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LOST...Season 6


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Apparently it's gone out wider than I ever intended. And it's being misconstrued as being from the writers of the show (on other sites I guess). Which I'm not. I just wrote it up for our little community here of Bills fans and forgot that we're actually a part of a way bigger internet community. I don't want people reading it and assumming it's THE answer or from the mouths of the show. It's just my take on it. Didn't want people to get the wrong idea.


Did not mean to cause a firestorm at all ... my apologies.

SDS can't be upset about the increase in traffic though. :rolleyes:

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I'm still expecting you to look like Hurley if I ever meet you in real life. If you don't, I'll be disappointed...

LOL I look more like Artz than Hurley...sorry to disappoint. :rolleyes:

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Apparently it's gone out wider than I ever intended. And it's being misconstrued as being from the writers of the show (on other sites I guess). Which I'm not. I just wrote it up for our little community here of Bills fans and forgot that we're actually a part of a way bigger internet community. I don't want people reading it and assumming it's THE answer or from the mouths of the show. It's just my take on it. Didn't want people to get the wrong idea.


Did not mean to cause a firestorm at all ... my apologies.

No problem. :rolleyes:

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Apparently it's gone out wider than I ever intended. And it's being misconstrued as being from the writers of the show (on other sites I guess). Which I'm not. I just wrote it up for our little community here of Bills fans and forgot that we're actually a part of a way bigger internet community. I don't want people reading it and assumming it's THE answer or from the mouths of the show. It's just my take on it. Didn't want people to get the wrong idea.


Did not mean to cause a firestorm at all ... my apologies.


yeah, i feel bad about that too dude. the version i posted on my FB has somehow spread overnight to a large number of boards. i even found it on an Italian speaking board.


oh well, if people want to get all worked up over it, it's their fault. :rolleyes:

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Oh I believe just fine. I just thought the way the donkey wheel construction was presented in the Jacob/MIB episode was kinda lame.


And FYI...we're at over 33,000 views. That's an increase of about 15,000 since yesterday morning. Why do I think we're getting "Others" visiting this board and thread for a peak...hmmm?


cause there's direct links to tgregs post all over! :rolleyes:

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Doc Jensen's LOST finale recap Part II: Step Into the Light




ABC will be replaying "The End" on Saturday @ 8 p.m. It will run in 2 hours, meaning... fewer commercials.




This photo is my desktop background. Hope to get it in better quality when the DVDs come out.

I always love reading Doc's take on things...going to miss that. Can't see his analysis of the next season of Survivor being nearly as engaging. :rolleyes:


That's a great picture...there was such peace at the end of the last episode, because Jack was able to rest knowing that he had fulfilled his island-given destiny and that he could now move on with those most important to him. I've made that pic my wallpaper also... :wallbash:

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I have one question and one question only that's blocking me from fully appreciating the beautiful and touching finale. It's the question I've been asking since the pilot. Why did the Monster sound mechanical? I understand why it roared and stomped and that it was MIB's disembodied angry spirit but I can't for the life of me understand why it clanked and went ticka, ticka, ticka.

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Did anyone else besides me look at the TV listings last night with a huge sense of loss? It was like driving past my best friend's house only to realize he's no longer there, and won't ever be, again.

Yep...sucks. :rolleyes:

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I have one question and one question only that's blocking me from fully appreciating the beautiful and touching finale. It's the question I've been asking since the pilot. Why did the Monster sound mechanical? I understand why it roared and stomped and that it was MIB's disembodied angry spirit but I can't for the life of me understand why it clanked and went ticka, ticka, ticka.

From your experience, what is a smoke monster supposed to sound like? If I was in charge, it would have sounded like two lesbians going at it, but that is just me. I think this would have shortened the series dramatically though. If any of the dudes had been walking through the jungle and heard it, they would go running in the direction of smokey to go check it out. Easy kills for smokey.

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From your experience, what is a smoke monster supposed to sound like? If I was in charge, it would have sounded like two lesbians going at it, but that is just me. I think this would have shortened the series dramatically though. If any of the dudes had been walking through the jungle and heard it, they would go running in the direction of smokey to go check it out. Easy kills for smokey.


Well it was a disembodies sould that came out of an ancient chamber of light with a stone plug in the center of a pool so having any kind of technilogical quality just doesn't fit.

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From your experience, what is a smoke monster supposed to sound like? If I was in charge, it would have sounded like two lesbians going at it, but that is just me. I think this would have shortened the series dramatically though. If any of the dudes had been walking through the jungle and heard it, they would go running in the direction of smokey to go check it out. Easy kills for smokey.


hahaha, great question! no offense meant to the previous poster specifically, but ill have to remember that the next time someone demands to know exactly how the donkey wheel works.


you're right, for some things, there is no deeper or "hidden" meaning. i think the writers made a cool choice making Smokey sound like the calculators at Locke's old job. but i dont think it meant anything more than coincidence and a little tribute.

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Well it was a disembodies sould that came out of an ancient chamber of light with a stone plug in the center of a pool so having any kind of technilogical quality just doesn't fit.


but remember, there were lots of smaller electrical flashes when he moved around and "scanned" people. all living beings have some electricity in us. so we're all a little mechanical. Smokey just more so. :rolleyes:

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Dug the finale. Not the way I would have gone but very powerful. Did seem to get a little dusty when the characters touched each other and remembered their past life. Beautifully done.


I dug the stained glass at the church too, basically like one of those Coexist bumper stickers, with all the different 'main' religions represented.


Was the wagon wheel segment of the stainded glass supposed to represent the island? Or is that Scientology? :rolleyes:

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I'm just imagining this conversation with the sound effects guy when they came up with the Monster.


"Ok, let's start with a dinosaur stomping through the jungle. Good, good. Now let's add a roar and a wail with a long echo. Great, ok we're still missing something though... Ooh I know! Throw in an old adding machine and a hammer banging on a piece of sheet metal. Ok, I like that. Now when he charges let's use a train going into a tunnel. Perfect! That's our monster."


WHY??? Oh god can someone please tell me why he sounded so mechanical so I can finally let go and ascend.

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