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For all you Peters haters


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I have been sick of the posts on Peters for a while, but I need to make this known. A lot of you have tried to defend his trade by saying he was fat, overrated, and lazy. I have seen more than a number of Eagles games and he has been a beast. Just like he was with the Bills. Our team has a lot of holes, A LOT, and we would have one less if we didn;t trade him away, or...better yet...giving him a decent contract 2 years ago at a much more manageable rate.


Peters has been anything but a beast and has been ripped a lot here in the Philly area this year....he seems to get hurt every week and has been struggling in pass protection


Peters simply isnt worth what he got paid

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I have been sick of the posts on Peters for a while, but I need to make this known. A lot of you have tried to defend his trade by saying he was fat, overrated, and lazy. I have seen more than a number of Eagles games and he has been a beast. Just like he was with the Bills. Our team has a lot of holes, A LOT, and we would have one less if we didn;t trade him away, or...better yet...giving him a decent contract 2 years ago at a much more manageable rate.


Yea, he looks great.......especially when he's standing behind an oak tree.

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I thought Alex Brown was going to push him into Lake Michigan.




Brown did get a few real solid bull-rushes on ol' FatBoy. If I'm paying a guy $11M+/year he better not give up two sacks and take two penalties a game. This is ignoring him sitting out due to a 'mild' ankle sprain.

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Apparently, PTR and a few others need to inform the NFL, Elias Sports Bureau, and ESPN's camera crews of these 2 sacks that Peters supposedly gave up, because all 3 of them (along with myself and the room full of people watching the game at my house last night) missed them.


Tell me, which sacks did Peters "give up"? Tommie Harris' sack where he charged between LG Todd Herrimens and C Jamaal Jackson? Was it the play where Lance Briggs came on a delayed blitz up the middle and nobody picked him up? I remember the play where Hunter Hilllenmeyer beat RG Nick Cole and pushed Donovan McNabb backwards into Peters, and Mark Anderson (whom Peters was blocking on the play) finished McNabb off...so let's give you all the benefit of the doubt there and attribute Anderson's half-sack to Peters.


So, again, tell me which 2 sacks Peters "gave up"...since NFL.com has those 3 listed as the only sacks that occurred.


This is getting kind of pathetic, guys. I've seen multiple people completely making up sack numbers throughout the season to try to justify their opinions regarding Peters' play. I understand that it's convenient, because there's no real statistics to refute the numbers you people toss around, but please don't treat the rest of us as that actually watch the games objectively as though we're idiots. If you don't like the guy, fine, go ahead and provide your opinion. Say he's overrated. Say he's a bad teammate. Say anything you want, but keep it reasonable. When you make things up about what happens on the field, it makes you appear petty. You guys are better than that.


Peters looked outstanding in run blocking last night, and did perfectly fine in pass protection. There were a few plays where guys got the better of him; it's the NFL, that happens. If any of you are interested in getting an objective POV, check out last week's MMQB article (Peter King - SI.com) where he discusses analyzing sacks for O-Linemen, how Joe Thomas is having one of the best seasons ever for a left tackle, and how Peters (through last week) leads the NFL in fewest pressures allowed per snap played (here's a link: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ...15/mmqb/5.html).


Objectivity left this board a long time ago when it comes to this topic, so it's time to move on guys. That's what I'm going to do.

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the sack stat is totally miscued, but I'd rather take two sacks and false start while mauling guys the rest of the game, than mediocre to $hitty play and tons of false starts that we cunrrently have. You have no idea what you are talking about if you think hes not a good player.



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I have been sick of the posts on Peters for a while, but I need to make this known. A lot of you have tried to defend his trade by saying he was fat, overrated, and lazy. I have seen more than a number of Eagles games and he has been a beast. Just like he was with the Bills. Our team has a lot of holes, A LOT, and we would have one less if we didn;t trade him away, or...better yet...giving him a decent contract 2 years ago at a much more manageable rate.


LOL, hes been playing WELL below the level of his contract in Philly...fans and teammates have questioned his desire even. Hes playing at about the crappy level he played for the Bills last season and is no where near the level his contract suggests he should be at this point.


Not to mention, we did pretty well in the draft with the draft picks we got for him and put good young talent on this team.

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Peters did not wan t to play in Buffalo and for obvious reasons. Our franchice is a mess, and this is where great players come to die.


Peters wouldn't accept 9+ million a season to stay in Buffalo so obviously trading him was the only move we could make

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the sack stat is totally miscued, but I'd rather take two sacks and false start while mauling guys the rest of the game, than mediocre to $hitty play and tons of false starts that we cunrrently have. You have no idea what you are talking about if you think hes not a good player.



Don't bother man. Haters just hate. When people make statements purely based on emotional hate using rational logic to try to explain to them why they are wrong is useless. It's just part of the human condition. I watched the game and he looked good. He was taking out his primary blocking assignment at the line of scrimmage AND THEN getting down field to make secondary blocks. McCoy looked PRETTY DAMN GOOD running to Peter's side. People like to forget this too but playing on the comeback from an injured ankle I think he did a good job of protecting McNabb's blind side. I saw some jackass that started one the the usual Peters looked terrible game day threads and wondered if it was Stevie Wonder watching the game because he obviously wasn't see what I was.


