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Someone Please Explain the Palin Hatred!

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It would be interesting to see one of the many cubicle experts on this site to be a Governor of any state.Hell half ya can't wipe your butt without a browser upgrade.


Fortunately, I wipe my ass with a Mac, which is perfect out-of-the-box.



I think I could be governor of NY. It doesn't seem all that hard...say stupid ****, rely on the State Assembly to do stupid ****, and whatever you do, don't !@#$ a call girl. And Mayor of DC looks even easier - hardest part of that job is having to take Marion Barry seriously.

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I'd take the bet if we didn't have to count on the poor judgment of so many when casting their vote. Frankly, even with that I think Barack will have his hands full. So far he's setting himself up to fail. I can't see a success yet from the larger policies he's supporting. Palin won't be his opponent. Huckabee has so much that Barack doesn't.


1. Common sense

2. A grasp of fiscal responsibility

3. 11 years as a governor, actually managing and leading a large organization

4. No ties to wacky left wing minority groups, terrorists, unions or criminals


Sorry, people who advocate changing the constitution to fit their religious beliefs have no business being the White house.

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Sorry, people who advocate changing the constitution to fit their religious beliefs have no business being the White house.

I agree, and people who ignore the constitution also have no business in writing legislation. Do you agree?

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I agree, and people who ignore the constitution also have no business in writing legislation. Do you agree?

Somebody wouldn't take the bait. You needed to mask the scent of that man handled little goody a little better. I was so looking forward to seeing his attempt to get that hook out of his mouth!

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She's EVERYTHING the left hates.

Physically speaking, she's extremely attractive, some would say beautiful.

She's a Republican.

She's pro-Life.

She did not abort her Downs Syndrome baby.

She didn't advise her daughter to abort her out of wedlock baby.

She espouses conservative values.

She made evil Oil companies pay her state millions to pump black gold from the ground.

She hunts and can field dress a moose carcass.

She's a career woman with a strong mind but doesn't have a NOW card.


If her political bent were to the left instead of the right, she'd be VP right now.

The left would be absolutely ga-ga over her if she towed their line, and that includes the names of her kids.

They can't stand that a strong outspoken woman tells them they're out to lunch.

They hate her and everything she stands for - including the love of America.


White Trash just bothers me... She is kinda along the lines of Britney Spears, but less drunk.

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