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  deep2evans said:
Broken bones heal - he'll be fine.


I thought it was his knee at first - thank God it wasn't.


It's not nearly as simple as "broken bones heal". I've known two people who've had broken legs roughly severe as Wood's who ended up permanently disabled. It really depends on the type and location of the break, and any soft tissue involvement.


The media reports are not making it sound career-threatening at all.


Let's hope it just looked worse than it was. That happens quite often.


Also, NFL players get top-notch care, which will help.

  Mr. WEO said:
Tim Krumrie, Joe Theisman.


By far the worst slow mo replays ever.


I remember Madden (pretty sure) replaying that again, again and again and circling it... that foot flopping around like a fish on land...

  DC Tom said:
It's not nearly as simple as "broken bones heal". I've known two people who've had broken legs roughly severe as Wood's who ended up permanently disabled. It really depends on the type and location of the break, and any soft tissue involvement.


I work in a Rehab (motor vehicle) and Tertiary hospital and could support you with a battery of broken bones that just don't heal. On a side note, there was an interesting article from an Aussie orthopedic surgeon, Dr Doig in which scientists have been looking at beach sandworm saliva for a "bone glue" of bone fragments too small to pin...


I think the conclusion we can draw from the many varied opinions is that it is very serious and can range anywhere from he is practising next summer to he never plays again and has a gimpy and/or shortened leg.


Only time will tell, no reason to argue it further until more info becomes available.


And that the guy who wished this injury on Levitre instead is an ass.

  zazie said:
I think the conclusion we can draw from the many varied opinions is that it is very serious and can range anywhere from he is practising next summer to he never plays again and has a gimpy and/or shortened leg.


Only time will tell, no reason to argue it further until more info becomes available.


And that the guy who wished this injury on Levitre instead is an ass.


You forgot the peg-leg possibility.


And don't forget, Vick had a similar injury a few years ago - fractured fibia and tibula. I'm sure they'll have to put rods/screws in it and it'll be painful as hell, but I think he'll be back next season without a doubt. He's young and although big, in phenomenal shape compared to the rest of society.



  BuffaninATL said:
he will not "have his leg set and casted" - please, stop it with the Marcus Welby wannabe medical opinions. This will involve a surgery called "open reduction & internal fixation", which is invasive and will involve correcting any displacement & inserting hardware and possible bone graft.


"Setting it" and "casting it" is for an 8 yrd old who falls off his bike and breaks his arm, for example. The Wood injury was violently horrific.



  Rubes said:
Gee, thanks Doc. And to think all those years of med school went for **** and I'm still a retard.


Say, if I'm having any trouble with any cases in the future can I give you a ring for a consult?


if you're a real doctor then i suck dick for a living. good one ****! get your thumb out of your ass. :unsure:

  Leonidas.McKelvin said:
You forgot the peg-leg possibility.


And don't forget, Vick had a similar injury a few years ago - fractured fibia and tibula. I'm sure they'll have to put rods/screws in it and it'll be painful as hell, but I think he'll be back next season without a doubt. He's young and although big, in phenomenal shape compared to the rest of society.






The peg leg almost DID happen to that NE RB who got hurt in a beach game at the probowl several years ago. Forgot his name, but I remember the Dr. sayaing after that they were close to having to amputate, it was 50/50 for awhile if they could save it.


And I think even THAT guy came back albeit briefly, to the league. Edwards I think was his name.


to all the dummies saying this is career ending. if it was as bad as the retards would lead you to believe on here. it would be all over the news and sports news. i wish him luck in recovery and some of you guys need to stop acting like a bunch desperate housewives. :unsure:

  trolls_r_us said:
Also, NFL players get top-notch care....

Well, it's a good thing the new health care bill isn't law yet. With rationing of services coming, teams like the Colts and Patriots* will get top-notch care. The Lions and Bills will have to settle for whichever veterinarian is on call at the local animal shelter.





My prayers go out to EW. He's a tough guy, and I believe he'll be fine.

  WVUFootball29 said:
I know Andrews is the soft tissue guy. what I said was, he'll see a guy like Andrews to get his options and opinion. Off the top of my head I don't know the name of the bone guys.


I'd be at Stedman if it were my kid

  WVUFootball29 said:
I know Andrews is the soft tissue guy. what I said was, he'll see a guy like Andrews to get his options and opinion. Off the top of my head I don't know the name of the bone guys.

"Dr. Andrews" probably hasn't treated an orthopedic trauma in many years. I can't see how he would be involved.


I watched it again, only to see if the knee or ankle were involved. I don't believe either were. His knee bent the correct way when he got hit. It looks like his leg broke about halfway up the tibia. Hopefully, he will be fine. Get well, Eric!

  zazie said:
The peg leg almost DID happen to that NE RB who got hurt in a beach game at the probowl several years ago. Forgot his name, but I remember the Dr. sayaing after that they were close to having to amputate, it was 50/50 for awhile if they could save it.


And I think even THAT guy came back albeit briefly, to the league. Edwards I think was his name.


Edwards - right. But that was a McGahee type injury, blew out his injury knee.


I'm starting to re-think my theory that the Bills only seem snake-bitten each year with injuries. So with Eric out, won't this be the seventh different O-line configuration come Sunday? And doesn't that make three starting O-linemen out for the year? I'm sure other teams have similar injury problems, but this is getting ridiculous.

  Bleed Bills Blue said:
Well, it's a good thing the new health care bill isn't law yet. With rationing of services coming, teams like the Colts and Patriots* will get top-notch care. The Lions and Bills will have to settle for whichever veterinarian is on call at the local animal shelter.





My prayers go out to EW. He's a tough guy, and I believe he'll be fine.



You know you're right, he might even have to face one of those scary death panels.

  BillsCountry said:
if you're a real doctor then i suck dick for a living. good one ****!

Well, I guess admission is the first step. Are you a swallower or a gargler?

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