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This quote by Jauron is just unbelievable

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From the Buffalo News (http://www.buffalonews.com/452/story/862946.html?imw=Y)


Despite the never-ending changes, Jauron still has high hopes for the offensive line.


"As I've said often, I believe they are going to be a good line," he said. "It's just going to take time, and time is something we don't have a lot of."


I realize the guy is not a good coach but for Christ sakes, it's the tenth freaking week of the season. WTF kind of time is this guy talking about?? Sure they might be a good line in 2 years with the addition of 2 actual tackles. Right now they're just a jumbled collection of people who might be healthy enough to get into a 3 point stance.


This IS rock bottom.

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From the Buffalo News (http://www.buffalonews.com/452/story/862946.html?imw=Y)


Despite the never-ending changes, Jauron still has high hopes for the offensive line.


"As I've said often, I believe they are going to be a good line," he said. "It's just going to take time, and time is something we don't have a lot of."


I realize the guy is not a good coach but for Christ sakes, it's the tenth freaking week of the season. WTF kind of time is this guy talking about?? Sure they might be a good line in 2 years with the addition of 2 actual tackles. Right now they're just a jumbled collection of people who might be healthy enough to get into a 3 point stance.


This IS rock bottom.


That's actually the same press conference that brought us this little gem...


"...it's always bad to win..." Freudian slip?

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From the Buffalo News (http://www.buffalonews.com/452/story/862946.html?imw=Y)


Despite the never-ending changes, Jauron still has high hopes for the offensive line.


"As I've said often, I believe they are going to be a good line," he said. "It's just going to take time, and time is something we don't have a lot of."


I realize the guy is not a good coach but for Christ sakes, it's the tenth freaking week of the season. WTF kind of time is this guy talking about?? Sure they might be a good line in 2 years with the addition of 2 actual tackles. Right now they're just a jumbled collection of people who might be healthy enough to get into a 3 point stance.


This IS rock bottom.



What else can he say - if he admits the reality - they suck and will continue to suck he only further paints himself closer to the exit door.


Jauron is gone this season has been a joke and a total waste of time. If Jauron had any class he would stat playing the young guys to let the next regime see if there is anything there. Time to bench T.O. - play Johnson and Hardy. Let Maybin play and develop to see what we have.

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I can't even process this guy's two stepping, never-actually-say-or-answer anything shtick. He just reaks of a spineless man with absolutely no confidence in himself to say anything without fear of reprisal.


On MNF, they showed a clip of the late 1970's, when Jaworski was young and struggling with the Eagles. Vermiel flat out said in the press conference in the game, (paraphrasing) "I'm not gonna let the fans bench another QB on this team. We can win with this QB." I'm not comparing Trent to Jaworski in the slightest. But when asked if Jauron had confidence in his QB, he said, "I think I still have confidence in him." What? What color is your shirt Dick? What time is it? What's your middle name? I'd love for someone to just ask him a question with a specific, right or wrong answer and see if he even gets that right. I can't take this guy anymore.

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I kind of agree with him to a point..I think Wood and Levitre are going to be good, in time...they might need till next season to really get going...the line is a jumble of first year starters and rookies..no real vets to learn behind either...I think they add an OT in this years draft, someone like Okung or Williams(yea I know, who wants another Williams on the o-line..lol)

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From the Buffalo News (http://www.buffalonews.com/452/story/862946.html?imw=Y)


Despite the never-ending changes, Jauron still has high hopes for the offensive line.


"As I've said often, I believe they are going to be a good line," he said. "It's just going to take time, and time is something we don't have a lot of."


I realize the guy is not a good coach but for Christ sakes, it's the tenth freaking week of the season. WTF kind of time is this guy talking about?? Sure they might be a good line in 2 years with the addition of 2 actual tackles. Right now they're just a jumbled collection of people who might be healthy enough to get into a 3 point stance.


This IS rock bottom.


Tough to get a line to gel in a year when you can't even start the same line twice in a row.


Regardless, anyone who thought this line would be good this year was delusional. Ignoring injuries...a journeyman center, rookie guards, new tackles, youngest squad in the league, and you fire your OC and left tackle two weeks before the start of the season? Yeah, that's got success written all over it...

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Tough to get a line to gel in a year when you can't even start the same line twice in a row.


Regardless, anyone who thought this line would be good this year was delusional. Ignoring injuries...a journeyman center, rookie guards, new tackles, youngest squad in the league, and you fire your OC and left tackle two weeks before the start of the season? Yeah, that's got success written all over it...


Forget about twice in a row. Have they even had the same set of linemen available for two different games at any point in the season?

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Forget about twice in a row. Have they even had the same set of linemen available for two different games at any point in the season?


Or more than three consecutive quarters, even. No matter the cause, the instability of this OL line-up is like nothing I've ever seen.


Lori, Tim, anyone else...any idea how many OL changes we've seen this season?

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