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Someone Please Explain the Palin Hatred!

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She may be a lot of things, but she is NO joke.


I've called Obama a lot of things; a candidate, an empty suit, an amateur, and a person with is not so much the president as he is the four-fingered asspuppett of Emmanual, Reid, Pelosi and Axelrod. But I've never called him a joke. Because unlike yourself, I can at least have respect for people's accomplishments without relying on the latest bit of liberal talking points to get me through the day.


Right because calling Obama "an empty suit, an amateur, and a person with is not so much the president as he is the four-fingered asspuppett of Emmanual, Reid, Pelosi and Axelrod" is respecting him and not calling him a joke.


Don't be a joke yourself, and please don't put in the position of running to that asshat Big Cat's defense.

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Oh, this should be good. Ironic because there's no proof Obama earned his? Or ironic because you consider my own scholastic background more flimsy than it really was?


It was steeped in irony because you ask one poster for an unbiased account of Obama's career after giving a very biased account of Palin's.

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Right because calling Obama "an empty suit, an amateur, and a person with is not so much the president as he is the four-fingered asspuppett of Emmanual, Reid, Pelosi and Axelrod" is respecting him and not calling him a joke.


Don't be a joke yourself, and please don't put in the position of running to that asshat Big Cat's defense.

It's not a question of respecting Obama. It's a question of respecting his accomplishments. But I understand your point.

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Right because calling Obama "an empty suit, an amateur, and a person with is not so much the president as he is the four-fingered asspuppett of Emmanual, Reid, Pelosi and Axelrod" is respecting him and not calling him a joke.


Don't be a joke yourself, and please don't put in the position of running to that asshat Big Cat's defense.


Asshat? How does it stay up?

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It was steeped in irony because you ask one poster for an unbiased account of Obama's career after giving a very biased account of Palin's.


So let me get this straight, the fact that she transferred four times between university's unheard of outside the Dakotas to earn a !@#$ING communications degree is totally irrelevant and by bringing it up, I have an agenda?


What the !@#$ could by agenda possibly be?

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So let me get this straight, the fact that she transferred four times between university's unheard of outside the Dakotas to earn a !@#$ING communications degree is totally irrelevant and by bringing it up, I have an agenda?


What the !@#$ could by agenda possibly be?


Zig-Zags or bong today?

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Employed Irony?

Employed ;)


That's a job saved or created! You qualify for stimulus money :lol:




Please quit the gay advances. I guess the "Big Cat" has something to do with the size of the pu$$y..............cat.


If you're bothered by my "gay advances" via a Buffalo Bills politics message board, you might want to check yourself.

I swear, communicating with you is like a cat batting around a ball of yarn. What I implied and what you inferred are, as usual, off the mark. But I'll do this one in Crayola for you and maybe you'll get the point. Doubtful, but let's try.


Real slowly.


Stay with me.


My point was that you are wrong to suggest that a WOMAN who EARNS A COLLEGE DEGREE, becomes GOVERNOR of an actual STATE in our COUNTRY (I'm not sure why, in addition to belittling an acomplished woman, you have to suggest that any moron could win a gubernatorial bid in Alaska, but given your limited mental aptitude, I'll just ignore that stupidity), and writes A BLOCKBUSTER BEST-SELLING BOOK that hasn't even been released yet is (...okay...here it comes...wait for it...get your Crayon ready....) A JOKE.


She may be a lot of things, but she is NO joke.


I've called Obama a lot of things; a candidate, an empty suit, an amateur, and a person with is not so much the president as he is the four-fingered asspuppett of Emmanual, Reid, Pelosi and Axelrod. But I've never called him a joke. Because unlike yourself, I can at least have respect for people's accomplishments without relying on the latest bit of liberal talking points to get me through the day.


I understand your !@#$ing point, you condescending prick. But since you've refused three times now to apply your thinking to Obama's personal accomplishments, I'd like to address some of the things you've said here:


You've capitalized "woman" as if in the 80's it was uncommon or in some ways more difficult for a woman to attend college and earn a degree. You've also equated book sales with book quality. You must read a lot of James Patterson.


I'm sorry, man. You can call me a faggot liberal all you want. But one thing's clear: unless you're a raging, blinded conservative, if you're an English-speaking denizen of Earth than you know that Sarah Palin is a JOKE.

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I'm curious as to what you think irony is.

oh Big Cat, I think you should be asking yourself that question.


Let's review what happened, shall we?


Big Cat says : Man, if you get this fired up over Acorn taking your money, you must truly hate those a-holes at Haliburton.


