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How the F did we lose to Cleveland???

Big Turk

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Tampa 2 defense, worst in the NFL against the run...The Browns completed only TWO passes that entire Buffalo game and still won 6-3.


Dick Jauron should have been fired right then, I knew the season was a total wash after that game. If Wilson is the only one that can fire Jauron, I wish his wife would have woken him up long enough to watch that game.








P.S. I really hate the Buffalo defensive scheme with a passion, all off season all I did was complain how bad the Bills are against the run and then they draft a 255lb DE with the first pick. I look forward to the day Jauron gets fired,what a waste of 4 years in Buffalo Bills history.

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Tampa 2 defense, worst in the NFL against the run...The Browns completed only TWO passes that entire Buffalo game and still won 6-3.

Tampa 2 defense is played by the 9-0 Colts. I don't like it, personally, but it's the personnel. We could play with an extra man on the field, and the Bills would still probably get run over -- because dollars to donuts the extra man is going to be a 220 pound linebacker / DB hybrid.


Despite all this, the defense is keeping them in some games that the offense is all too happy to give up on. And any defense that holds a team to six points should win.

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