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He is not the only problem, lee evans missing catches, eric moulds not making easy catches in bounds, poor o-line play, beldsoe being flatfooted, all contribute to the problem, but it is not bledsoe alone!

Who still thinks Bledsoe is not the problem on offense?


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Guest well, it's

might not be only bledsoe, as poojer says, but it's sure as hell Primarily Bledsoe.


Lee Evans has dropped two balls all year. Moulds has about 10 on the season. Don't pick on Lee in that regard, he has the best hands on the team.


If you watch any of the games, even the wins, you'll see that Drew constantly misses open receivers and makes bad decisions. He's credited for being part of the wins, but I don't believe for a second that matthews wouldn't have also won those games.


We'd be AT LEAST 3-6 with matthews.

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SHANE MATTHEWS SUCKS. FORGET HIM. HE'S HORRIBLE. He wouldn't have us with a winning record right now. He was available in the 3rd week of preseason in LATE AUGUST. if he was so good he would've been signed by some team who could've used a backup qb a lot sooner. Good backup quaterbacks don't sit around twiddling their thumbs at home in LATE AUGUST, Matthews should never see a snap on the field ever. Start Losman he's the future. Keep matthews holding that clipboard on the bench.

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lee evans missing catches



Come on now! Lee also has bailed out Drew-catching the SC's horribly thrown balls. Hell how great was that TD catch? Without having such a great WR as Lee making that amazing catch Drew would only have 8 TDs this year :) . Heres a novel idea for our dumbass QB- throw the fuggin ball to Lee!

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Come on now!  Lee also has bailed out Drew-catching the SC's horribly thrown balls.  Hell how great was that TD catch?  Without having such a great WR as Lee making that amazing catch Drew would only have 8 TDs this year :w00t: .  Heres a novel idea for our dumbass QB- throw the fuggin ball to Lee!




But that would take away from his obligitory 15-20 attempts to Moulds per game. :)

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Who still thinks Bledsoe is not the problem on offense?



The Bills have many problems on offense with Drew being the Great White problem of the bunch. Second biggest problem is that our offensive line is very weak and gets pushed around. Third is coaching, lets just say game planning and adjustments have not been too stellar this season. To say that Drew is the one and only problem would be simplistic and wrong in my opinion.

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The Bills have many problems on offense with Drew being the Great White problem of the bunch. Second biggest problem is that our offensive line is very weak and gets pushed around. Third is coaching, lets just say game planning and adjustments have not been too stellar this season. To say that Drew is the one and only problem would be simplistic and wrong in my opinion.



Agreed our offense has other problems besides Drew but its like this analogy. Drew is cancer, the offensive line is a cold and Mularkey is like a hangnail. Yeah they are all problems but some are much greater then others

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I dont think he is the only problem.....




I also think that the subtraction of the problem that he DOES bring to this offense would make this team better immediately......


There are many factors that go into a game...the QB is only one....BUT...if you can by one change make a HUGE impact to the other problems....well......

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I actually think they will still be there....no way this team is as bad as it is because of just ONE position.....


But.....I think that the problem at QB really just magnifies the other weaknesses....you can cover some of them up......but right now I think there are just too many to overcome against good teams.....


I just wonder how much better this team would be if we had a QB that forced defenses to not throw the kitchen sink for fear of leaving a running lane open......also....a threat to throw on the run would really change the way teams defend us.......

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Ok, I'll say it................



Bledsoe is way done. He can't be fixed it's OVER for him. This is his last year as our starting QB.


You know what though. He very well could come out and throw 3td's vs the Rams defense. Please don't let him fool you into thinking he still has it. It will soon be the time to move forward without Bledsoe.

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You make the assumption that they are employed.


What is it YOU do for a living these days? :)


To the others:


Saying Bledoe is the sole problem with the offense is akin to sticking your head in the sand because you're afraid of the sun. It works, but only to a certain point, and certainly does not address the bigger issue.


There is more wrong with this offense than just Drew Bledsoe. The offense must be able to run the ball to win. Most people with a remedial understanding of the game understand that "smash-mouth football" is predicated on the ability to run the ball. When they've managed to run the ball, they've been competitive and/or won the game. When they haven't run well, they've lost the game.


The constant harping on Bledsoe is assinine - He's not being asked to run a pass-happy attack. He QB's a run-first offense that is unable to consistently move the ball on the ground.

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he had one very big miss this past week, and the moulds catch out of bounds was ALL on moulds.

Come on now!  Lee also has bailed out Drew-catching the SC's horribly thrown balls.  Hell how great was that TD catch?  Without having such a great WR as Lee making that amazing catch Drew would only have 8 TDs this year :) .  Heres a novel idea for our dumbass QB- throw the fuggin ball to Lee!


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Bledsoe is done...period...


21 Losses in his last 33 Starts....45 Losses in his last 75 Starts...Good God Folks, is that not evidence enough?


This year the patented excuse (started by Drew himself I might add) seems to be that Drew is a QB in a Run 1st Offense that can't Run consistantly...Last year it was Gilbride's Play calling, The Bills Passed too much, and we lost Peerless, Centers, and Reimersma. The year before it was the O-line I believe...


TD and Mularkey told us they could fix him...He's fixed to the tune of 55% Passes completed, a 70 QB Rating, and more INT's than TD's...Drew's stats this year pale in comparison to even the ancient Vinnie Testaverde who, BTW, QB's for a Run 1st Offense that can't Run it's way out of a paper bag...


In NE, before Brady got in there, there were a million excuses for Drew's poor Play, and the fact he had led them to 21 Losses in their previous 34 Games...


I'll grant anyone that Drew has never been 100% of the problem...But the REAL problem is that Drew is not, and has not been, part of any solution for years now...


He's done, at least in Buffalo he's done...Let some other Team try to re-revive his career...

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