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Chris Polian Named Colts GM


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How is this not an opportunity to go after Bill Polian to at least "semi-retire" to an advisory role so he could help us with our front office while still advising the colts and his son?


I'm not saying anything will come of it, but if Ralph's serious about straightening the franchise this is the perfect guy to help us, even if only to recommend a new GM.


Why would Polian Sr. return to Buffalo where he was unceremoniously dumped in early 1993? Furthermore, I'm not sure it's allowed for one man to receive paychecks from two franchises.


As much as Bills fans want Polian back, he's the president of the Colts. He's not returning, so I think it's absolutely ridiculous to even discuss this.


Ralph Wilson has burned more bridges than many of us what care to admit or probably even realize. The search for a coach will confirm how the Bills have few contacts throughout the NFL.

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This is great news in my opinion and in-line with what I had been hoping for,


If Bill semi-retires he can help Chris in Indy and advise us at the same time. If he were willing to come back here full-time, he wouldn't be bothered by the potential ownership turnover like any younger GM would. Any young GM coming here would realize if Ralph dies in the next couple years and the Bills have not turned around far enough, they would have trouble getting another GM job. Bill Polian could do what he wants no matter what.


I erased my forst three responses to your comments because they were all too offensive. Let me just gently say that it's a bit unlikely that Bill Polian's contract would allow him to do anything to assist another team.

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Why would Polian Sr. return to Buffalo where he was unceremoniously dumped in early 1993? Furthermore, I'm not sure it's allowed for one man to receive paychecks from two franchises.


As much as Bills fans want Polian back, he's the president of the Colts. He's not returning, so I think it's absolutely ridiculous to even discuss this.


Ralph Wilson has burned more bridges than many of us what care to admit or probably even realize. The search for a coach will confirm how the Bills have few contacts throughout the NFL.



I am employeed full time in one company and serve part-time as a consultant to 2 other companies which pay me for my time. My full time employer agreed to the situation provided it doesn't interfere with my full time work hours/responsibilities. I have been doing this for almost 2 years without a problem.


I don't know if the NFL would have a specific rule against working/consulting for 2 teams at the same time so it could be a problem. But Chris Polian is now well set up with the Colts. Now the question is when and/or how much does Bill step aside so his son can succeed?


Bridges can be burned and bridges can be built. It's been over 15 years since Polian left and both men realize they made mistakes even if they won't admit it. It's up to Ralph to man-up, admit his mistakes and at least explore this possibility. Marv is still friends with Bill and Ralph, so he could potentially help.


Certainly nothing may come out of it but what does Ralph have to lose by trying? He's got to know deep-down that Polian was the best hire he ever made in the front office.


Looking at the history of this franchise, I don't think Ralph and Russ possess the proper judgement to find the right coach/GM to turn this franchise around, though they might get lucky. Polian does though, and if Ralph's serious about winning he needs to swallow his pride and see if Polian would consider playing a role in turning the Bills around.

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I'm with him.... get over it!??!


Never.... NEVER!


Proof: 1994-2009

yea adults..aka grown ups move on with their lives and do not live 15 years in the past GROW UP WHO CARES? omg Bill !@#$ing polian isnt here anymore boohoo !@#$ing cry me a river go be a colts fan if you love him so much..Ralph wilson is human he made a mistake by firing him everyone makes mistakes but stop !@#$ing dweling in it, nothing changes and its just annoying as !@#$ to listen to boohoo want a tissue wahhh jim kelly isn't our QB anymore either oh noezzz


People on this message board talk about him like he actually won a superbowl or something i mean jeeez

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As much as Bills fans want Polian back, he's the president of the Colts. He's not returning, so I think it's absolutely ridiculous to even discuss this.


There really doesn't need to be anything more said than this. Polian is in Indy. His son is staying in Indy. Hence, Polian will stay in Indy to continue working with his son. The Bills, as well as all other teams, have zero chance to hire either of them.


Why don't we just sign Peyton Manning while we're at it? I mean it makes no sense to get a good GM without a good QB. Sure some might say I'm nuts saying we should sign Manning, but we have just as much likelihood of getting him here as we do Polian. I wonder if we could get Jeff Saturday, too?

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It seems more logical to me promoted him to the General Manager because he can't interview without permission unless it's for a "higher" position. That way the Bills can't interview him, make a large offer and push up his price. He may not have ultimately taken such an offer, but it may have forced the Colts to give him more money.


He's likely happy there and familiar with the organization so taking the definite promotion in a good situation seems like a good idea for both sides since it's unlikely there's a pissing match between Father and Son.


If working for two organizations isn't specifically banned..I'm sure it would be done quickly if any team was ever insane enough to agree to it.

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yea you know what..you are all right bill polian is soooooooo great i mean look at all his rings (1). There has never been a GM who won a Super Bowl before what a groundbreaker he was. It;s just really annoying to come on here everyday and see a brand new polian thread i mean hasn't been a part of the prganization for 15 years...i'm gonna start coming on here and making a farve thread everyday wtf..move on with your life he isnt coming back

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