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Help: I need a new sig line


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I do sincerely apologize for bringing animal antics into this and subjecting you, above all people, into this donkey ball sucking maelstrom. Please accept my most sincere apology.


I further apologize for ruining your sig line post/poll and hereby relinquish you from all obligations whether real or imaginary towards using this ill begotten sig line. My tomfoolery has gotten the better of me and I am a beaten man. :D

No problem. Maybe I should try this again. Then again, maybe not.

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Chef Jim should chime in with an eclectic recipe soon. And a wine recommendation, too.


Huitre d'ane avec la creme de grenouille sur une bicyclette.


Wine would not go with this dish. I think a cocktail would be better. How about a Tiajuana Cream Soda.

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The exact text of the first five replies to this thread will be considered for my new sig line for the month of December. I'll put all five in a poll and the one with the most votes at 6pm ET today will be the winner.



Note: The last time I did this, the words had a strange power. Jauron was promptly fired and the Bills immediately started to look like a legit NFL team.

you must give me ample warning when you are about the start these threads...counting on anything of value to come from the ball of beer is pure folly.

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