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The Brownie fans tried it last night and it was a failure. Mike Schopp tried it several years ago at a Sabres game and it was a disaster. So for all of you who want season ticket holders to eat the money we have already spent on tickets, stop it already. We will go to the games and boo, all we really can do.





I only saw the second half of the game (don't ask me how or why I sat through it), but I will say, the attention that the "protest" garnered from national sports media was very effective. Lerner met with the disgruntled fans, the GM was fired, and the story all day, on ESPN, before and after the game, was how bad the Browns were, and what a shambles the franchise was in. The story about the planned mini-boycott get a lot of run. There couldn't have been more than 15,000 people in the stadium during the 4th quarter... it was pretty apparent.


After the game, Steve Young, who is normally pretty rational, sitting on the Browns field with Stuart Scott and Matt Millen, proclaimed that the Browns might "have the worst offense I have ever seen in the NFL." He sited some other legendary awful teams, including his first Bucs team...said that at some point, when things are this bad, players start to give up. He said his thoughts were "I would rather be in law school than doing this." Apparently Steve hasn't watched a lot of our Bills. Funny to think that team beat us, and needed only 6 points to do it.


Adam Schefter reported that the dissension amongst fans, seems to have prompted the GM's firing, and he is anxious to pick a new "real GM" before the season is over, to send a message to the Browns fans, that he feels their pain... all we get from our owner is a chuckle in a agreement, and a nod "we really suck!"


Unfortunately, the Bills are always on national tv (not the NFL Network) early in the season, when fans are still drunk with optimism. I would love for the plight of the Bills, and their fans, to have gotten that kind of attention. The Bills don't even register a national pulse...


I would hardly say the protest was a failure, even if not all that many participated. Bills fans, like Browns fans I would imagine, are the only good thing these franchises have going for them right now...they deserve better...at least an acknowledgement from the men in charge that they are going to make some sort of change.

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