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CBO scores the Senate Health Bill


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So it becomes more clear today that the bill about to make its way through the Senate is less about health care reform and is more about reviving the spirit of Monty Hall. A $100 million for YOUR vote, and $100 million for YOUR vote, and you can trade your vote in for what's behind door number 3, and the embarrassing answer to this middle-of-the-night robbery is "This is the way things get done in DC. Righties do it. Lefties do it. Even Independent Libs do it. Let's do it. Let's make a deal."


We created this mess. We need to clean it up. Because it'll be years before Americans realize what a travesty this is going to be. The most ironic part of this is how hard Ben Nelson fought to keep taxpayer dollars out of funding abortions while he agrees that taxpayer dollars should be used to pay for this abortion. But what does he care. Medicare exemption FOREVER for his state. How sweet is that? Definitely sweeter than the $100M downpayment for Dodd's hospital, because since that amount can only account for 40% of the cost of the hospital, the fine people of Connecticut will likely get taxed to fund the other 60%, but hey...Dodd's bringing home the bacon, baby!


Does anyone ever remember a time when a political party threw itself so deftly on a sword to get through such an embarrassing piece of nanny statelegislation which, we're about to learn, has no hope of doing anything it had set out to do beyond line the pockets of a bunch of Senators?

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Hey don't worry, your taxes will go up for 4 years before the first person will be helped by this. Of course it will harm immediately about 50 million senior citizens who will have to start ponying up for a 100% increase in medicare gap insurance that the government will no longer offset. But that's not a tax on the elderly.

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So it becomes more clear today that the bill about to make its way through the Senate is less about health care reform and is more about reviving the spirit of Monty Hall. A $100 million for YOUR vote, and $100 million for YOUR vote, and you can trade your vote in for what's behind door number 3, and the embarrassing answer to this middle-of-the-night robbery is "This is the way things get done in DC. Righties do it. Lefties do it. Even Independent Libs do it. Let's do it. Let's make a deal."


We created this mess. We need to clean it up. Because it'll be years before Americans realize what a travesty this is going to be. The most ironic part of this is how hard Ben Nelson fought to keep taxpayer dollars out of funding abortions while he agrees that taxpayer dollars should be used to pay for this abortion. But what does he care. Medicare exemption FOREVER for his state. How sweet is that? Definitely sweeter than the $100M downpayment for Dodd's hospital, because since that amount can only account for 40% of the cost of the hospital, the fine people of Connecticut will likely get taxed to fund the other 60%, but hey...Dodd's bringing home the bacon, baby!


Does anyone ever remember a time when a political party threw itself so deftly on a sword to get through such an embarrassing piece of nanny statelegislation which, we're about to learn, has no hope of doing anything it had set out to do beyond line the pockets of a bunch of Senators?

Don't get me started :ph34r::wallbash:

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Why? Is your livelyhood tied to the medical insurance complex? If it is, I feel sorry for you... They will finally have to answer to somebody.


Geeze Louise, if the insurance companies are going to cover me less and less every year... Don't be so brazen as to raise my premiums.

No you frickin idiot, it's because it will cost our government over $2.5 trillion over the next 15 years, and raise taxes by over a trillion in that same time period, put tremendous stress financially to medicare/medicaid on a statewide basis and further burden small businesses, meanwhile, your premiums or mine will have a greater chance of rising more rapidly than dropping, that's why


Ya big Numbskull, try to keep up skippy.



Meanwhile, talk about delusional.


Dems anticipate a health care bounce

There's no point in the White House saying this, so it won't.


But an official predicted to me the other day that Obama's numbers would hit 60 after the health care bill passes, and Chuck Schumer seems to think roughly the same thing: that the public polling on the Democratic reform bill will turn around "soon."


When people see what is in this bill and when people see what it does, they will come around," Schumer said. "The reason people are negative is not the substance of the bill, but the fears that the opponents have laid out. When those fears don't materialize, and people see the good in the bill, the numbers are going to go up."



