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i have no problem w/ JP's post-game comments


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...it was, quite simply, not fair and borderline unprofessional for mularkey to pull that b.s. and put a 3rd string rookie QB into the game w/ no notice. the 3rd-stringer is, by definition, the "emergency" QB. he doesn't get reps with the 1st or even 2nd string. if anyone can name ONE other time they remember the 3rd stringer being put in before the 2nd stringer, let me know. it was the first really stupid thing i've seen mularkey do. i respect JP for being honest about the situation and expressing his surprise that his number was called. i still love the kid's attitude and his desire.


i've held back on posting for almost a week because i was so disgusted by that game. bledsoe is so far gone it's ridiculous. perhaps he can be "hidden" for a game or two when the running game is working, but his performance in the last two road games, in hostile environments, should have been a clear signal to mularkey to go in a new and different direction. i'm not even suggesting that JP has to start. for chrissake, play matthews even.


what the hell happened on defense? i may have argued this point last week, but charlie weis definitely ate jerry gray's lunch. pathetic.


despite that putrid performance, i actually expect the bills to win sunday. as bad as they looked last week, they're back home and the rams have the worst head coach in the league.


when is this friggin' team going to turn the corner? i'm frustrated...

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