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Look at the stores again, it's not Christmas they are advertising, its the Holidays. Huge difference.


That is done so they can have their holiday sales begin before thanksgiving.


Happy Thanksgiving!

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We started talking about the Christmas...err...HOLIDAY season yesterday and all of the politics that go into it.


Yesterday, I consulted last year's World Almanac (that I keep in the can for effective reading)


Get these stats on America's religious breakdown:


85% of Americans are Christian

2% are Jewish

4% are other

10% don't have a religion




85% of the country celebrates the birth of Jesus on December 25th and celebrates Christmas trees, Nativity scenes, Santa Clause, Frosty, stockings over the fireplace, presents, caroling, and everything else that is associated with Christmas.


Based on these facts, why should I have to stop saying Merry Christmas or calling the next month Christmas Season???


Oh yeah…Mr. Hankey wears a Santa hat so he’s included in this too…


So from me to you:






Not only that, but the Jews are not the ones begruding the Christmas spirit. Half my friends are Jewish....many are married to Christians, many celebrate both holidays. I never hear them complaining about Christmas....they are happy to celebrate their holiday and let others celebrate theirs.


It seems to me it is the PC "oh no, we can't risk offending anyone!" crowd that is always throwing the cold water on our nation's traditions. And for no good reason.



p.s. Merry Christmas!


I don't have a problem with it not being called Christmas anymore. To me, our society has ripped the soul out of the holiday and turned it into a giant commercialized orgy.


Now before everyone starts taking it personally, I'm not talking about YOU or YOUR family. I'm talking about the behavior I see generally in public from the day after Thanksgiving on.


Just my opinion.

I don't have a problem with it not being called Christmas anymore.  To me, our society has ripped the soul out of the holiday and turned it into a giant commercialized orgy.


Now before everyone starts taking it personally, I'm not talking about YOU or YOUR family.  I'm talking about the behavior I see generally in public from the day after Thanksgiving on.


Just my opinion.


Well said.

Not only that, but the Jews are not the ones begruding the Christmas spirit.  Half my friends are Jewish....many are married to Christians, many celebrate both holidays.  I never hear them complaining about Christmas....they are happy to celebrate their holiday and let others celebrate theirs.


It seems to me it is the PC "oh no, we can't risk offending anyone!" crowd that is always throwing the cold water on our nation's traditions.  And for no good reason.

p.s.  Merry Christmas!





I've celebrated Christmas my entire life and its by far my favorite holiday AND favorite time of the year (Friday after Turkey Day all the way to New Years is great) I'm not Catholic (protestant) but I'm pretty much at the point of being agnostic.


I married a Jewish girl who at first wasnt happy about me putting up a Christmas tree and all of that goings on. Over time, she's come to LOVE celebrating Christmas and actually bugs me to get the tree out of the basement and decorate it. Now that we have kids, we have them celebrate both holidays and its all good. Of course, only recently has my mother in law come to terms with this but eff her.



All the Jews I know dont have a problem with it. I acknowledge their holidays and accept greetings and they mine.

I don't have a problem with it not being called Christmas anymore.  To me, our society has ripped the soul out of the holiday and turned it into a giant commercialized orgy.


Now before everyone starts taking it personally, I'm not talking about YOU or YOUR family.  I'm talking about the behavior I see generally in public from the day after Thanksgiving on.


Just my opinion.



Well then, Happy RamaHanuKwanzMas to you too!


In reading your post however, one might conclude that Christmas is the holiday that dare not speak its name as if we were all hiding from the wrath of Pharoah.


But thats the point, we light up NYC, the stores start selling the deocration in August, but if someone in an office says Merry Christmas then we are insenstive to non christians.


What office do you work in? I don't know of any in my neck of the woods that give a rats whisker what holiday wishes we do or don't make. Fact is, the boss gives everyone a christmas ornament every year.

Over time, she's come to LOVE celebrating Christmas and actually bugs me to get the tree out of the basement and decorate it.    Now



C'mon! What's not to love about Xmas time???? :lol:

Uhh...that's because this country was founded by Christians, and Christmas is older than the country itself. On top of that, as I stated before, 85% of Americans celebrate the holiday.


And in regards to your "Christmas is the holiday that dare not speak its name as if we were all hiding from the wrath of Pharoah", It's now not PC to call it Christmas season, it has to be called Holiday season. Look at the stores again, it's not Christmas they are advertising, its the Holidays. Huge difference.


Bill, I am not complaining that xmas is oozing from everywhere, just pointing out that any notion that it isn't the "dominant" holiday is more than overstated.


"Happy Holidays" makes sense if you are selling and your goal is to sell as much as possible. Why risk alienating a non-christian who is trying to find a "holiday" gift for Uncle Olaf? As a christian myself I can't imagine being upset that the Sears web site has a pic of a xmas tree and a greeting using "Holiday" instead of "Christmas". Do you really think Sears is looking to insult Christians rather than being careful to include non-christian shoppers? You can say Merry Christmas all you want, its a free country.


Really. I am no expert on these things but is it really all that christian to get riled up over proving that Christmas is the "dominant" holiday or that stores looking to cash in on Christmas are using more inclusive language in their promotional material?

Not only that, but the Jews are not the ones begruding the Christmas spirit.  Half my friends are Jewish....many are married to Christians, many celebrate both holidays.  I never hear them complaining about Christmas....they are happy to celebrate their holiday and let others celebrate theirs.