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No you frickin idiot, it's because it will cost our government over $2.5 trillion over the next 15 years, and raise taxes by over a trillion in that same time period, put tremendous stress financially to medicare/medicaid on a statewide basis and further burden small businesses, meanwhile, your premiums or mine will have a greater chance of rising more rapidly than dropping, that's why


Ya big Numbskull, try to keep up skippy.



Meanwhile, talk about delusional.








Boo hoo hoo... Looks like you will be paying more. Hey, I don't mind... IF the money I pay more actually goes to somebody that can use it. I just don't like paying when it goes to line the pockets of the greedy insurance companies for services they KNOW can't fully provide.


Accountability... It sucks... Sorry it is such a sad day in America for you. :wallbash:

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Boo hoo hoo... Looks like you will be paying more. Hey, I don't mind... IF the money I pay more actually goes to somebody that can use it. I just don't like paying when it goes to line the pockets of the greedy insurance companies for services they KNOW can't fully provide.


Accountability... It sucks... Sorry it is such a sad day in America for the majority of Americans. :ph34r:

Which just goes to show you how ill informed you are about our fiscal situation. I don't blame you Eric, most people are ignorant to this issue, they take for granted how good things are relatively speaking here in the U.S, that they believe we can just keep running up tremendous deficits, because they believe it won't affect them, Ever.

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Boo hoo hoo... Looks like you will be paying more. Hey, I don't mind... IF the money I pay more actually goes to somebody that can use it. I just don't like paying when it goes to line the pockets of the greedy insurance companies for services they KNOW can't fully provide.


Accountability... It sucks... Sorry it is such a sad day in America for you. :wallbash:

I somehow thought you were smarter than this. You apparently have no freaking clue precisely how much of your money ALREADY goes not only to people who can use it, but to people who don't need it.


You whine about accountability by "those greedy insurance companies" but don't care about holding accountable the !@#$ing morons who are bribing their colleagues with billions of dollars to pass a reform bill that more than half the country doesn't want, and that will do NOTHING to help anyone beyond lining the pockets of the lawmakers.


That's amazing. Honestly, sincerely amazing.


When unemployment remains around 10% at this time next year, we can all be glad we managed to start collecting money from everyone for a plan that won't even take place for another four years.

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Boo hoo hoo... Looks like you will be paying more. Hey, I don't mind... IF the money I pay more actually goes to somebody that can use it. I just don't like paying when it goes to line the pockets of the greedy insurance companies for services they KNOW can't fully provide.


Accountability... It sucks... Sorry it is such a sad day in America for you. :wallbash:


I'll PM you with my address. Send me a check, I could use it.

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Which just goes to show you how ill informed you are about our fiscal situation. I don't blame you Eric, most people are ignorant to this issue, they take for granted how good things are relatively speaking here in the U.S, that they believe we can just keep running up tremendous deficits, because they believe it won't affect them, Ever.



We will see won't we. Either I am wrong or you are wrong. Again, we will see. I don't know why the right are screaming like school girls... I wasn't even screaming this much when they wanted the wars.

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We will see won't we. Either I am wrong or you are wrong. Again, we will see. I don't know why the right are screaming like school girls... I wasn't even screaming this much when they wanted the wars.

No, I will be right and by then you will either be here or somewhere else acting like a senile fool suffering from some sort of dementia.

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I will be here... If everything falls on its face, I will admit it... I wish people would have did that with the war. Think of all the money that was/is being spent.

I admit that it was stupid piece of **** war that cost us hundreds of billions of dollars and many lives. Not only did it cost us those things, but because of the war, the democrats got full control of the house and Senate which is leading us to a terrible health reform bill and most likely a cap and trade legislation that will cost our economy millions of jobs.


When we went to war, I thought that there was WMD, when it was evident that there wasn't I was one of the first one's in my circle of friends to admit that there wasn't and that it would prove to be a devastating decision for the country.

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