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Slow times here on The Stadium Wall

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FWIW, this has been the pattern for years.


From my memory, traffic is heaviest after the season through Feb. It starts to taper and then spikes for the draft. After that it tapers until opening day. A new spike occurs and it tapers until the final day where we can renew our calls for a new owner/GM/Coach/QB...

Add a few temporary blips after a particularly egregious loss has people screaming to cut/fire everyone RIGHT NOW!!!!, and I think you've pretty much nailed it. "Groundhog Day" for masochists. Sigh ...


Don't know if you saw it, 'bot, but Graham has joined the "shoulda drafted Oher" legion.

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I really think folks have finally just had enough.

Pretty much sums it up. I've been a die hard Bills fan for years. When the Bills lost a game, I would think about that game for a couple of days. Now I turn on the game and I'm falling asleep during the game. Not only are the Bills bad but they have reached a point where they're not even entertaining anymore. I want to follow the team but apathy is really sinking in fast.

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Pretty much sums it up. I've been a die hard Bills fan for years. When the Bills lost a game, I would think about that game for a couple of days. Now I turn on the game and I'm falling asleep during the game. Not only are the Bills bad but they have reached a point where they're not even entertaining anymore. I want to follow the team but apathy is really sinking in fast.

To be fair, they reached that point about 2 years ago. It's only your optimism as a fan that allowed you to be entertained until recently. Don't feel bad, though. We're in the same boat together.



There really isn't much to say anymore. The Bills are a bad team - period. They playing boring, uninspired football. They have boring, uninspired coaches. They have boring, uninspired players. Maybe they scratch out a win, maybe they don't; it really doesn't matter. There's absolutely no way this team can be considered relevant. We all know it, even the players know it. Everyone is just going through the motions - the players because they're paid to, us fans because its more habitual at this point. Maybe it changes this off season, maybe it doesn't.


"8 weeks left and we all know the season is already over"... pretty much sums it all up. :(

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TO not even trying was the last straw for me. You dont drop that many passes without having a "I dont give a crap" attitude.

What's worse... a player dropping passes and not caring? Or a player dopping passes and the coach still thinks he doesn't need to practice with his starting QB?

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