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Could Fewell be the next Mike Tomlin?

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Right now i want proven coaches that will eventually bring this team to the playoffs in the near future. I think fewell should just stay at defensive coordinator. Mike Tomlin is struggling with consistent offensive play and thats probably what will happen to fewell

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I'd say it's Leslie Frazier over Fewell.

I think the key for either is that they run the same defense. So even if he isn't the next Tomlin, if we got Frazier (former Bear, bad dude extraordinaire) he could fix this defense. Offensively is where we need to be built. I refuse to use re-build because we've been broken one way or another for darn near 10 years...

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Right now i want proven coaches that will eventually bring this team to the playoffs in the near future. I think fewell should just stay at defensive coordinator. Mike Tomlin is struggling with consistent offensive play and thats probably what will happen to fewell


a.) We're not getting a "proven" coach. They're all too old, too stupid (Gruden), or not coming to Buffalo


b.) Fewell, because he's a defensive guy, will struggle with inconsistent offensive play? Have you watched post-The Bills? It can't get no worse, holmes.

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He does have the defense playing fairly well despite having one mediocre and two scrub linebackers? Could he be the next Tomlin type coach that gets his chance, steps up and excels?

No pass rush, no blitzes of any kind, safety or corner. No tight coverage for our DB's. Any other similarities to Pit's defense that I missed?

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a.) We're not getting a "proven" coach. They're all too old, too stupid (Gruden), or not coming to Buffalo


b.) Fewell, because he's a defensive guy, will struggle with inconsistent offensive play? Have you watched post-The Bills? It can't get no worse, holmes.

mike Tomlin is a defensive guy and look at his offense. 49ers dont even have a franchise QB. The bills offense might be a little better, but not enough to get us to the playoffs.

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No pass rush, no blitzes of any kind, safety or corner. No tight coverage for our DB's. Any other similarities to Pit's defense that I missed?

Tomlin's bread and butter is the Tampa 2, which he has put aside because of the success of his current team's success with the zone blitz out of the 3-4. He has added some of those looks to the team, but by and large he's more of the manager. I think the people skills and the man management is the key traits to match, not the schemes per-se.

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Let's not get overly excited again, and rush out and renew season tickets, etc.


There are atleast 2 more baffoons left in the front office that should also be shown the door, sooner rather than later.


That would be







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He does have the defense playing fairly well despite having one mediocre and two scrub linebackers? Could he be the next Tomlin type coach that gets his chance, steps up and excels?


I was going to post the exact same thing. Why not? Similar backgrounds, perhaps similar demeanors.


The difference is that Tomlin came into a good situation with a franchise QB, and knew not to mess things up (e.g., like change from a 3-4 to a 4-3). Fewell is coming into an awfully tough situation, and he's going to need to figure out how to fix the offense.


Perhaps Fewell has his franchise QB on this roster though.....(drum roll)......THE CHROISON ONE.

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They're both black right?

about the only comparison...kinda seems borderline rasist in this politically correct world of ours today I was quite suprised when I saw who started this thread. Why don't you compare him to a white HC who was a DC who's doing well..why does it have to be Tomlin other than you are pointing out they are both black?


There really aren't any similarities in the way they coach their defense or the philosphies.


And I am not trying to imply you are racist Mike because I am sure you are not..I am just saying the statement in the context i read it in seemed that way

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