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Sickening Bledsoe stat (from Buffalo News)


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A fair question: what interest funded this study and who validated it's conclusions?


I'm not interested in sucking your foul air in common public spaces.


That said, enjoy your emphyzema, stridor, and low oxygen saturation!



IIRC, it was funded by the NIH. 1988. But I repeat - ACT to make it illegal. You need not suck the foul air from smoking, or from automobiles or powerplants for that matter. I trust that you do not drive a car, nor use electricity (of course you do use some to power your computer), and support such entities that cause foul air in common public spaces. Right?

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Inhaling 2nd hand smoke causes cancer just like sucking on the stick.


If you want to be stuckintheground, so be it.



Are you referring to the 2 hand-selected studies by the Clinton Administration's EPA director, Carol Browner (who btw had the top position in Fla in the same job and pooh-pood mercury emissions) that both FAILED to meet common scientific statsistical validity, and claimed that a woman living in the same house for 30 years with a 3 pack a day smoker and 16 hours of exposure had a 0.1% increase of possibility of developing cancer?


The bacon and eggs, hash browns, sausage biscuit you might have had to eat this morning will plant you long before side-smoke will. And like the other guy I responded to, I sure hope since you seem to be a peachy person, you don't bombard innocent folks wth auto exhaust fumes or emissions by your usage of electricity. See? You might also be a sinner, making an assault on MY health.


Come back and give me a lecture when you stop driving and stop using electricity. :)

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