this ep, which kind of makes commentary shorter.... An obligatory Jack hallway pass-by. Recurrent story of healing people off-island, yet with Jacob/etc. "exacting a heavy price." Juliet arranged for her sister's cancer to be cured, which came at the price of never seeing her again (tho, Juliet was not specifically told this). Now, Dogen's story about his son being revived from an apparent drunk-driving wreck. They fight, then Dogen arranges for Sayid to piss off MIB by "stabbing" him. On the other end of this exchange, MIB/Flocke is offering the contents of the magic box... whatever one wants most in the world, all for the low, low price of a couple of killings. Not sure if we're supposed to be drawing a parallel b/w the killings. Omar/Keamy are extortion artists (Keamy with quite a fondness for eggs. Hmm. I would've pegged him as a Jimmy Dean sausage kinda guy) who get theirs, as old island connections show up in the Jughead-altered sideways flash. Then, in the original 2007 timeline, Sayid kills Dogen and Lennon, representatives of something of an extortion artist himself (?), Jacob. Sayid set his brother up with Nadia in the sideways flash, even tho he still has feelings for her. Again, Sayid bails his brother out of trouble. Per the early entry on Lostpedia's rundown: Sayid goes to Dogen to get answers about the machine they hooked him up to when they said they were testing him and they stuck him with needles. Dogen tells him that for every man there is a scale and on one side of the scale there is good and on the other side evil. The machine tells them how the scale is balanced and Sayid's scale tipped "the wrong way". Is this somehow connected in with the scale in the cave? Or wait. For every man (woman?) there is a scale? So, each candidate has a scale somewhere?. Hmm. The Claire-Kate interaction wasn't much like what last week's ep suggested. Kate only had 2 minutes, and seemed to sway over Claire that she did the right thing, given the givens. And so, a bunch of Temple-dwellers, including Cindy with the kids, trade allegiance to Flocke in exchange for their safety. Cue a curious look from Flocke when he sees a confused/bewildered in a "What the hell am I getting myself into?" Kate come out of the Temple with Claire. He seems to have doubts there. Ominous music there. Cuse and Lindelof said we should have a pretty good idea which direction everything is headed by the end of ep 6, but I must confess that even with the parameters of the predicted "war" it's anybody's guess whose side most of the Losties will ultimately be on. Ilana, Ben, Miles, Lapidis & Sun hide behind the Omega-like symbol in the hallway, and avoid the smoke monster. Jin is in the fridge in the kitchen. Likely that he borrowed the $ in the baggage from Keamy.... just a question of how he got out of customs, and where is Sun?
UConn James Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 That's what I thought when they first showed him.But then my wife said she thought he was Aaron. Now I'm just dizzy...... If it helps anything, the casting material said that Mysterious Kid is 12-14, has intense, penetrating eyes and "has survived a horrible family accident." Just don't know enough about him yet to guess with any accuracy.
Andrew in CA Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 After this episode, my preliminary theory on what the sideways flashes are: the life you get from Fake Locke; ie, his end of the bargain. Sayid did get to have Nadia back, just not as he thought.
Hazed and Amuzed Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 This may have been one of the most revealing episodes in Lost history. A few notes... FLocke is the prince of lies apparently, and a very good one at that. Claire is nuts but you would be too if the only person you've really been in contact with over 3 years was the MIB. Sayid looks very at home as well as at ease now that he has come to terms with his evil. How cool was the scene with him, Claire and Kate walking through the destroyed temple? I think it was one of the coolest sequences Lost has ever seen. Flocke is not too happy about Kate joining the posse. Now that Dogen is dead Illana will be the new story telling device to clue us all in. What if the world where Flocke and Jacob are making these deals are the sideverse? Keamy makes good eggs.
duey Posted March 3, 2010 Author Posted March 3, 2010 Think about this...MIB has likely lead Claire to believe over the years that Aaron is in the temple. She now knows that this is not the case. Will this perhaps cause her to turn against MIB? Could she then end up tipping the scale back in Jacobs favor, especially if she is teaming up with her brother?
