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CBO scores the Senate Health Bill


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I can't possibly read nor understand everything on this thread, but I will say this. Your system is too big to turn back the clock now. I love Canadian medicare, but it's a system that serves 33 million, not 350.

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Don't worry everyone, the president today said that this new Health Care bill is the best way for us to reduce the national debt. <_<


This President is so far out to lunch it's embarrassing. I can't recall in my liftime any President that was so untruthful, so biased and so out of touch with common sense.

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This President is so far out to lunch it's embarrassing. I can't recall in my liftime any President that was so untruthful, so biased and so out of touch with common sense.

He's a prisoner of his own idealogy....

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Don't worry everyone, the president today said that this new Health Care bill is the best way for us to reduce the national debt. <_<


I'd respect him more if he just said, "This will be hard to afford and your taxes will go up but at least we're providing health care to millions who don't have it."


I wouldn't like it but I'd respect him for at least being on the level. This **** is just disrespectful. If I was running in 2012, I'd have that quote as my only campaign ad.

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Don't worry everyone, the president today said that this new Health Care bill is the best way for us to reduce the national debt. <_<


My wife does the same thing - tries to spend our way out of debt.


Of course, it works for us, because the government then bails us out. Who's going to bail out the government?

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My system will only go broke if we stop paying taxes and I don't mind paying $20, 000 on an $85 K salary...but that's me.


I'd wager that you're very concerned how your $20K is being spent and that the Feds are collecting $20K from you but spending $30K.

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Did you read the article?



I did, absolutely. Tell me where Saskatchewan is mentioned in the article. Health care is almost exclusively a provincial responsibility and our province is enjoying one of the top economies in North America. Therefore I am not worried about where my tax dollars are going.


Now, back to my comatose state.

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I did, absolutely. Tell me where Saskatchewan is mentioned in the article. Health care is almost exclusively a provincial responsibility and our province is enjoying one of the top economies in North America. Therefore I am not worried about where my tax dollars are going.

Now, back to my comatose state.



You're really making me laugh, really.

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