It seems to me it is the PC "oh no, we can't risk offending anyone!" crowd that is always throwing the cold water on our nation's traditions.  And for no good reason.

p.s.  Merry Christmas!


Yep, it is so out of control that Christmas itself is on the verge of extinction. Sound the alarm! The mistletoe is falling, the mistletoe is falling AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH......

I don't have a problem with it not being called Christmas anymore.  To me, our society has ripped the soul out of the holiday and turned it into a giant commercialized orgy.


Now before everyone starts taking it personally, I'm not talking about YOU or YOUR family.  I'm talking about the behavior I see generally in public from the day after Thanksgiving on.


Just my opinion.


You go Charlie Brown :lol:

Maybe Darin celebrates Festivus.  :lol:


...For the rest of us. Got your pole up yet?


That's a classic episode!

Seems to me that in fact, Christmas does "dominate" the holidy season.  I am not sure what the complaint is here.  You can say "Merry Christmas" all you want. 


What I do think is uncalled for are the mocking references to Kwanzaa.


Yes, you can say "Merry Christmas" - c'mon, you know what he means. You can't have an office "Christmas" party, lest someone be offended. Your kids can't have a "Christmas" program at school to sing "Christmas" carols - the "holiday" program may even exclude the more religious songs for "Frosty the Snowman" - type holiday fare, lest someone be offended. etc, etc. Christmas and all it entails is present in most ways it always has been, but we're not allowed to LABEL it what it really is, or an offended employee will sue the company, an offended parent will sue the school, an offended customer will sue the post office, etc. Christians don't fear the wrath of Pharoah anymore, they fear the wrath of lawyers.


I'm not sure where the tangent of Kwanzaa came from. Didn't see anyone here ridicule it. It's not a religious celebration, anyway. So to bring it up in a discussion of Christmas and Hannukah is kind of odd.

"Serenity NOW!"



It's time for the feats of strength. I think we've done enough airing of the grievances on this board. :lol:


...What I do think is uncalled for are the mocking references to Kwanzaa.  Whenever I hear a reference to Kwanzaa, it is usually by someone mocking it out as just another example of PC.  There are those who do not accept it as a legitimate holiday and so make a joke of it.  If that was done with regard to Christmas, there would be candle light vigils by millions of tearful Christians demanding a Constitutional Amendment banning manger jokes. 


Ann Coulter for example calls Kwanzaa "...a lunatic blend of schmaltzy '60s rhetoric, black racism and Marxism."  Tony Snow has claimed that "There is no part of Kwanzaa that is not fraudulent."  David Limbaugh, Rush's brother, complained about kids chanting "Celebrate Kwanzaa" at a Tupelo elementary school he claimed had removed all christian references from Christmas songs.  Coulter repeated (typicall right wing parrot/echo chamber, spread the crap far and wide stuff) that charge in her own column.  Of course, Limbaugh was wrong and had to withdraw the charge.  The kids routinely sang religious music including Christmas Carols.


I don't think that the holidays other people celebrate are any of my business but then again, I live in a blue state so what do I know.  I guess when some people prattle on about religious and political tolerance, what they really mean is tolerance for their religion and their politics.  Any one else's are fair game for ridicule.


By the way, with numbers like that, why is it that Christians cultivate and air of perpetual beleagueredness and persecution?  They are an incredibly dominant majority and are certainly not shy about throwing their weight around.  Christmas is a good example.  It is EVERYWHERE.  From Thanksgiving to the big day, Christmas oozes from every pore of politics, industry and culture.  In reading your post however, one might conclude that Christmas is the holiday that dare not speak its name as if we were all hiding from the wrath of Pharoah.



It ihas no religious basis. It was made up in 1966 by Ron N. Everett,(AKA Maulena Karenga).

He is/was a Marxist Professor in LA . The "holiday" takes stuff from various regions of Africa, several of which will kill each other at the drop of a hat still today (Sudan and Rwanda being examples). Go to anywhere in Africa today and say 'Happy Kwanza" and you'll be met with blank stares.

It ihas no religious basis. It was made up in 1966 by Ron N. Everett,(AKA Maulena Karenga).

He is/was a Marxist Professor in LA . The "holiday" takes stuff from various regions of Africa, several of which will kill each other at the drop of a hat still today (Sudan and Rwanda being examples). Go to anywhere in Africa today and say 'Happy Kwanza" and you'll be met with blank stares.



My opinion exactly. Sorry Mickey. While I agree with you that Ann Coulter and some of her cronies are right-wing nut jobs, I think Ann is actually right about that one.


But here are some facts, so the rest of you can make up your own mind about Kwanzaa.



It's time for the feats of strength.  I think we've done enough airing of the grievances on this board.  :rolleyes:



Whoa Whoa Whoa, I'm not done with the airing of grievances. I'VE GOT A LOT OF PROBLEMS WITH YOU PEOPLE!!

Some of us might say "Happy Holidays" because it's all-inclusive.  If someone doesn't celebrate the religious aspects of any specific holiday, they still recognize New Years Day.


So, to all of you I say, "Happy Holidays!"


Instead of worrying about what people say in a salutation, perhaps the more pious among you might want to focus your energies on those whole celebrate Christmas yet leave out the Christ part.  IMO, that'd be a better way to "save" Christmas than worrying about what people call it.







Happy New Year !!!


Happy Thanksgiving too !!!

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