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Exercise Methods


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So I am looking to jump back on the horse and really start training for a long race again. I ran a marathon last year, but in the process dropped very little of the extra 35 lbs i carry around. Certainly diet influenced that, butI am also turning 47, and think I need to start doing some stregth training now if i want to reatin muscle mass as I get older.


To that end, i have been doing some prelimary research into the whole"slow is better" theory for exercising. Two books in particluar have caught my eye, and I wanted to see if anybody here an any experiece with either.


1) Power of 10: The Once-A-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution ...so this is the stregth training book




2)Slow Burn: Burn Fat Faster By Exercising Slower ..this is the running book





Any experience with either of these is greatly appreciated

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I have no experience with either of these but have trained for marathons before and never see much weight loss due to the amount of food (energy) needed to keep up with the training.


I did much better losing weight running less but regularly and watching closely what I ate.


Just my $.02

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So I am looking to jump back on the horse and really start training for a long race again. I ran a marathon last year, but in the process dropped very little of the extra 35 lbs i carry around. Certainly diet influenced that, butI am also turning 47, and think I need to start doing some stregth training now if i want to reatin muscle mass as I get older.


To that end, i have been doing some prelimary research into the whole"slow is better" theory for exercising. Two books in particluar have caught my eye, and I wanted to see if anybody here an any experiece with either.


1) Power of 10: The Once-A-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution ...so this is the stregth training book




2)Slow Burn: Burn Fat Faster By Exercising Slower ..this is the running book





Any experience with either of these is greatly appreciated


I am not a runner so don't know about the marathons. My thing is doing my cardio on an elliptical or high incline fast walking on a treadmill. I, for one, do not buy into this slow exercise method because I think you will have to work out for a lot longer to achieve the same results. The basic (and obvious) item is that you have to intake less than you use+exercise to lose weight. The fat burning will come and can be aided by adding strength training to your workout routine.

In general, stick to the basics and do what you can do consistently over the rest of your life. New fangled workouts and diets only work for so long.

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A lot of it depends on your goals. From what I gather from your post, you have a couple.


The "slower" workouts will help you lose fat (of course diet is 70% of any fat loss program).


If you're looking to increase your cardiovascular fitness (make your heart stronger and be in better shape), you want shorter more intense workouts (ease into them)


Weight lifting is great as part of a fat loss program and is just good for you body overall. When I was younger (around high-school age) I used to lift big and bulk up. Can't stand that anymore. I do relatively light weights for high reps, enough build muscle but not so much that I'm killing myself trying to get big.


The BEST workout program will integrate all of these things. Have a couple workouts designed for weight loss (long, slower runs, eliptical type stuff, whatever...), some high intensity workouts, and a some strength training.


Sorry, can't help with specifics on the links you provided, but in general they sound like any other kind of "gimmick". Like most gimmicks, they will probalby work if you actually use them long term, but almost everything works if you do it long term, and you don't need any special product to do it.


Come up with some things you enjoy doing (you don't have to LOVE it, but things that aren't torture for you) and eat right. After that, it's all about dedication. If you really stick with it, you'll see results.

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1) Power of 10: The Once-A-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution ...so this is the stregth training book

Again, just going by what I'm seeing there on Amazon, but the whole "Get everything you need from one workout a week" is a bunch of garbage. Nothing more than trying to make money of laziness.


On the bright side, it does seem like it has potential to offer a decent workout. As in 1 of your weekly workouts. And since it's only 12 bucks, it might be worth looking into. But don't fall for the hype of it.

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