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  stevestojan said:
Nope. never saw it. But, my movie would be entitled "Where the Fried Chicken is" because Super Walmarts have the best fried chicken you can get, and CHEAP...


In the movie, that's what Natalie Portmans character does for about the first 1/3 of the movie.

  John from Hemet said:
We just recently had a Super Wall Mart open up in Hemet.....


I went into it last weekend....they sell EVERYTHING.....including groceries......and at a much cheaper price....


I then walked into our local supermarket.....checkers standing around with nothing to do......not a soul in there.....


Oh boy.....



Americans seem to really like purchasing products that have been outsourced.

Guest AZ BIlls fan

There has been the beginning of a Walmart backlash here in AZ. Towns and cities have been fighting them being built, especially those super ones. I have only been in Wallyworld once in the last several years and the clientele reminded me of Deliverance.


  PIZ said:
On the news.


Top retail chains as of today:


1.  Wal-Mart

2. Home Depot

3. Sears-K-Mart

4. Target

Maybe the next step will be a merge of Sears-KMart-Target.


SKMarget? Or KMarket of Tears?

  AZ BIlls fan said:
There has been the beginning of a Walmart backlash here in AZ. Towns and cities have been fighting them being built, especially those super ones.  I have only been in Wallyworld once in the last several years and the clientele reminded me of Deliverance.




:lol: I prefer the term, "Melting Pot" - that's what my brother-in-law used to call the Twin Fair on Elmwood, years ago.


I visit Wally maybe once a year - filthy, poorly lit, blockhead cashiers, messy shelves and so forth. There's a rumor here that one of 'em is going to build on some property next to the McDonald's where I get my morning coffee. I've gotten to know the manager there, and he remarked if they moved in, they'de have to hire night security.

  stuckincincy said:
Americans seem to really like purchasing products that have been outsourced.




Yup, we can't resist paying less for the products we need. I know I can't.


There was a great documentary on PBS Frontline last night called "Is Wal-mart good for America?" One economist from the Cato Institute said, "Sure we lose those jobs (like Newell Rubbermaid factories going to China), but Americans have more $$ in their pockets and they then buy other products that ARE made in America."


This is just the normal evolution of business.

  BuffaloBud said:
I hope I get this right.  The chairman of K-Mart ran/owned the investment company that owned 15% of Sears.  That investment company was Sears' largest shareholder.



Right - he took over kmart after they went into bankruptcy. Shares of kmart are back up over $100.

Guest Guest Pervert
  Jack In Syracuse said:
Yes, Natalie Portman is the movie.



...with those tight jeans... :lol:

  Amazing Grant said:
Hmm. Sears and K-Mart.

S-Mart is obviously going to be the result.


"Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart."



See this? *This* is my *boom stick*! The 12-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. *You got that*?


I watched a special on PBS last night on Walmart and China. Walmart is a disgusting company that I will never give business too. 89% of Walmart products are made in China. Walmart sales give China between $15 and $30 billion annually. Our trade deficit with China is staggering. Each month we import $18 billion in products(mostly high tech, clothing, manufactured goods) from China and we export $3 billion a month(cotton, metal,etc). Basically the USA is becoming a third world country and China is becoming an industrial giant. There is only one company in the USA which still makes TVs. This company decided to concentrate on highend TVs because they could not compete with the low end with China. Well they are getting their asses kicked because China does not honor the Fair Trade act. They intentionally devalue their currency aproximately 40% so their goods are cheaper. They then sell their product below costs to run competitors out of business. Which market is the American companys predominant in sales-Walmart. The company could not compete and filed a lawsuit citing the Fair Trade act against China. Walmart spent millions defending China. Fug Walmart! Support your local business!

  HopsGuy said:
Yup, we can't resist paying less for the products we need.  I know I can't.


There was a great documentary on PBS Frontline last night called "Is Wal-mart good for America?"  One economist from the Cato Institute said, "Sure we lose those jobs (like Newell Rubbermaid factories going to China), but Americans have more $$ in their pockets and they then buy other products that ARE made in America." 


This is just the normal evolution of business.


Absolutely so. My words were tongue-in-cheek commentary on one of the major Kerry campaign thrusts. :)

  Thailog80 said:
I read that 30% of Wal Marts customers don't have any type of bank account.




Bank Accounts .... I thought it was teeth :)


also.....WalMart never increasing prices..how do they do that? They beat thier local suppliers..which then is translated into no raises/healthcare for the local workers.....terrible......bad for US......pay a little more and support locals


The worst is the way that Walmart treats their workers or Associates or whatever PC name that they want to use.


The "medical benefit" they give employees is just a map to the hospital emergency room where they have to treat indigent people for free.


We know that hey don't have a dental plan just by looking at the "beautiful smiles" on the cashiers.


The worst thing is that they drape the American flag all over everything at the store. Unfortunately, the flags are made in China and are missing a few stars.


Personally, I always liked shopping at K-Mart nad Sears so this actually is a good thing in my opinion. I can not stand WalMart and I refuse to shop there. The place is a dump, the workers are morons that don't help you at all (contrary to what Paul Harvey says) and the people that shop there are probably some of the most disgusting people I have ever seen. I will take K-Mart or Target over WalMart any day.


Got a name: The BIG "S"


They could hire Sam Adams or Pat Williams for spokespersons.


" I Buy all my jeans at the BIG "S" store" :):w00t:

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