HEY we should all be happy that Peters' is no longer in Buffalo as he is injury prone and has no heart. Fortunately we have Eric Wood who has proven himself to be a guaranteed stud pro bowler who will play more games than Peters this year!!!!!! *sigh*


If it wasn't so sad I would laugh :unsure:

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You'd take a guy who gave up 32 sacks and took 16 false start penalties over the course of the season and we don't know what we're talking about? Get a clue, dude.


For the record, he isn't 'mauling' anybody this game. Stop watching it with rose-colored glasses.



Take off the hate colored glasses. He played a good game. Just again for the thick headed. Uhh.....PRO BOWL!!!!...2 timer at that. Sorry that your blind hate keeps you ignorant but the rest of the leagues players, coaches and scouts think he is that good and the eagles paid him like he is that good.


Sorry I could care less about your opinion as compared to their's.

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We would have had to pay Peters or anyone else decent more to stay. That's what happens when your front office is more interested in the bottom line than winning.


It really comes down to creating a team here rather than blowing things up every four years or so. Whether Peters was worth the money or not there was no quality plan for replacement of the three decent lineman that were gotten rid of from last year, regardless of those guys contracts. Good teams replace players by bringing in more talented people, not by dropping them and hoping the camp fodder on the roster will make do.


That concept is beyond a lot of people. Don't use logic to fight emotion. You just end up getting frustrated and you can't educate the unwilling.

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Peters has been anything but a beast and has been ripped a lot here in the Philly area this year....he seems to get hurt every week and has been struggling in pass protection


Peters simply isnt worth what he got paid



He's also being praised by a lot of people. Just because you can find a handful of people that actually agree with you on an issue doesn't mean your viewpoint is accurate.

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Apparently, PTR and a few others need to inform the NFL, Elias Sports Bureau, and ESPN's camera crews of these 2 sacks that Peters supposedly gave up, because all 3 of them (along with myself and the room full of people watching the game at my house last night) missed them.


Tell me, which sacks did Peters "give up"? Tommie Harris' sack where he charged between LG Todd Herrimens and C Jamaal Jackson? Was it the play where Lance Briggs came on a delayed blitz up the middle and nobody picked him up? I remember the play where Hunter Hilllenmeyer beat RG Nick Cole and pushed Donovan McNabb backwards into Peters, and Mark Anderson (whom Peters was blocking on the play) finished McNabb off...so let's give you all the benefit of the doubt there and attribute Anderson's half-sack to Peters.


So, again, tell me which 2 sacks Peters "gave up"...since NFL.com has those 3 listed as the only sacks that occurred.


This is getting kind of pathetic, guys. I've seen multiple people completely making up sack numbers throughout the season to try to justify their opinions regarding Peters' play. I understand that it's convenient, because there's no real statistics to refute the numbers you people toss around, but please don't treat the rest of us as that actually watch the games objectively as though we're idiots. If you don't like the guy, fine, go ahead and provide your opinion. Say he's overrated. Say he's a bad teammate. Say anything you want, but keep it reasonable. When you make things up about what happens on the field, it makes you appear petty. You guys are better than that.


Peters looked outstanding in run blocking last night, and did perfectly fine in pass protection. There were a few plays where guys got the better of him; it's the NFL, that happens. If any of you are interested in getting an objective POV, check out last week's MMQB article (Peter King - SI.com) where he discusses analyzing sacks for O-Linemen, how Joe Thomas is having one of the best seasons ever for a left tackle, and how Peters (through last week) leads the NFL in fewest pressures allowed per snap played (here's a link: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ...15/mmqb/5.html).


Objectivity left this board a long time ago when it comes to this topic, so it's time to move on guys. That's what I'm going to do.



You go bandit!!!! Don't let these losers try to make up stats and attribute sacks to Peters. It's a total joke. People so blinded by hate that they have to make things up and claim that probowls are popularity contests where the public's vote is all that matters. Let's just ignore the fact that the Bills get the least publicity in the league so how could overwhelming fan support and voting get Peters into the probowl?!?!?!?! The pro bowl means nothing camp is a joke.


Really just sad. It is funny to bring it up now and then to see what kind of idiotic claims the haters make up for why it was a good idea to get rid of him. None of which can be proved by the way. They even go so far as to label Wood a future stud. A guy that was guaranteed to play more games than Peters who was soft. I have asked the haters what they see in Wood ON THE FIELD that shows them that this kid should be knighted into studhood and we should feel lucky we got him with Peters' draft pick. Then all I hear is crickets. Again....blind hatred of one guy warping your vision to think a rookie on a horrible offensive line is a stud and we made out in the trade losing a pro bowler.


Seriously YOU HAVE TO LAUGH at that. It's just so crazy.

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