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4 police officers killed in Wash. coffee shop

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Silly me, I like seeing police in public. And I like seeing police cars out on the road.


Push them into an office and you minimize their preventative effect. As usual, your social engineering skills are off.


Don't get me wrong... I do too. I am just commenting on the gratuitous milling about where they seem to be "off."


I am not saying push them in the office under certain situations... But being engrossed in a laptop computer is not for the donutshop, same way it isn't for the cockpit.


I guess my Dirty Harry comment is over the top and it is Hollywood... :lol: But it kinda holds true about being "on."

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I am not saying push them in the office under certain situations... But being engrossed in a laptop computer is not for the donutshop, same way it isn't for the cockpit.


Why the hell not? I spent two hours today at a Starbucks with my nose buried in a computer.


And with my charming, humble personality, I suggest that just as many people would like to shoot me as would like to shoot a police officer. :lol:

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No more unbecoming that guzzling stale coffee while covering their shirt with powdered sugar. At least they're working.


Per a nuclear family member, at the police academy in CT, the instructors actually tell the recruits to never buy powered donuts. Something whereby the sugar powder stains in the uniforms/ties are very difficult to remove fully w/o washing. They recommend chocolate glazed.


I have no idea whether this is correct, but since cops are the experts at everything to do with eating donuts.... :lol:

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:cry:;) ^^^


One time I walked into Subway and they asked me if "I was a cop?"




I said no... Then said why? They said: "We would have gave you free food."


Maybe I should have lied.




Some places will give a free drink or a % discount, but not many give free food anymore.

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Some places will give a free drink or a % discount, but not many give free food anymore.



Working for the gov't we aren't suppose to take anything... And if we do it is frowned upon. I think under 20 bucks per is the ethical norm?


Now saying this... A lot of snowbirds will leave "garbage" on the lock wall <_<:devil: We can't have "garbage! on the lock wall! So... The bottles of Jim Beam, Southern Comfort, and Jack all have to go! :lol:;) One time a boater even threw some Labatt's on the wall (go figure in Illinois)... Hell no, can't have that!


Then there are the towboats... Some have full-time cooks aboard.



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