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Smoking ban in bars and restaurants starts today in VA....

The Poojer

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'Tobacco Row' is the last bastion of public smoking, and the final push begins. I live in Tennessee and just last year they implemented 21 or older bars/restaurants to allow smoking. Now the big bad bouncer at the door isn't there to remove rowdies, he's there to kick kids and infants out.


It's been about 15 years since NY went smokless and now they're even going after smokers in cars with children. It's been about 8 years since Florida bought into it, first starting with smoking being OK if there weren't any complaints... That lasted about a week.


I'm a smoker and have no problem with restrictions. It is, after all, pollution. I'm glad to still be able to smoke at my favorite watering hole, but I know my days are numbered. VA, SC, NC, TN, et al are the last holdouts and the largest producers of the product. It's amazing to me how important this cash-crop was to our fledgling country at it's beginning.


'scuse me, it's smoke break..

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i hate that it takes away a privlege for smokers, if only the smoke didn't travel to the non-smokers...maybe y'all can go smokeless cigs and make everyone happy....for the time being, i will enjoy it


'Tobacco Row' is the last bastion of public smoking, and the final push begins. I live in Tennessee and just last year they implemented 21 or older bars/restaurants to allow smoking. Now the big bad bouncer at the door isn't there to remove rowdies, he's there to kick kids and infants out.


It's been about 15 years since NY went smokless and now they're even going after smokers in cars with children. It's been about 8 years since Florida bought into it, first starting with smoking being OK if there weren't any complaints... That lasted about a week.


I'm a smoker and have no problem with restrictions. It is, after all, pollution. I'm glad to still be able to smoke at my favorite watering hole, but I know my days are numbered. VA, SC, NC, TN, et al are the last holdouts and the largest producers of the product. It's amazing to me how important this cash-crop was to our fledgling country at it's beginning.


'scuse me, it's smoke break..

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This state is going top hell in a handbasket..non smoking laws, voting for a democrat...next thing you know we won't get killers to the chair faster than every state but Texas, and prolly even tighten the gun laws..communism I tell ya.


Seriously, as a former smoker I hate this law.. but maybe thats just the nostalgia in me when I smell a good smoky bar at the OTB :D

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In a sense it is a form of governmental control and a loss of another freedom. I actually think this will hurt these businesses in the long run. To me, from my own personal experience, it seemed like drinking and smoking went hand in hand. When I was drinking I was smoking, whether at home or abroad. I understand the "non-smoker" point of view because now I'm on that side, but I understand the "smoker's" standpoint as well. It doesn't effect me, but my wife still smokes and it surely effects her. They'll see when some of these bars and restraunts begin to fold because of the regulations.

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Love it!


Bout time we got rid of it, kill yourself in your own home please .....we should ban it from the entire state, the entire act, don't take me with you while you are killing yourself


And why aren't they made illegal? Here's a hint - for example, cig tax is the 4th highest source of revenue for the State of Ohio. Somebody here worked out some numbers, the result being that to make up for the tax $ lost from cigs, the average non-smoking OH taxpayer would pony up an extra three hundred bucks to make up the shortfall.


If you have the opportunity to pose a question to a legislator wailing on about smoking - ask him why he isn't sponsoring legislation to ban them entirely. I'll bet he goes deaf and dumb...


BTW, despite the hysterics and perpetuated lies, smoking doesn't "cost" society money. Smokers die younger, generally go quicker, and very often don't tap into SS funds. So if you see someone with a pack, offer 'em a light.


Bon apetit!

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Love it!


Bout time we got rid of it, kill yourself in your own home please .....we should ban it from the entire state, the entire act, don't take me with you while you are killing yourself



I know this is covered ground, but are you not bothered in the least by the idea that government is banning an otherwise lawful activity on private property? Think about that question for a second.

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I know this is covered ground, but are you not bothered in the least by the idea that government is banning an otherwise lawful activity on private property? Think about that question for a second.


Yeah, there is that minor detail. Although personally as a non smoker I like the effect of the law, I don't like the precedent. Now that the experiments are wide spread, there should be no problem for tavern owners to decide on their own whether they should allow smoking on their own premises and see how the patrons respond.

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'Tobacco Row' is the last bastion of public smoking, and the final push begins. ...


I'm glad to still be able to smoke at my favorite watering hole, but I know my days are numbered. VA, SC, NC, TN, et al are the last holdouts and the largest producers of the product. It's amazing to me how important this cash-crop was to our fledgling country at it's beginning.


NC starts next month (year).


I agree with GG on liking the effect, but not the precedent. Then again, your rights end where mine begin and vice-versa. Maybe they're just getting everyone ready for the decriminalization of pot by making sure whatever you smoke is done in the privacy of your own home (whatever that is)?


I watched the Bills-Jax game at a sports bar here in Charlotte. The guy at the table next to me put on the greatest smoking display I've ever seen. He chain-smoked Marlboro Reds for nearly 4 straight hours. The pile of butts in the ashtray at halftime was obscuring his view of the flat-screen. I don't know how he got there because that bar doesn't have a place where you can tie up your horse.

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Private property that is open to the public. I am sure you can still smoke at private clubs, no?


No, not in NY at least. Only place in NY you can enjoy a drink and smoke is open-air rooftops and sidewalk cafes.


Yeah, there is that minor detail. Although personally as a non smoker I like the effect of the law, I don't like the precedent. Now that the experiments are wide spread, there should be no problem for tavern owners to decide on their own whether they should allow smoking on their own premises and see how the patrons respond.


That was always my contention...let the tavern owner decide. Now, if tavern owners were permitted to decide smoking or non, I think not more than 30% would choose smoking. The market for non-smoking bars would be much bigger than for smoking bars. And everyone wins.

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