UConn James Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 After this episode, my preliminary theory on what the sideways flashes are: the life you get from Fake Locke; ie, his end of the bargain. Sayid did get to have Nadia back, just not as he thought. This may have been one of the most revealing episodes in Lost history. A few notes... FLocke is the prince of lies apparently, and a very good one at that. Claire is nuts but you would be too if the only person you've really been in contact with over 3 years was the MIB. Sayid looks very at home as well as at ease now that he has come to terms with his evil. How cool was the scene with him, Claire and Kate walking through the destroyed temple? I think it was one of the coolest sequences Lost has ever seen. Flocke is not too happy about Kate joining the posse. Now that Dogen is dead Illana will be the new story telling device to clue us all in. What if the world where Flocke and Jacob are making these deals are the sideverse? Keamy makes good eggs. Not that Dogen really told us much, himself.... The thoughts about the sideways flashes are intriguing. I'm just wondering how Locke was able to make a deal... seeing as he was dead. But it's worth consideration. I think Sayid's deal may be a separate issue from the Jughead-reset. Some theories say that the '77 version of the Losties merged into their actual '77 off-island bodies. And that this is the explanation of Jack's sudden fit and appendix rupture --- it was the consciousness becoming one (even if subliminal) and uploading the older Jack's memories into original Jack. That, then, is the reason behind the changes in the sideways flashes. I don't like sunny-side up. Way too runny. I'm a poached or over-easy kind of guy.
The Jokeman Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 Many will say this was a Sayid centric show but it seemed to me Dogen played a more vital role or might it be in some way or form Sayid and Dogen are the same person? As his conversation with Sayid about balance and people made me start to wonder about the scale in Jacob and the MIB's cave and their prior discussion on the beach. Not to mention with all these parallel stories that perhaps some of these "people" aren't different after all. Perhaps Jacob and MIB are representatives of our conscience and we get to decide which side to go with. Sayid apparently went to the dark side because he seems to listen to Flocke and kills Dogen and opens the flood gates as it were allowing for mass exodus that followed. So if somehow Flocke is killed then a new balance can begin with new set of people? Jack AND _______ ? Once again children play a big roll in things. Dogen's kid allowed to live and Sayid taking care of his brother's kids. Cindy with the kids. I'm wondering if the whole theme of the show might simply be is don't let Others raise your children. Others can take many forms be it people, the media etc. Or a theme that there's so many forms of entertainment out there as by watching this show you start to explore things you might otherwise not explored in terms the world of religion and other books etc. Perhaps the show is a social commentary to be more then just a tv "viewer" as look at how much time we've spent on this show outside of just watching it? I don't know perhaps I'm just philosophizing as I really not sure what to think. Jin being locked up in the freezer reminded me of our buddy good ole Ben when he was captured by our Lostaways in S2. As it's no doubt Jin has mafia ties and it seems that in the sideways universe most people are "better off" then they were in their prior life. So he might be a boss now then just the killer. Also I think his "No English" might be front since the opposite of Sun speaking English would of course be Jin speaking it. Dogen emphasizes to Sayid to make sure Flocke doesn't talk to him before trying to kill him but sadly Sayid doesn't get the chance because we hear "Hi Sayid" before the knife plunges through Flocke's chest. And of course Flocke doesn't die. Then it opens a lengthy discussion in which Flocke pretty much reveals he is in fact the devil. Yet when Kate "joins" Flocke's group he has yet to say a word so to her. Does this open up the door for Kate kill him or perhaps she can't due to not being a candidate? Again I don't know if this episode answered many questions or is just leading to something next week?
duey Posted March 3, 2010 Author Posted March 3, 2010 Again I don't know if this episode answered many questions or is just leading to something next week? EVERYTHING is leading to something next week!
The Jokeman Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 I don't like sunny-side up. Way too runny. I'm a poached or over-easy kind of guy. That's why you make toast with eggs to sop up all the gooey goodness.
Hazed and Amuzed Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 This may have been one of the most revealing episodes in Lost history. A few notes... FLocke is the prince of lies apparently, and a very good one at that. Claire is nuts but you would be too if the only person you've really been in contact with over 3 years was the MIB. Sayid looks very at home as well as at ease now that he has come to terms with his evil. How cool was the scene with him, Claire and Kate walking through the destroyed temple? I think it was one of the coolest sequences Lost has ever seen. Flocke is not too happy about Kate joining the posse. Now that Dogen is dead Illana will be the new story telling device to clue us all in. What if the world where Flocke and Jacob are making these deals are the sideverse? Keamy makes good eggs. I hate to bold my own replies but did anyone else notice the burning cross during that scene?
udonkey Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 If it helps anything, the casting material said that Mysterious Kid is 12-14, has intense, penetrating eyes and "has survived a horrible family accident." Just don't know enough about him yet to guess with any accuracy. Sawyer - the future "Jacob"?
udonkey Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 I hate to bold my own replies but did anyone else notice the burning cross during that scene? I think that it was a coincidence - it was more of 2 supports with a cross bar, with only 1 support on fire, making it appear to be a crucifix. I'm sure we'll soon know if it was caught by the majority, as there will be calls for Lost to be taken off the air - to which, I'll be ready for war.
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