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Returning to Video Games as an Adult?


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OMG ... Odyssey ... LOL ... we had that too. Yeah I was into Atari 2600 ... started playing PC games in college with the first Duke Nuke Em and would play that for hours. About 10 years ago started playing Counter Strike online and would get embarrased by 12 year olds ... we played Unreal Tournament for a few years at work on our lunch hour until IT clamped down ... but we were all pretty much at the same level. Once in a while I play unreal online, but usually the team oriented games to hide how much I suck.


LOL, that's why I play mostly free mode in GTA IV...I suspect I'll suck at the actual game, so this way I can just run around and do crazy ****

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I never stopped playing. I have a PS3 and among my favorites are NCAA football, COD, Resistance ,fall of man

It's kind of like a mental enema.



lol, that's a great way to put it. Ironically, when I picked up the xbox 360 a week and a half ago, it was during a time when I could really least afford it since I've been out of work with an injury. But part of my justification was the fact that I needed something to keep my brain active and from getting affected by my situation (in a negative way). So far, it's really been great...I love the online play.

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get NCAA Football 2010.



It is awesome.



also download Peggle and Geometry Wars Retro Evolved from XBox Live


Are my Temple Owls on NCAA Football by chance?

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I fall in and out of gaming, all on PC.

Games I have played and do like:

Myst series

Syberia series

Call of Duty 1 and 2

Tomb Raider series


Presently playing Trackmania, an arcade type racing game.

There is a free version available, and even the free version allows players to play online against people from all over the world.

I have met numerous 'older' players who play this game, ranging anywhere from their mid 30's to 60+


You might want to poke around here:



Like you I prefer PC games. Like sports games on the 360 though. They discontinued Madden on PC which pissed me off but anyway. If you like some intense but simple shoot em up fps stuff try Left 4 Dead 2 on pc. Nice graphics and online co-op is a blast.

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Like you I prefer PC games. Like sports games on the 360 though. They discontinued Madden on PC which pissed me off but anyway. If you like some intense but simple shoot em up fps stuff try Left 4 Dead 2 on pc. Nice graphics and online co-op is a blast.


I gave up on PC gaming -- too expensive to keep the hardware up to date and then having to worry about drivers and such - I deal with that at work, when I'm home I don't want to deal with it anymore. The 360 (and PS3) are close enough to the PC experience now, IMHO.


I do play Civ4 on the PC still since that wouldn't work so well on a console. But sports and action games are much easier with the controller, IMHO. First person shooters would be the exception, but they're "good enough."

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I'm 37 and i never gave it up. I love it as a hobby of sorts. Right now I'm playing Modern Warfare 2 and Demon's Souls on the PS3 of course. Gaming is a great alternative to boring TV and our mostly lame sports teams.

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I would recommend Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. It is by far the highest rated game of 2009, and the 2nd highest rated PS3 game ever. That game will improve your hand/eye coordination extemely fast.


What's the highest?

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I gave up on PC gaming -- too expensive to keep the hardware up to date and then having to worry about drivers and such - I deal with that at work, when I'm home I don't want to deal with it anymore. The 360 (and PS3) are close enough to the PC experience now, IMHO.


I do play Civ4 on the PC still since that wouldn't work so well on a console. But sports and action games are much easier with the controller, IMHO. First person shooters would be the exception, but they're "good enough."

There are pros and cons to each. If you are into graphics and higher frames per then PC is the way to go. IMHO if your into fps games pc's are superior as well. I still have big issues with console controllers for that type of game. Targeting on a console is a exercise in frustration for me that borders on mind numbing. I liken it to being behind the wheel of a car and really driving(mouse + keyboard) to driving a rc car with a remote (console controller). I really don't mind maintaining my pc. It's kind of a hobby I guess. I haven't done a major upgrade in 2 years I think. I did spend money on my video card that is holding up very well. Can still run most games on the highest settings. That said, there is no denying the convenience or consoles. I use my 360 a lot for sports games mostly. Throw the disc in and your away. To me, it's kinda dumbed down gaming for the masses while pc gaming is more for enthusiasts. And thats cool. 90% of people aren't into tweaking graphic settings, experimenting with drivers and so on. For me, it's worth it for better graphics and game play. To each his own I suppose.

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I would recommend Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. It is by far the highest rated game of 2009, and the 2nd highest rated PS3 game ever. That game will improve your hand/eye coordination extemely fast.



I've been spending some time on justin.tv watching the gaming broadcasts, and that's one of the games I'll sit and watch for a good while. Looks like a blast to play!

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There are pros and cons to each. If you are into graphics and higher frames per then PC is the way to go. IMHO if your into fps games pc's are superior as well. I still have big issues with console controllers for that type of game. Targeting on a console is a exercise in frustration for me that borders on mind numbing. I liken it to being behind the wheel of a car and really driving(mouse + keyboard) to driving a rc car with a remote (console controller). I really don't mind maintaining my pc. It's kind of a hobby I guess. I haven't done a major upgrade in 2 years I think. I did spend money on my video card that is holding up very well. Can still run most games on the highest settings. That said, there is no denying the convenience or consoles. I use my 360 a lot for sports games mostly. Throw the disc in and your away. To me, it's kinda dumbed down gaming for the masses while pc gaming is more for enthusiasts. And thats cool. 90% of people aren't into tweaking graphic settings, experimenting with drivers and so on. For me, it's worth it for better graphics and game play. To each his own I suppose.

I agree that the graphics are a bit (sometimes a lot) better on a PC -- but I'd counter that my home theater is much more comfortable to sit in than an office chair in front of a tiny 24" monitor...


I'm not sure how I feel about targeting on a console. Some games (like Bioshock) "dumb it down" so that you don't have to be as accurate (since it's impossible without a mouse). That requires less skill, in a sense, but in a way it doesn't -- different controls is all. Plus, the integrated online play on a console is pretty handy. It works ok on PCs (like Team Fortress 2), but it's not quite as good.


Maybe I'll feel differently again once I build my new machine... :)

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Been out of work as of late... I purchased a PS3 system off of someone I worked with (only $175), mainly because it also functions as a blu-ray player... anyways, before that I had PS2, but hadn't played it much in recent years. I only buy sports games...the only PS3 game I own is Madden 2010... I don't play on line, and that doesn't interest me. The Madden game looks awesome...but I guess, at 44, I just am not that into it anymore. I have owned the game since it came out, have more free time than ever right now, but have only played two complete games. I do miss sitting up at night, a beer in hand, while the gf is asleep, mashing buttons...used to be the only "me time" I ever had...

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Been out of work as of late... I purchased a PS3 system off of someone I worked with (only $175), mainly because it also functions as a blu-ray player... anyways, before that I had PS2, but hadn't played it much in recent years. I only buy sports games...the only PS3 game I own is Madden 2010... I don't play on line, and that doesn't interest me. The Madden game looks awesome...but I guess, at 44, I just am not that into it anymore. I have owned the game since it came out, have more free time than ever right now, but have only played two complete games. I do miss sitting up at night, a beer in hand, while the gf is asleep, mashing buttons...used to be the only "me time" I ever had...



You should pick up GTA IV, man...free mode online is a blast!

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I'm 40 and play Modern Warfare 2 almost every night. It's a great stress reliever for me. If you like role playing games Fallout 3 is outstanding. It will take you over 100 hours of play time to complete everything in the game. You can complete the story line in less time.

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