I say : oh looky, it's another liberal with hurt feelings


Big Cat responds : Oh looky another racist !@#$ who can't stay on topic.


hmmm, Irony


which means: the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning:


that doesn't qualify for the usage of Irony.


meaning #2: a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated. hmm, that one doesn't either


meaning #3: an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected. This doesn't apply as well


meaning #4: an objectively or humorously sardonic utterance, disposition, quality considering it wasn't objective, since the word objective in this case means: not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice and we know that you got personal as evidenced from your anger, and of course you were prejudiced because you denied the fact that ACORN is a corrupt organization, when it is a fact that they are.


In all cases, you calling me a racist wouldn't be considered Ironic.


Let's be real here, you called me a racist because I pointed a FACT that ACORN was corrupt. You were TRYING to imply that I was a racist because I was attacking an organization that employs many African Americans.


You aren't fooling anyone Big Cat, you are a typical liberal race baitor, face it.



Man, that was fun ;)

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Please quit the gay advances. I guess the "Big Cat" has something to do with the size of the pu$$y..............cat.


He (or she for all we know) is not worth it. I haven't seen one post from the big kitty that addresses an issue with facts. All typical lib argumentative responses to deflect from the topic. None of the libs on this board will support their views with facts. They simply attack the other side with unsubstantiated rants to support the lib agenda without facts, numbers or evidence. You have to wonder how so many are committed to a leftist agenda that deep down inside they can't support with a shred of common sense.


I'm still waiting for any lib around here to tell us why (with facts and numbers) why we should get on board with this Obama/Pelosi/Reid piece of shyt agenda.

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If you're bothered by my "gay advances" via a Buffalo Bills politics message board, you might want to check yourself.


I understand your !@#$ing point, you condescending prick. But since you've refused three times now to apply your thinking to Obama's personal accomplishments, I'd like to address some of the things you've said here:


You've capitalized "woman" as if in the 80's it was uncommon or in some ways more difficult for a woman to attend college and earn a degree. You've also equated book sales with book quality. You must read a lot of James Patterson.


I'm sorry, man. You can call me a faggot liberal all you want. But one thing's clear: unless you're a raging, blinded conservative, if you're an English-speaking denizen of Earth than you know that Sarah Palin is a JOKE.

a "faggot liberal" he called you that?

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oh Big Cat, I think you should be asking yourself that question.


Let's review what happened, shall we?


Big Cat says : Man, if you get this fired up over Acorn taking your money, you must truly hate those a-holes at Haliburton.


I say : oh looky, it's another liberal with hurt feelings


Big Cat responds : Oh looky another racist !@#$ who can't stay on topic.


hmmm, Irony


which means: the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning:


that doesn't qualify for the usage of Irony.


meaning #2: a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated. hmm, that one doesn't either


meaning #3: an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected. This doesn't apply as well


meaning #4: an objectively or humorously sardonic utterance, disposition, quality considering it wasn't objective, since the word objective in this case means: not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice and we know that you got personal as evidenced from your anger, and of course you were prejudiced because you denied the fact that ACORN is a corrupt organization, when it is a fact that they are.


In all cases, you calling me a racist wouldn't be considered Ironic.


Man, that was fun ;)


You should really start reading the stuff you copy and paste.


Turns out the use of the word "racist" was in response to you dodging the initial Haliburton question with an epithet of your own (in this case "liberal").


I simply did something we improvisers call "yes-anding." I don't expect you to understand, it's pretty tough stuff.

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You should really start reading the stuff you copy and paste.


Turns out the use of the word "racist" was in response to you dodging the initial Haliburton question with an epithet of your own (in this case "liberal").


I simply did something we improvisers call "yes-anding." I don't expect you to understand, it's pretty tough stuff.

nice try ;)

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He (or she for all we know) is not worth it. I haven't seen one post from the big kitty that addresses an issue with facts. All typical lib argumentative responses to deflect from the topic. None of the libs on this board will support their views with facts. They simply attack the other side with unsubstantiated rants to support the lib agenda without facts, numbers or evidence. You have to wonder how so many are committed to a leftist agenda that deep down inside they can't support with a shred of common sense.


I'm still waiting for any lib around here to tell us why (with facts and numbers) why we should get on board with this Obama/Pelosi/Reid piece of shyt agenda.


So, since I don't use facts, Sarah Palin's academic transcript was...my opinion? Or did I just pull it from the message board cheat-sheet emailed daily to all us peace-loving-pinkos from the good folks setting the Leftists Agenda?

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