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Adam Lambert

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The problem with this "celebrity" is he's going for deliberate shock value, and it’s not shocking, but dull and unoriginal. Lambert did exactly what anyone who followed his American Idol run would probably expec; he tried to shock people, and make them say, “Wow! Adam Wow! He's certainly departed from his American Karaoke image. Our favorite flakey little fruit cake has grown up."

But when people are done saying “Wow!” they’ll likely join the rest of us in not listening. Because the song he performed, “For Your Entertainment,” is bad. Brutally bad. Hearing it done live only drives this home even more.

This shock value entertainment has a very limited shelf life, before it becomes contrived and hackneyed. See: Marilyn Manson, Andrew Dice Clay, Britney Spears, almost anything the WWE cranks out, et al...

Yup, I was just saying the same thing earlier today. Sorry Adam but the only thing shocking is that you got a record deal.


Two guys kissing? Why is it even reported anymore? It's shock value wore off about 30 musicians, 15 t.v. shows, and 20 movies ago.

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