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Scenes from the Tucson Tea Party


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Looks like good ol' "Blue Dog Democrat" Gabby's days are numbered...





Something tells me the Tea Party movement is going to have the last laugh. Those enjoying the lame "tea bagger" slang term and using it to slam their opponents are going to have to deal with the new 2010 slang term "getting tea bagged".




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Looks like good ol' "Blue Dog Democrat" Gabby's days are numbered...





Something tells me the Tea Party movement is going to have the last laugh. Those enjoying the lame "tea bagger" slang term and using it to slam their opponents are going to have to deal with the new 2010 slang term "getting tea bagged".





Agree. It's the complete lack of common sense approaches being taken by this Congress and White House that are fueling the movement. Even libs privately must be questioning what their elected majority is doing.

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Agree. It's the complete lack of common sense approaches being taken by this Congress and White House that are fueling the movement. Even libs privately must be questioning what their elected majority is doing.

I doubt the libs are questioning BO, if anything they think BO needs to move more to the left. These !@#$nuts have no clue what the majority of the American Public want, it is the "centrist", "moderate" democrats that are questioning BO and the direction that he is trying to lead this country in.


I mean all you have to do is look at the polls and their numbers are PLUMMETING. Health care poll numbers way down, direction of the country way down, democrats popularity going way down.


What they should do, which they won't, is reassess and actually try to have a bipartisan effort to reform health care. However, they have too much at stake politically to do an about face. They will never do that.






and they will never admit it. Of course, the same could be said for the other side, which means that BOTH SIDES SUCK.


But I'd much rather do nothing than the type of health reform that the libs are proposing. I'd much rather do nothing than Cap and Trade. I'd much rather do nothing than have a Stimulus Bill that does very little to stimulate and puts us further in debt.


I've said this before, I blame Bush for all of this. If he hadn't of had such a hard on to go to war with Iraq, the AMerican public would'nt of been so disgusted with him, and they wouldn't of voted for so many democrats. Do you blame them? The American public was desperate for change. They were so desperate, that they elected a community organizer that never accomplished anything as a senator, but happened to be one slick cat that was able to communicate to the public that he could bring "change we can believe in".


Ya, "change we can believe in" :lol: If people would of known that this was the type of "change" that he was going to be bringing us, he wouldn't of gotten elected. Look at the polls, the independents are overwhelmingly moving to the "RIght", not because they like the "RIght", but because they are terrified of the "Left".


normally I would say !@#$em, and let them get slaughtered in the november elections, but by then, it may be too late. The Public Nightmare may well have already of been passed along with Cap and Tax and then we'll be stuck with this HUGE ENTITLEMENT PROGRAM that we just can't afford. Dollar will go further down as a result, taxes will go higher, and businesses will be more heavily burdened and to top it all off, premiums won't even go lower :wallbash: .


Then of course Cap and Tax may go through, and that will be a tax on EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN, unless of course BO subsidizes some peoples expenses with those "that can".


Just like Bill Gross from PIMCO said, "welcome to the new normal" the new normal being, higher taxes, a weaker dollar, more government regulation and slower growth.

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Americans are smelling the stench of bull**** coming from Washington. Obama has proven himself to be the biggest and best bull****er in chief, Pelosi is a train wreck and wet noodle Reid isn't much better. Americans have completely tuned out to what their politicians are saying. That's what happens when you make these grand speeches about "hope" and "change", only to govern by becoming the most partisan, most special interest favoring, biggest tax and spend party in charge this country has ever seen in history.

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