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time for yet another revival of this epic post

dave mcbride

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Badol hit the nail right on the head with that post! Well, except that he under-estimated the performance of our DEs, and he failed to anticipate the emergence of

. But his post was written a few days before the draft (April 25th - 26th), so the second point doesn't count.


Overall, Badol demonstrated a very good ability to see things objectively, without having his perceptions distorted by his wishes. :unsure:

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A few snots decided to start a pogrom against him, and other sweethearts decided to jump in and kick at him, gang style.


Abused for daring to type some optimistic words...how childish. :lol:


CB and I have been sparring for some time now. I don't expect a poster on this board to show up and admit they were wrong. But.....I never had the feeling he had a purpose, aside from complaining that we dared complain the team wasn't on the right track.


His optimistc view point was based on the non-religious version of hope. That sort of mentality doesn't work and never has.


SIC, you're a long time poster on this board and I value your opinion. But CB was the type who ripped everyone for not agreeing with him without ever offering substance, just blind optimism. With him, there was rarely conversation, just derision. Now that things haven't gone well, he's retreated in the unknown.

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