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  /dev/null said:
As if this happened to Sarah Palin's daughter...



The article says she was under the legal limit and only at .06. They should just leave this alone at this point.


They also shouldn't criticize the cops. When they pulled her over she probably rambled on an on incoherently saying what amounted to nothing. This was a genetic thing from her father's side, not a drunk thing. The cops thought she was drunk because of the rambling. This is understandable.


There is really no one to blame here and it should be forgotten.


I'd rather our liberal friends who are such big fans of increasing government control comment on this:


A formal blood alcohol test showed a reading of .06, TMZ.com said. The legal limit is .08 in California, but drivers under the limit can still be prosecuted for dangerous driving.



She was below the limit and still get arrested? WTF??

  KD in CT said:
I'd rather our liberal friends who are such big fans of increasing government control comment on this:





She was below the limit and still get arrested? WTF??


What I'm reading is she was arrested for "suspicion" of drunk driving. She probably failed the field test and appeared to be impaired so they took her in and the blood test done at the station proved she was not drunk.

  Gene Frenkle said:
They arrested her with a BAC of .06? Did the cop have a "W04" bumper sticker? Ha ha.


I'd be pissed.


Let me ask you a question. If you have not had anything to drink and you talk to someone who has only had one, do you smell booze on their breath?

  Gene Frenkle said:
They arrested her with a BAC of .06? Did the cop have a "W04" bumper sticker? Ha ha.


I'd be pissed.



  Chef Jim said:
Let me ask you a question. If you have not had anything to drink and you talk to someone who has only had one, do you smell booze on their breath?

No. He would fabricate a a charge because someone related to a person who lost a election to Bush 6 years ago is involved.


A formal blood alcohol test showed a reading of .06, TMZ.com said. The legal limit is .08 in California, but drivers under the limit can still be prosecuted for dangerous driving.



Freaking California and it's dumb assed laws.


Is it OK to smoke medicinal pot and drive??

  BillsFan-4-Ever said:
A formal blood alcohol test showed a reading of .06, TMZ.com said. The legal limit is .08 in California, but drivers under the limit can still be prosecuted for dangerous driving.



Freaking California and it's dumb assed laws.


Is it OK to smoke medicinal pot and drive??

Ummmm...you do realize what party PUT all those dumbass laws into effect, right?

  Gene Frenkle said:
They arrested her with a BAC of .06? Did the cop have a "W04" bumper sticker? Ha ha.


I'd be pissed.


Unless she was really .16 and the police were encouraged to make a typographical error.

  BillsFan-4-Ever said:
A formal blood alcohol test showed a reading of .06, TMZ.com said. The legal limit is .08 in California, but drivers under the limit can still be prosecuted for dangerous driving.



Freaking California and it's dumb assed laws.


Is it OK to smoke medicinal pot and drive??


I'm sorry but what dumb ass laws are you referring to? Driving impaired or driving dangerously?

  Chef Jim said:
I'm sorry but what dumb ass laws are you referring to? Driving impaired or driving dangerously?

I think he's referring to the ones that are always being inplemented by the predominantly Democratic government that has been running this state into the ground for years.


Let me counter any liberal talking points by noting here that Arnold is no more a Republican than Arlen Specter. He is the quintessential RINO.

  LABillzFan said:
I think he's referring to the ones that are always being inplemented by the predominantly Democratic government that has been running this state into the ground for years.


Let me counter any liberal talking points by noting here that Arnold is no more a Republican than Arlen Specter. He is the quintessential RINO.


Regardless of who is running (or better ruining) the ship I want to know what is wrong with laws against driving while impaired or driving dangerously. Both of which he referred to as dumb ass laws.

  The Big Cat said:
She's a lefty. Nice.


What kind of unabashed blue-blood gives his daughter the middle name "Forbes?" Can anyone offer some insight?

Kerry just wanted to marry someone rich. He took a shot at grabbing the attention of the Forbes family. He didn't care if it was ketchup or magazines as long as he could get rich without working.

  Chef Jim said:
Let me ask you a question. If you have not had anything to drink and you talk to someone who has only had one, do you smell booze on their breath?

Sure, but that doesn't mean they're not legally fit to drive.

  Jim in Anchorage said:
No. He would fabricate a a charge because someone related to a person who lost a election to Bush 6 years ago is involved.

WHO has nothing to do with it.

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