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You think linking to Rasmussen polls is embarrassing? Really?


I guess the only way to appease you is to rely more on what Bill Nye has to say. Or maybe an episode of South Park. Or an SNL skit.

It feels good to support my worldview because I'm Going Rogue! Yeah!


Don't really watch SNL anymore. The other two are OK by me.

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Bill Nye is actually a Cornell grad with an engineering degree. While that doesn't mean his opinion on GW is worth a hill of beans, he isn't exactly a dummy either.


South Park rules.


SNL hasn't been good in years.

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Bill Nye is actually a Cornell grad with an engineering degree. While that doesn't mean his opinion on GW is worth a hill of beans, he isn't exactly a dummy either.


South Park rules.


SNL hasn't been good in years.

Nye is awesome. My 5-year-old learns a lot from him. I have no problem with Nye, just a problem with people who cite him as an authoritative voice on global warming/cooling/change/reform or whatever the zealots are calling it these days.

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Nye is awesome. My 5-year-old learns a lot from him. I have no problem with Nye, just a problem with people who cite him as an authoritative voice on global warming/cooling/change/reform or whatever the zealots are calling it these days.

Of course. Someone who teaches your 5-year-old cannot possibly know anything about it.


What exactly prevents a guy who teaches science for a living from being knowledgeable about climate science?

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Of course. Someone who teaches your 5-year-old cannot possibly know anything about it.


What exactly prevents a guy who teaches science for a living from being knowledgeable about climate science?

Nothing prevents him from being knowledgeable about climate science. But I fail to see how having knowledge of something equates to being a citable, authoritative voice on the subject.


Being able to read ingredients doesn't make you a chef.

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Nothing prevents him from being knowledgeable about climate science. But I fail to see how having knowledge of something equates to being a citable, authoritative voice on the subject.


Being able to read ingredients doesn't make you a chef.

So only qualified climate scientists should be listened to. Except that more than 90% basically agree with what he's saying.


You must be talking about the other climate scientists who say what you want to hear - the ones who aren't in on the conspiracy. :thumbsup:

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So only qualified climate scientists should be listened to. Except that more than 90% basically agree with what he's saying.


You must be talking about the other climate scientists who say what you want to hear - the ones who aren't in on the conspiracy. :thumbsup:



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So only qualified climate scientists should be listened to. Except that more than 90% basically agree with what he's saying.


You must be talking about the other climate scientists who say what you want to hear - the ones who aren't in on the conspiracy. :thumbsup:

Or is it possible he's just regurgitating the data that 90% have just been proven to be purposely faking for the sake of getting billions of dollars? Since the people who agree with him are proven to be liars, then are you saying Bill Nye is a liar?



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Or is it possible he's just regurgitating the data that 90% have just been proven to be purposely faking for the sake of getting billions of dollars? Since the people who agree with him are proven to be liars, then are you saying Bill Nye is a liar?




If you're going to indulge in Ladumbass-like hyperbole, please do it correctly, and type "faking" in all caps and replace "liars" with "FRAUDS".


Nye is a tertiary source, at best. He's also an entertainer, not a scientist. He's basically the equivalent of the "Mythbusters" guys. Sourcing him on any scientific argument is like sourcing Sesame Street on English literature.

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Or is it possible he's just regurgitating the data that 90% have just been proven to be purposely faking for the sake of getting billions of dollars? Since the people who agree with him are proven to be liars, then are you saying Bill Nye is a liar?



Yes 90% are purposely faking the science. That's the conclusion you've come to?


It's a big !@#$ing global conspiracy! Retard.

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Nye is a tertiary source, at best. He's also an entertainer, not a scientist. He's basically the equivalent of the "Mythbusters" guys. Sourcing him on any scientific argument is like sourcing Sesame Street on English literature.

Exactly why do you feel that your opinion is any better?

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Yes 90% are purposely faking the science. That's the conclusion you've come to?


It's a big !@#$ing global conspiracy! Retard.

Funny thing about you liberals. The very moment you have no answer for your idiocy, you reach deep in your compassionate bag of tricks, call someone a retard, and have no answers for anything.


Are you suggesting that the emails proving the hoax are not valid? Even after the University of East Anglia admitted they were hacked? Even after finding out that the director of their Climate Research Unit...you know, the dude whose emails are proving the hoax...is stepping down?


You're starting to sound like Baghdad Bob.


But hey...if Bill Nye says there's global warming, who cares what the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit says, right? Not like anyone pays attention to their data.

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I am 30 years old and the majority of my peers haven't fallen into a career yet. I just went to a highschool reunioin and found that many of them are on unemployment, work at an entry level position, or are still going to school. A few have landed a good job but most are still looking. My school was about 50-50 in terms of white and black students.


The truth is everyone I know my age, who is on enemployment, absolutely love it. It was openly talked about in a bragging fashion and all the angles used to get it were covered. Really pathetic. I know alot of people who turn down decent jobs in order to keep the checks coming. In more than one circle of conversation, people were discussing which jobs would allow them to get unemployment down the road.


I have a small construction business and have been approached by countless people on unemployment, who want to work a couple days a week under the table. I felt bad for these guys at first, but than I started to see how much money they were putting together with minimal stress. I usually pay my guys a hundred a day (6-8 hours). The guy that has worked with my buddy for the last year has put in 6 days a week. While on unemployment, he has been able to bank a grand a week without any stress. Big money? No, but easy money. He is already working on his next temporary job between unemployment sessions.


This is just my experience with unemployment. I know it isn't a representation of the system as a whole but I thought I'd share. I also work in depressed areas every so often. Whether it's the ghetto ot the trailer park, a weekday afternoon scene will piss off any hardworking individual. Kids who should be in school are doing whatever and adults sitting around drinking or smoking. It is never ever different. I'm not saying that everyone in these areas are doing nothing but I will say most. Signs offering employment are almost always within walking distance as well.


IMO, the system is beyond flawed. I have no problem helping out anyone who is having hard times but what's going on is a joke. Throwing money at a problem never seems to work by itself but it's the American way.

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I have no problem helping out anyone who is having hard times but what's going on is a joke. Throwing money at a problem never seems to work by itself but it's the American way.

Dennis Miller put it best: I have no problem helping the helpless, but don't make me help the clueless. Extending unemployment benefits over and over is a terrible way to motivate people to find work, but the moment you point it out, you're considered dispassionate or heartless.

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